802 Rescue
Under the leadership of Tumenov, Yang Tianlong and the others came to the clinic and the small hotel not long after getting off the car.

Vasily sent the young people to the clinic, while Tumenov helped them open the room, and then Tumenov took Albuquer to go out.

Albuquer was a little puzzled, "Old man, what are you doing out there?"

"We can't take this little girl with us at the moment. We have to find someone to take care of her first." Tumenov said seriously.

"But, we don't know the place well, where can we find it?" Albuquer asked with a look of surprise.

Tumenov smiled slightly, "Old man, have you forgotten that I have been here many times? I have a friend whose granddaughter happens to be about the same age as this girl."

"That's good. I thought you could find someone to deliver it to." Albuquer said while patting the little girl's head lovingly.

The little girl looked very quiet at this moment, she was gnawing on the bread Yang Tianlong gave her, and looked at Albuquer with a pair of beautiful big watery eyes.

Although the little girl's mother is a black widow, all the rough men don't have any malice towards the little girl. Most of them are not fathers. Inadvertently, all of them show the kind of fatherly love .

Seeing that Tumenov was going to temporarily send the little girl to his friend's house to take care of, everyone hurriedly took out all the food they could eat. The store brought a big bag of snacks.

"Man, here, help her take it." Alexander said calmly.

Tumenov smiled, then nodded and accepted the snack.

"Let's go, kid, uncle will take you to play with the children." Tumenov said to the little girl in the local language.

The little girl nodded, and then proactively stretched out her little black hand.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help laughing.

After Tumenov and Albuquer took the little girl out, everyone quickly settled down. The living conditions in this hotel are limited, and it is almost impossible to live in a single room. Yang Tianlong and the lion Head assigned to a room.

"Man, shall we go and see that young man?" Lion Head frowned and looked at Yang Tianlong and said.

Yang Tianlong didn't hesitate, but nodded directly. When he saw this young man with weak breath, Yang Tianlong immediately thought of his experience in Lanfei.

It is precisely because he rescued Horst in Lanfei, and now Horst and the militiamen in Bunia are busy with the timber business in the primeval forest of Catalia.

The timber business is indeed profitable, but Yang Tianlong doesn't plan to do it for a long time. The money he gave to the Catalia government is estimated to have flowed into Cohen's pocket without exception.

It's better to hold on for now.

Horst basically reports the situation to him every one or two days. Now their timber company is all ready and ready to start work.

And Jiang Zhaocheng also said hello to his personal armed forces, and he must not disturb Yang Tianlong's people when he meets them.

"Let's take a look." After Yang Tianlong said this, he walked quickly towards the outside of the house.

By the time they arrived at the clinic, the young man had been supplemented with nutritional fluids, and he had woken up from a coma.

"Don't get excited." Seeing this guy wake up, Vasily quickly gestured.

"Where am I?" The young man couldn't help but frowned.

"This is in Carhak, buddy, don't worry, we will protect you." Vasily was afraid that the young man would go back to Carhak after hearing this, and he would faint again, so he couldn't help adding the accent behind, He said he would protect the young people.

"I'm back again?" Seeing that he had returned to Kahak again, the young man couldn't help but his head went blank for a moment, he never thought that it would be like this...

"We will protect you, buddy, your illness is urgent, so don't get excited, are there any bad guys here?" Vasily asked involuntarily.

The young man shook his head, "No, there are no bad people, I just think the environment here is too bad, I can't stand it."

"The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, which is much better than the desert in Kandahar." Vasily smiled slightly.

"But I still miss life in a big city." The young man quickly explained.

"Well, which country are you from?" Vasily asked, looking at the young man.

"Yinguo." The young man replied.

"Do you need our help?" Vasily said.

"Help?" The young man couldn't help but frowned, and looked at the big man in front of him in disbelief. For so many days, he rarely heard the word help. Everything is illusory.

"Yes, help. You should be out of money. I can help you return to Yingguo." Vasily laughed.

"You don't look like an Englishman or a Frenchman or a Germanician. Why did you help me?" The young man suddenly became a little alert.

"Because I think everyone has difficulties. There are always more good people than bad people in this world." Unknowingly, Vasili was injured in the Chechen war and was rescued by a local old woman. The scene comes.

"Thank you." Seeing the sincerity on Vasily's face when he said this, the young man couldn't help but nodded.

"You take $3000." Vasily took out $3000 from his pocket as he said.

"I don't need so much, buddy, by the way, what's your name?" Vasily asked involuntarily.

"You can just call me Vasily." Vasily said with a smile, and he couldn't help but stuff the dollar straight into the young man's hand.

"My name is Hart, thank you, can you give me one of your numbers?" Hart said involuntarily.

"Yes." Vasily knew what Hart meant.

Just when the two left each other's phone numbers, Yang Tianlong happened to walk in following Lion Head.

After a brief chat, the trust between each other also increased.

"Since Hart is fine, let's have some supper together." Yang Tianlong offered to propose.

"Okay." Vasily and Lion Head couldn't help but nodded.

Hart was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't resist Yang Tianlong and the others. After the liquid was transfused, he also joined the army of these guys.

In a small restaurant nearby, Alexander, Andre, Kapai, Dembele and others also all arrived.

When they saw this young man, they were a little surprised.

 Thank you brother "Night Falling Flowers" for your reward, thank you brother for your support as always

(End of this chapter)

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