Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 795 Realistic Death Squad

Chapter 795 Realistic Death Squad

Meng Diao followed the Taliban fighters all the way and chased them for about five or six kilometers, only to see that the Taliban's pickup truck suddenly turned into a road opposite to the route they were about to advance.

After seeing the other party in such a situation, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Guys, let's go." Yang Tianlong said with a wave of his hand.

At this time, the staff at the gas station also filled up their motorcycles.

Soon, the motorcycle made a deafening roar. After Yang Tianlong turned back to the original road for a while, he turned into a rough path, and then drove forward quickly along the path.

Unlike the barren saline-alkali land on both sides of the avenue, there are sparse thorn forests on both sides of the path.

These thorn forests are far less dense than those in Bunia, and they have a lot to do with the barren soil.

Although the thorn forest is sparse, but in Yang Tianlong's view, if there is an enemy lurking in the thorn forest, if you don't look carefully, you might not be able to find it.

I have to say that the shock absorption performance of the motorcycle produced by Yang Tianlong's motorcycle factory is really good. You can feel the bumpy feeling brought by the shock on the rough road, which is completely different from the pain in the buttocks in the past.

The path is also a dangerous place. After driving for three kilometers, an extremely narrow cliff path suddenly appeared in front of them.

This path is built on a steep cliff, and on the other side is a bottomless abyss. Seeing this situation, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

"It's not long before we pass this small road and we can turn to the main road," Zardo said.

"Are there many people walking here?" Albuquer frowned involuntarily.

Zardo shook his head and said seriously, "To be honest, not many."

"Isn't this a small road? Does the small road from the urban area also pass here?" Albuquer asked in surprise.

"No, the two paths are not a path, they do not meet." Zardo said.

"This looks a little bottomless." Albuquerque said while parking the motorcycle, and he walked slowly to the edge of the cliff. When Albuquerque walked forward, every step he took , he couldn't help stepping hard towards his feet, fearing that the ground under his feet would suddenly fall apart.

Finally, the daring Albuquer also came to the edge of the cliff with a trembling expression on his face. He lowered his head and looked down, and he couldn't help but gasped.

It's so dark that you can't see the abyss below at all, it's so dark that you can't see anything.

Some unbelieving Albuquer even picked up a stone from the ground and threw it down hard.

After more than ten seconds, there was a muffled sound at the bottom of the canyon.

"Ouch, which bastard is throwing a stone and hit my head." Suddenly, a strange voice came over.

As soon as Albuquer heard the yin and yang voice, his legs trembled in fright.

"Haha..." Unexpectedly, the guys behind him burst into laughter.

Albuquer carefully recalled the voice just now, only to realize that it was the guy with the lion head who said it strangely.

"Shet..." Seeing that it was the lion's head playing a prank, Albuquer couldn't help cursing at the lion's head.

"Dude, did you almost pee your pants in fright?" Lion Head laughed nonchalantly.

"You guy." Albuquer looked helpless, and had no choice but to let the lion's head tease himself.

"The canyon below is very deep, and there are many people who fell into the cliff." Zardo said involuntarily.

"How did they fall into the cliff?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"We have concluded a rule. Anyone who falls into the cliff is that the soil on the edge of the cliff was soaked by the rain and became soft and loose shortly after the heavy rain, and then accidentally fell to the bottom of the cliff." Zall Duo said so.

"What's the weather like recently? When was the last time it rained heavily?" Seeing this, Alexander couldn't help asking quickly.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't deliberately want to seek death this time, there is no problem." Zardo said, "It hasn't rained for almost two months, and the soil here is very firm now."

After seeing the current situation here, Yang Tianlong and the others breathed a sigh of relief, at least the road they are about to walk on is hard.

"Guys, let's take a piss, don't wait until you pee your pants, haha..." Lion Head said as he straightened the motorcycle, and then got off, unzipping the bushes and hissing ...

Driving on the edge of this cliff, which is only less than two meters wide, it is impossible not to be trembling, everyone has a heart.

Seeing the lion's head urinating, everyone parked their cars one after another, strolled to the grass, unzipped the zipper, and booed contentedly.

Yang Tianlong is no exception. It is impossible to say that he is not afraid, especially this kind of death is extremely worthless.

After a short rest at the entrance, everyone stepped on the motorcycle one after another, and Zardo was the first to ride over as a guide.

Along the way, everyone rode extremely cautiously, lest they would fall into the abyss due to their own distraction, and they would die without even bones.

But fear is fear, and being cautious is another thing, but after these guys walked a certain distance on the edge of the narrow cliff, all of them calmed down quite easily.

Even if flying stones fell into their heads from time to time, they didn't take it seriously.

There was no danger along the way, and the 3-kilometer-long cliff path was finally conquered by them after walking for half an hour.

As soon as they got out of the cliff path, everyone couldn't help but feel a burst of comfort all over their bodies. At the same time, they all noticed that there was a thin layer of sweat on each other's faces and foreheads.

Seeing that each of them looked terrified, after looking at each other, everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hey, gentlemen, I want to ask you a question, can I?" Suddenly, Zardo couldn't help but say.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then their eyes all looked at Zardo.

"Say, buddy." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"You guys are like those guys in a movie." Zardo said with a slight frown.

"What movie?" Hearing that he and the guys resembled the guys in a movie, everyone couldn't help but be surprised, and asked in unison.

"I forget the specific name, but I remember who starred in it." Zardo said with a serious face.

"Who played it? Dude." Everyone said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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