Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 805 Duplicate Recording

Chapter 805 Duplicate Recording
"Boss, Mr. Claire is being imprisoned in a place called Cambu." Durul said loudly on the phone. At this moment, it is ten o'clock in the evening in Bunia, and the local time in Kahak is three o'clock in the morning. bell.

When Durul said this, he had an extremely excited expression on his face. He didn't think of Kahak's local time at all.

"Kambu?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but frowned. Isn't the goat also imprisoned in Kanbu?

"Yes, it's Kambu. I finally found this clue from looking for a needle in a haystack. If you don't believe me, I'll send it to you later." Durul said.

"Send it to me." Yang Tianlong decided to believe what he heard.

"No problem, I'll send it to you now." After finishing speaking, Durul still hung up the phone with excitement on his face.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Yang Tianlong's cell phone rang, and it was several voice messages from Durul.

Yang Tianlong pressed lightly, and sure enough there was a sound.

And this voice belonged to Stones. As for whether the other party was Zakyev, Yang Tianlong was really not sure, because in his impression, he had heard Zakyev's voice last time.

"Where is Claire now?" Stones asked.

"At Cambu."

"Where's that little black boy?"

"Also in Kambu."

"You locked them together?" Stones sounded a little upset.

"No, boss, they're not being held together."

"That's good. They can't be locked up together anyway. They're in jail. The thing will arrive in two days. At that time..." Stones didn't continue.

"Understood, boss, don't worry, we are guarded by heavy soldiers now, there is absolutely no problem."

"That's good, that's it..." After finishing speaking, Stones hung up the phone with a snap.

Sure enough, it was in Kanbu, and Yang Tianlong suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Immediately, he called Durul again, just to let him continue to monitor the phone, and he could contact them at any time if there was any news.

Duluer nodded, indicating that they would monitor seriously. In the end, Duluer didn't forget to ask the boss to rest early.

go to bed early?Yang Tianlong couldn't help having a good time, it's already 03:30 in the morning, and it is estimated that there are still three hours at most before the sky will brighten up.

No, I have to rest right away, because there are still things waiting for me tomorrow.

Thinking of Claire's location being confirmed, Yang Tianlong became extremely excited, and decided to take all the guys to Cambu tomorrow.

Back in the room, the snoring of the lion's head was still ringing, this time Yang Tianlong was not disturbed by the snoring of the lion's head, he forced himself to fall asleep immediately...

Under repeated compulsion in his heart, the effect really worked. In less than 5 minutes, Yang Tianlong fell into a drowsy sleep. When he woke up, it was already 07:30 in the morning.

At this moment, his mind became abnormally clear, and the tiredness brought about by his body was also swept away.

The lion's head on the adjacent bed has long since disappeared.

Yang Tianlong seemed to feel that he had missed something, so he jumped up from the bed quickly.

Opening the door, I went downstairs to take a look, and saw these guys watching the local TV station with relish.

The signal effect of the TV is extremely poor, but it does not prevent everyone from watching it with gusto.

"Hey, buddy, what about Tumenov and the others?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but patted Lion Head on the shoulder and asked.

"He left with Akinfeev." Lionhead said calmly.

"Gone? When did you leave?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

"What? Dude, don't you know they're going to Cambu today?" Lion Head also looked at him in surprise.

"I know, but I didn't expect them to leave so early." Yang Tianlong looked remorseful.

"It's normal, they go early and come back early." Lion Head looked at him with rather strange eyes.

"Old man, call all the guys into my room, Andre, you rent a car now, two." Yang Tianlong said to Andre.

"Understood." Andre nodded, quickly got up and walked out of the hotel.

Not long after, all the guys gathered in Yang Tianlong's room, and the small room was quickly filled.

Yang Tianlong was not in a hurry to make any remarks, but played the monitoring voice that Durul sent to him last night for everyone.

After listening, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

Yang Tianlong doesn't need to explain too much.

"Guys, we have to go to Cambu too. I believe we will have Mr. Claire's whereabouts soon." Yang Tianlong said involuntarily.

In fact, he has a good idea in his heart. Before he went to bed last night, he had already put the eagle in Kambu's place. After he successfully domesticated the dogs in Kambu village, he could check the whereabouts of Mr. Claire with the help of the dog's vision.

"Then when are we going to leave?" Lion Head asked hastily.

"Let's go back and prepare first, and we will start after Andre has rented the car." Yang Tianlong said.

Upon hearing the plan, everyone couldn't help but nodded, and then hurried out to make preparations.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Tianlong also quickly shifted his consciousness to Meng Diao, and finally found a puppy, and then Meng Diao dropped the food he had prepared on the ground, and the puppy was successfully domesticated.

Then he injected his own consciousness into the puppy, and the puppy began to wander around in various places.As long as there is an old white man, the puppy will send a signal to Yang Tianlong. After receiving the signal, he can quickly inject his consciousness into the puppy.

After recovering his consciousness, the lion head was already ready. He looked at Yang Tianlong and couldn't help smiling, "Old man, do you think I look like a local?"

"It's okay, I can't see any flaws." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smiled.

"That's good, wait until we find those bastards and let them have a good taste." Lion Head said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the car horn sounded outside the window.

"It's Andre who's back." Lion's Head was surprised.

The two quickly came to the window, lowered their heads and looked down, and it turned out to be Andre.

But this guy didn't find two cars, but a big truck.

"Why is this guy so unreliable?" Lion Head frowned involuntarily.

"No, old man, I think he's more reliable than I thought, and this thing is safe." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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