Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 796 Not good, there are government patrol cars

Chapter 796 Not good, there are government patrol cars
"It's Stallone." Zardo said with certainty.

"First blood?" Lionhead couldn't help but ask.

Zardo shook his head, "There are a lot of Stallone's guys in it. They have extraordinary skills and travel around the world. In their world, there seems to be nothing they can't do."

"You mean The Expendables, mate," said Albuquer at this moment.

When Zardo heard the name, he nodded quickly, "Yes, it's the Death Squad."

"Really? They are much better than us." Yang Tianlong said with a humble face.

"That's not necessarily the case, I think you guys are much better than them." Zardo said seriously.

"Why? Dude." Everyone suddenly became interested, and they really wanted to hear what kind of high-level remarks this Zardo would make.

"It's actually very simple, you are younger than them." Zardo smiled slightly, "You are young and strong."

"Haha..." Upon hearing Zardo's words, everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"That's right, buddy, we are better than the death squads, so what are we waiting for, let's go to the destination, don't tell me, I'm hungry, by the way, buddy, is Kandahar special? delicious food?” Albuquer said with a big laugh.

Zardo nodded, "Don't look at Kandahar's sluggishness, but there are a lot of delicacies there. The donkey meat is very delicious, and it is served with the local 饢. Keep your mouth watering."

"Is it that delicious?" Albuquer asked with a smile.

Zardo smiled, "You will know when you arrive."

"Okay, let's wait and see, how far are we from Kandahar?" At this time, Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Zardo frowned, and then said without hesitation, "There are nearly 40 kilometers left."

"Is the road ahead easy?"

Zardo nodded, "It's basically a straight road. Although the road is not very wide, it doesn't prevent us from driving quickly on it."

"Let's go." Yang Tianlong said immediately.

However, at this moment, Zardo couldn't help sniffing his nose, and his brows were suddenly wrinkled, as if something was about to happen.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Zardo's expression was a little off, Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"It seems that there is a patrol car of the Afghan government army in the distance." Zardo said with a frown.

"No way, their patrol car?" Yang Tianlong and the others couldn't help being taken aback.

Zardo didn't immediately answer his words this time, but frowned tightly, and his ears began to move, as if he was detecting some signal.

Ten seconds later, Zardo's face suddenly became extremely serious, "Dude, you have to hide behind."

"The patrol car of the government army is coming towards us?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"Yes, there are still two kilometers left, and they will be there."

"Fak..." When they heard that the government army was about to arrive 2 kilometers away from them, everyone couldn't help cursing angrily.

However, on this rough road, the patrol car of the government army was not fast. Yang Tianlong quickly opened the high-definition electronic map, and he found the patrol car of the government army less than 2 kilometers away from them, and the speed was extremely high. slow.

"Is it safe on the cliff?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Zardo nodded, "It's safe, they usually come to our position, you go."

"Let's go..." Seeing Zardo's face, he was a little anxious. Yang Tianlong and the others also knew that these government troops might not be easy to deal with.

"Boom..." The engines under their seats roared with high power in an instant, and they quickly drove towards the cliff in the billowing dust.

At the corner of the cliff path, everyone listened one after another.

"Oops..." Suddenly, Lion Head couldn't help screaming.

"What's going on?" All the people were in a state of high tension, and after seeing the lion's head yelled mysteriously, they hurriedly asked.

"We don't have Zardo's contact information. If the government troops are gone, how will we know?"

"Dude, calm down, Zardo has feet, he can come to us." Seeing that Lion Head was worrying, Albuquer couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Okay." Upon hearing Albuquerque's explanation, Lionhead felt that it was reasonable, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Yang Tianlong didn't speak, but kept turning on the electronic map to observe the movement in Zardo.

After Yang Tianlong and the others left, Zardo quickly took off the robe on his body, then made the robe into a strip of cloth, and then quickly swept it on the ground.

It turned out that what Zardo swept were the marks of motorcycle wheels.

Seeing Zardo like this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but praise secretly in his heart.

Just as Zardo was putting on a dusty robe, the patrol car of the government army just arrived at the scene.

"Hello, sir." Zardo hurriedly nodded and bowed.

"Which country are you from?" A guy couldn't help asking.


"How would it appear here."

"Sir, I have a pass." After Zardo finished speaking, the first thing he took out was not his so-called pass, but a pack of Marlboro.

Seeing that it was a foreign brand, the military police suddenly smiled and said, "You're a smart kid."

Zardo was still not in a hurry to take out his pass, but said to the military and police officers, "Sir, I heard that Kandahar is a master at catching donkey meat?"

"How do you know?" The military police glanced at him from the corner of their eyes.

"I just like to eat something delicious. Aren't you planning to go to Kandahar to try it? Sir, why don't we go together?"

"We don't have that much time."

"Then this is a little bit of filial piety to the masters, and I hope to hold your hands high." Zardo said with a smile on his face.

"You're a smart kid." The military police grabbed the rupee that Zardo handed over.

At the junction of the two countries, the currencies of the two countries are common, so the Pakistani rupee is still a common currency in Afghanistan.

After receiving Zardo's benefits, the military police were not in a hurry to leave, but stood there for two or three minutes before leaving.

Seeing these old men leave, Zardo couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and even patted his chest with some lingering fear.

Seeing the soldiers and police leaving quickly, Yang Tianlong quickly asked everyone to walk towards Zardo's position.

When they arrived at Zardo's location, they suddenly heard a burst of explosions in the distance.

In an instant, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

 Thanks to the old buddies of "Mountain Cat" and "monzer001" for their monthly pass support, thank you buddy
(End of this chapter)

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