Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 803 is this little black boy

Chapter 803 is this little black boy

Because of Hart's presence, these guys were extraordinarily quiet when eating, and they all knew about the confidentiality rules.

Perhaps Hart hadn't had a good meal for a long time, so when he saw this local specialty food, he quickly devoured it regardless of his own image.

After wolfing down the meal, Hart couldn't help hiccupping, and couldn't help but patted his stomach.

At this time, he looked a little more energetic.

"Thank you, I made you laugh." Hart said with a look of embarrassment.

"It's okay, buddy, it's a blessing to be able to eat." Vasily couldn't help but smiled slightly.

"I remember there seemed to be a hotel next door," Hart said.

Vasily said, "Yes, we will live there tonight."

"It's not bad there, it should be safer at night," Hart said.

"How long have you been here?" The lion head beside him couldn't help asking.

Hart hesitated for a moment, as if he was thinking about something, and he answered after a while, "Half a month."

"Are you familiar with the situation here?" Lion Head asked.

"It's okay, I know where it's safe and where it's dangerous." Hart said seriously.

Hearing what Hart said, everyone immediately became interested. Lion Head nodded and said, "Dude, tell me, where is safe and where is dangerous?"

"The mountains are dangerous, and so are the small villages near the mountains." Hart couldn't help hiccupping.

"Man, you missed the point." Lion Head frowned uncontrollably.

"Yes, it's really general, because the mountains here are very long." Hart said quickly, "But the most dangerous place is a small village called Kambu. It is said that the villagers there are all members of the Taliban. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat, and there are caves in the mountains, once the Taliban militants get into the caves, even the rice army will not be able to use advanced weapons and equipment."

"How do you know so much?" Suddenly, Kapai, who was seated next to him, asked coldly.

"Because I'm a reporter." Hart said with a smile.

"So you've had contact with Taliban guys?"

"Yes, I was robbed by them, so I am penniless." Hart said helplessly.

"By the way, buddy, have you ever seen an old white man and a black child?" Vasily also asked at this time.

"What? A black old man and a white child?" Hart was surprised.

"No, it's a white old man and a black child." Vasily explained quickly.

"I've seen black children." Hart suddenly became very serious.

This sentence was like a chicken blood, and it lifted everyone's spirits a lot.

"Tell me." Yang Tianlong, Vasily and Lion Head all said in unison.

"It's in the village of Cambu." Hart said with a serious face.

"Is it this?" Yang Tianlong had already taken out his mobile phone and handed it to Hart without losing the opportunity.

"Yes, it's this little black boy." Hart couldn't help but nodded after just looking at it.

"What is he doing now?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

Hart thought for a while, and said, "He was locked up, as if he stole something."

"Where's that old white man? You really didn't see it?" Yang Tianlong asked again.

Hart smiled wryly and shook his head, "I'm sorry, I really didn't see it. I was locked up with this little black kid. He doesn't speak English, so I can't communicate with him."

"Thank you..." This message is enough.

"No, actually I should be the one to say thank you." Hart said gratefully.

Now they have confirmed that the goat is being held in Kambu. As for Mr. Claire, maybe they will know if the goat is rescued.

But Yang Tianlong didn't think so, he meant not to rescue the goat yet.

"Why? Dude, we need to get information about Mr. Claire from the goat." Albuquer asked with a puzzled expression.

"Man, let's calm down. If we rescue the goat, the enemy will definitely know that the reinforcements to rescue Mr. Claire have arrived. Maybe they will transfer Mr. Claire soon, so we must know the whereabouts of Mr. Claire at the moment. Divide into two ways to rescue together."

Taking a closer look at Yang Tianlong's words, everyone thinks it makes sense. Maybe the enemy deliberately threw out the news about the goat, and then these rough old men went to rescue the goat as soon as they got hot. Naturally, they would immediately Transfer Claire.

Compared with the value of Mr. Claire, the goat is simply an order of magnitude N.

"But how can we find Mr. Claire's location?" Albuquerque frowned involuntarily.

"Wait for Durul's reply. Let's have a good rest tonight. Durul has been monitoring Stones and Zakyev's mobile phones in recent days. He should sort out relevant information in the past two days." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"That's right, old buddy, what Hua Xialong said makes sense. We can't be in a hurry right now. We have to lay a solid foundation step by step before we can find Mr. Claire's whereabouts." The lion head is also on Yang Tianlong's side .

Albuquerque nodded, "Okay, let's wait and see what happens."

At this time, Tumenov also took advantage of the fact that no one was talking, and he made a statement, "Guys, Kambu is actually not far from here, only 3 to 40 kilometers, so I can go to Kambu tomorrow Let's do some scouting to see if there's any whereabouts of the goats."

"Are you going on foot?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Tumenov shook his head, "Of course not. I'm driving to buy cattle and sheep. The car has already been borrowed. Big man, your beard is very long. Come with me tomorrow."

Tumenov said this to Akinfeev. They all have the blood of nomads, so they look like locals when they wear local costumes.

"Okay, what do you bring with you, you must pay attention to safety." Yang Tianlong urged with a serious face.

After staying in Yang Tianlong's room for a while, seeing that it was getting late, everyone went back to their respective rooms.

And Yang Tianlong was not idle either. It was eleven o'clock in the evening local time in Kahak, so it should be afternoon in Bunia.

After hesitating for a moment, he still called Durul.

Right now, they need Durul's information support.

Unexpectedly, he made two phone calls in succession, but Durul didn't answer his calls.

"Druer didn't answer the phone?" Lion Head couldn't help frowning.

"Yes, maybe I'm busy." Yang Tianlong didn't worry so much about Durul, this guy is now in Bunia, where it's very safe.

"I'll try." Lion Head said as he took out his cell phone.

(End of this chapter)

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