Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 804 What It Feels Like To Be Pressed On You By A Female Prison Guard Over 200 Pounds

Chapter 804 What It Feels Like To Be Pressed On You By A Female Prison Guard Over 200 Pounds

Same as Yang Tianlong's call, Durul still didn't answer Lion's Head's call.

"This guy." The lion head criticized angrily.

Unexpectedly, just after he finished criticizing, Lion Head's cell phone rang very suitably.

"A call from Durul." Lion Head excitedly picked up the cell phone he threw on the bed just now.

But when he saw the phone number, he was dumbfounded.

"Shet..." Lion Head cursed secretly.

Although his voice was very small, it was still heard by Yang Tianlong.

"What's the matter? Old man." Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking quickly.

"What the hell, it was Krisna who called me." Lion Head couldn't help throwing the phone to Yang Tianlong.

"How did she know your mobile phone number? What I gave her was another mobile phone number that was about to be shut down." Yang Tianlong couldn't help being surprised when he saw that the call was indeed from Krisna. .

"I guess I found it. My mobile phone number belongs to the Democratic Republic of the Congo." Lion Head smiled wryly.

"Then I'm going out, you have a good chat." Yang Tianlong said as he got up.

This time Lion Head did not express his opinion, but watched Yang Tianlong walk out of the room.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but press the answer button.

"Lion head..." Krisna's voice came from the other end of the phone.


Yang Tianlong was walking alone on the street outside the hotel, the night here was very quiet, except for a few dim street lights to accompany him, there was hardly anyone on the street, it can be said that this town even has bars and nightclubs There are no entertainment venues.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Lion Head called him that Yang Tianlong returned to the hotel.

"We're back together." That's what Lion Head said in the first sentence they met.

"Reunited?" Yang Tianlong smiled, and he felt that it was no exception.

"Yes." Lion Head couldn't help but smile.

"Then congratulations." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Look, I don't want to face a serious woman all day long. Women, more or less, have to be feminine."

"Krisna is okay, at least she is very good to you." Yang Tianlong said.

"I just took a fancy to this, that's why I chose to get back together with her." Lion Head said seriously.

"When you go back, remember to treat us to dinner." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"No problem, let's finish this task first." Lion Head said while taking out a slingshot.

Seeing that the head of the lion conjured up a slingshot like a magic trick, Yang Tianlong was taken aback, "When did you start playing this? Old man."

"I started playing when I was in Myanmar, where there are forests, and I like to shoot birds with a slingshot." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Do you still have contact with the guys at the Myanmar shop?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Lion Head nodded, "There is still contact. Although those guys are drug dealers, some of them are very loyal. When I was about to leave, they were a little reluctant, but to be honest, old man, you should know me. , although I am a bit romantic, I really have no idea of ​​participating in crimes, so when I was in Myanmar, I did not participate in their drug trafficking at all, but compared to those in the Golden Triangle The big drug lords still belong to the kind of small fights."

"Indeed, the slogan of our Bunia peace commando is 'fight for justice', which requires us not to be involved in crimes first, otherwise, this is contrary to our original intention."

"That's why I didn't participate." Lion Head nodded.

The two were lying on the bed. Although they had been exhausted today, the two of them hardly looked sleepy. From the Burmese shop, they talked about Somalia, and the lion's head also flirted with him... The thing about seducing the female prison guard was revealed , After finishing speaking, he couldn't help spitting a few mouthfuls of saliva.

"Damn it, thanks to my quick reaction, otherwise the 200-jin female prison guard would have really crawled up."

"You guys are quite witty." Yang Tianlong listened to the wonderful narration of the lion head as if he was listening to a novel.

"At that time, my first thought was to get out alive, otherwise, I would never see you again." When the lion's head talked about the emotional part, his eyes couldn't help but get a little moist.

"Yes, old buddy, you are right. Although we often engage in dangerous ways of life, we must pay attention to safety. Including this time, I hope that all the buddies can return to Bunia safely together."

"By the way, old man, hasn't Durul's phone been connected yet?" Suddenly, Lion Head remembered.

Yang Tianlong shook his head, "I haven't got through yet, I guess this guy is still busy."

"For the time being, let's forget about it. Anyway, we have already arrived in Kahak. It's getting late, so we should rest early." Lion Head said.

"Okay..." Yang Tianlong nodded.

Not long after the exchange ended, the snoring of the lion's head sounded in the room.

Although Yang Tianlong was a little sleepy, the excitement in his body clearly defeated the sleepiness.

As for the specific reason, he also didn't know why.

In short, listening to the snoring of the lion's head, Yang Tianlong tossed and turned on the bed but couldn't sleep.

Since he couldn't sleep, he simply opened the electronic map and quickly located Cambu.

Sure enough, in Kambu's place, Yang Tianlong found a large village built on the mountain.

Unlike the earthen wall buildings in Kandahar, the villages here are built using wood as a material, one next to the other.

The whole village was quiet at night. If it wasn't for the bright moonlight tonight, he wouldn't have been able to spot the few militiamen patrolling the village.

These guys are all carrying AK, wearing local characteristic costumes, and wandering around the village very seriously.

Counting carefully, Yang Tianlong can confirm that there are six militiamen guarding at night.

After taking a serious look, Yang Tianlong retracted his consciousness. After all, after a long time, he would also feel tired in his eyesight.

Just when Yang Tianlong regained his consciousness, his mobile phone rang.

The sudden ringtone of the phone startled him.

At first glance, the call was from Durul.

Yang Tianlong's eyes couldn't help looking at the lion head on the other bed, and he saw that this guy almost didn't hear the phone ringing, and after turning over, he continued to snore.

Yang Tianlong quickly got up and got out of bed on tiptoe, and quickly came to the corridor.

"Hey, Durul..."


(End of this chapter)

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