Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 808 The Aroma Comes From the Mummy

Chapter 808 The Aroma Comes From the Mummy
He even took out his mobile phone suspiciously, but sure enough, there was no signal at all on the mobile phone.

However, Albuquer was still a little unbelieving. He quickly asked the lion head on the side to take out his mobile phone, but after looking at it, there was still no signal.

"Shet, it would be great if there was a signal," Albuquer said.

Yang Tianlong didn't speak, just smiled, and then followed Tumenov and walked towards the back mountain step by step.

Sure enough, jumping up and down on this stone was extremely exhausting, and the soles of their feet were also extremely uncomfortable.

Sometimes even rock climbing of about [-] meters is required. Yang Tianlong has never done this kind of action in his previous experience. Even in the Congo rainforest, the conditions for marching there are much better than here.

In less than 10 minutes, everyone was a little out of breath.

"Guys, hold on, there will be an open field ahead later." Tumenov encouraged everyone.

Sure enough, after more than 20 minutes of bouncing around like monkeys on the rocks, a large open territory finally appeared in front of them.

"I'm exhausted." A guy as strong as a black bear like Alexander couldn't help but let out a long breath, and then he collapsed on the ground.

"Hey, what is it?" Alexander only felt something pressing against him at the back of his head.

He couldn't help getting up from the ground, and when he looked closely, he couldn't help but gasped.

There is actually a skull buried in this fucking soil.

Alexander almost peed in shock.

"Shet, there's a skull here." Alexander said quickly.

"Where is it?" Albuquer and the others hurriedly turned their heads when they heard that there was a skull here.

"Hey, buddy, don't make a fuss, this is the back mountain, where their ancestors are buried." Tumenov said with a serious face.

"I'm going...old man, why did you bring us here?" Albuquer asked with a look of surprise.

Unexpectedly, Tumenov shrugged, spread his hands, and said with a small expression on his face, "What's wrong? They regard this place as sacred, so no one dares to come in. Isn't it safe?"

"It's so safe, it's safe, but I always think it's too creepy." Alexander has been on the battlefield and killed people, but he is very afraid of looking at the skull under his feet.

On the contrary, Tumenov looked relaxed. He took a few steps forward and found a skull from nowhere. Then he kicked the skull like he was kicking a football. out.

"It's nothing, buddy, don't let your inner emotions get the upper hand." Tumenov said with a relaxed expression.

"Well, I hope so." Seeing that Tumenov dared to kick a skull, Alexander thought that he was also a tall man, so was he afraid of this?

"Flop..." Just as they finished their rest and were about to pass through the woods, suddenly a group of flying birds flew out from nowhere, and the sound of the flying birds' wings startled them all.The goosebumps on Alexander's body burst out again.

"It's so scary..."

"It's all right, buddy, let's go," Tumenov said, striding forward.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help smiling, and followed Tumenov into the woods where the ancestors of the village were buried.

Originally thought that the burial of ancestors in Kambu Village was also a burial. Unexpectedly, after they walked into the woods, they realized that their point of view was completely wrong. The corpses here were all hung on trees or thrown on the ground.

The bones have already been eaten by wild cats, wild dogs, eagles and other wild animals.

In this forest, if you don't pay attention, you will step on these corpses.

Fortunately, these corpses have already weathered and rotted into bones, so they don't smell so bad.

After walking for a few minutes, suddenly, a scent came from all directions. This scent was very special. In Yang Tianlong's memory, he had never smelled such a scent.

Not only did he have such an expression, even other guys also had such an expression.

"What smell? They grow spices in it?" Andre frowned involuntarily.

Tumenov shook his head and said with a serious expression, "No, it's not spices, it's the smell from the corpse."

"Watt? Old man, what are you talking about?" Andre's eyes widened.

"I said the scent came from the corpse." Tumenov frowned and said.

"Shet..." Hearing it was the scent from the corpse, Alexander was still inhaling the scent just now, and now he even felt a little nauseous and vomited.

"It's okay, the scent is not poisonous, and the flesh of the corpses has already been decomposed. Those corpses are just mummy." Tumenov said.

"What kind of village is this? It's similar to the head-down technique in Southeast Asia." Now it's the lion's turn to complain.

"This is not as magical as the head-down technique." Tumenov said with a relaxed face, "They just respect their ancestors, just like Egyptian mummies, using spices and embalming agents to preserve the ancestors' corpses, otherwise , The wild cats and dogs have already taken the corpse away, how about it? How about I take you to have a look? Maybe some corpses have been preserved for hundreds of years, and they are almost becoming cultural relics."

"Really? Why don't we go and have a look?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but look at Vasily, Albuquer and Lion Head.

"You go, I've seen it in Southeast Asia, and I've got some shadows in my heart." Lion Head quickly shook his head.

Except for Vasily, the other Russian special forces also shook their heads, indicating that they were not interested.

At the moment only Albuquer and Vasily are willing to go with him.

"Not far, just over ten meters away." Tumenov said after sniffing the fragrance in the air.

"Okay, let's take a look." Soon, everyone followed Tumenov and walked towards the place where the mummy was hung.

In less than half a minute, dozens of mummy corpses suddenly appeared in front of them. The necks of these mummy corpses were all clamped with iron hoops, and then they were hung from trees with ropes.

A gust of wind blew, and individual thin mummies began to sway with the wind...

"There are so many mummies here?" Yang Tianlong frowned involuntarily.

Tumenov nodded, "That's right, the storage age of these mummies is judged according to the big tree behind them. Generally speaking, the thicker the trunk, the longer the preservation period of the mummies."

"What's the matter with their clothes? Why do they look so new?" Vasili also asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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