Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 806 The Skillful Coordination of the Eagle and the Puppy

Chapter 806 The Skillful Coordination of the Eagle and the Puppy
Lion Head didn't speak, but quickly thought about this question in his mind. Soon, he suddenly realized that compared with other vehicles, the secrecy of large trucks must be stronger, but as for the ride comfort Sex.

"Indeed, I reacted too violently just now." Lion Head couldn't help but smile.

"Let's go, buddy, call other people." Yang Tianlong said as he walked towards the door.

Not long after, all the guys gathered downstairs of the small hotel.

The front cab plus the driver can only seat three people, and Yang Tianlong let Lion Head, Andre and Dembele sit in the cab on the spot.

Andre and Dembele looked flattered, and they quickly waved their hands, indicating that they should be more modest and just sit in the carriage.

"Dude, it's not a matter of modesty. The skin color of Doc and I is definitely not as good as your skin color and more like locals, so don't be humble." Yang Tianlong said.

Seeing that Andre and Dembele were also twitchy, Lion Head couldn't help but quickly said, "Hey, you two guys, don't be more humble than anything at this time, hurry up, let's go."

Seeing that Yang Tianlong and Lion Head insisted on letting them sit in the front, Andre and Dembele had no choice but to submit.

Climbing into the compartment of the truck, I saw that there was a layer of local straw mats inside.

"I just love this place." Yang Tianlong said as he lay down on the soft meadow. Suddenly, he only felt the fresh scent of hay coming over.

He really enjoyed the smell.

Doc, Kapai, Alexander, Vasily and others also lay on the grass one after another.

You can have a panoramic view of the blue sky and white clouds.

Soon, the truck's engine revved up.


Hart witnessed Yang Tianlong and the others getting into the big truck. He even saw what these guys were carrying. When he saw this scene, Hart couldn't help being surprised. Could it be that these guys are...


The truck was bumping on the rugged mountain road. Although it was very comfortable to lie on the soft meadow, Yang Tianlong and the others bumped back and forth in the truck from time to time. In order to prevent their heads from being hit hard by the fence, Yang Tianlong and the others had to Press your legs tightly against the car fence.

The truck shuttled back and forth among the mountains, and all kinds of beautiful mountain scenery came into their field of vision from changing angles.

Unlike Vasily and the others who can enjoy this beautiful scenery, Yang Tianlong closed his eyes.

Everyone thought he was asleep, but they didn't know that he was not asleep, but switched his consciousness back and forth between the eagle and the puppy.

The puppy has searched for most of the houses, but it didn't find Claire, but the place where the goat was kept has been found, and Yang Tianlong quickly made a mark.

The puppy did not find the house where Mr. Claire was held, but there are not many left, only the few houses next to the back mountain have not been searched yet.

Yang Tianlong gave the puppy an order to search quickly, and the puppy ran towards those houses at a high speed.

one building, no;

Two buildings, and no...

Three buildings, still nothing...

Seems to be the last one left.

The little dog's physical strength was a little exhausted, and he lay down in the grass and panted heavily.

Yang Tianlong's heart is also constantly tense as the number of unsearched houses decreases, and there is only the last one left now, if Claire has not been found.

Could it be that Claire was imprisoned in the cave behind?
Thinking of the cave, Yang Tianlong felt an incomparable headache. The last time they were in Tutan Kingdom to quell the riots, they risked their lives to enter the cave.

To be honest, after experiencing so much, what Yang Tianlong dislikes the most is fighting in the cave.

Bless, if not in a cave.

Yang Tianlong prayed secretly in his heart.

The puppy rested for a while, Yang Tianlong aroused its consciousness again, and approached the last house step by step.

However, when he got to the door, the puppy was dumbfounded that the door was closed.

This surprised Yang Tianlong very much, he never thought that the door was closed, but the doors just now were all open.

He quickly looked around the house with the help of the puppy's perspective, and his hard work paid off. Finally, he found a window.

However, the window is very small, just an opening, which makes it difficult for Meng Diao to get in.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning.

Soon, he came up with a plan, and it was the only one, which was to let Meng Diao take the puppy to the air and put it at the window.

But a puppy jumping from a height of more than two meters?

This seems to be inconsistent with the puppy's current ability, what if it falls and hurts?
Yang Tianlong looked around again, and soon, he had another idea about his whereabouts, that is to ask Meng Diao to bring another rope.

Apart from this seemingly impossible idea right now, he has no other choice.

I can only give it a try.

Under his command, a strange scene soon appeared in his field of vision, that is, a ferocious vulture with a puppy in its mouth and a rope in its paw, flying towards the window quickly.

Meng Diao's wings couldn't help flapping around the window. After trying for a while, he put the puppy on the window. Then Meng Diao threw the rope on his paw to the puppy, and the puppy bit it. All of a sudden, the rope was lowered from the inner wall.

The other end of the rope was firmly held by Meng Diao. Under Yang Tianlong's command, the puppy tightly grasped the rope with all four limbs, and slowly slid down in a strange way.

Finally, the puppy landed on the ground. With a slight tug from the puppy, Meng Diao quickly let go of its paw, and the rope was quickly pulled into the house.

Meng Diao's wings began to flutter in the air.

However, at this moment, a guy with an AK on his back jumped out from nowhere. Seeing a fierce eagle near the house, he quickly raised the AK in his hand.

How could the fierce eagle be his prey, just when the guy was aiming, he saw it screaming, and then got into the dense forest.

The angry guy couldn't help but beat his chest and stamped his feet.


Yang Tianlong once again injected his consciousness into the puppy's field of vision. Although the room was dark, the eyesight of dogs was not bad, and he suddenly discovered that there was a huge iron cage in the room, and inside the iron cage was a dog. A ragged guy lay on his side.

Claire?Yang Tianlong suddenly became nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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