Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 809 Let's Kill Them

Chapter 809 Let's Kill Them

"They change the clothes of the mummy every three years in the summer, and it's probably just in time for this year," Tumenov said.

"This is their forbidden area, so if they know we broke in, will they fight us hard?" Albuquer also raised his own doubts.

"Of course, this is equivalent to digging other people's ancestral graves in China." Yang Tianlong said.

Tumenov nodded, "Yes, but we can't care too much, it's safest to walk from the back."

"Don't tell me, these mummies can really be exhibited in museums." Yang Tianlong said with a look of amazement.

"That's right, a mummified corpse on the black market is at least hundreds of thousands of dollars. I think it's worth at least tens of millions of dollars." Albuquer said.

"Dude, it's true that a mummified corpse is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, but if there are so many mummified corpses, I think one mummified corpse is worth tens of thousands of dollars at most."

"It's worth less if it's so much." Tumenov said in agreement.

"Okay, guys, let's go quickly." Yang Tianlong said after staying in the mummy forest for a few minutes.

"Let's go." Everyone nodded, and then walked out of the mummy forest again.

Passing through this relatively flat forest, followed by the stone forest, the difficulty was no less than that of the stone forest that they entered just now. They climbed again and again, and finally, they were tired and out of breath, and came to the top of the back mountain.

Right now, there was nothing but an open coniferous forest belt in front of them. Through the coniferous forest, they came to the house where Claire was imprisoned.

"Guys, the real test is coming, let's quickly check everything." Yang Tianlong said while checking the M16 automatic rifle in his hand. For this reason, he specially installed the grenade device.

All the guys quickly checked the things in their hands, and after seeing that there was nothing wrong, they all looked at Yang Tianlong expectantly.

"Go, fuck them, guys." Yang Tianlong said as he walked down first.

The leaves of the coniferous forest were very thick, and they made a rattling sound when walking on them. At first they were able to stride forward, but as they got closer to their destination, they began to walk slowly step by step.

After all, this sound is considered a potential danger to them.

Finally, they were less than ten meters away from the house where Claire was held.

Yang Tianlong suddenly made a stop gesture, and everyone stopped immediately.

"I'll take a look inside." Yang Tianlong said in a low voice.

When everyone heard that this was the case, they fell silent for an instant.

Opening the electronic map, with Mengdiao's perspective, Yang Tianlong quickly saw the situation in the whole village clearly.

"Wait a minute, let's divide into two groups, Lion Head, you take Andre, Dembele, Kapai and Alexander to rescue the goat. He is currently located here." Yang Tianlong said while using a tree The stick scratched the map on the ground, "Two houses pass here, then turn right and pass three houses, and then go past..."

Maybe it was because these numbers were a bit of a mouthful, Yang Tianlong repeated them several times in a low voice, and the lion head couldn't help but nodded.

"Albuquerque, you are in charge of sniping. The big tree just now is very suitable. After you are ready to tell us, our two groups will act."

Albuquerque nodded slightly.

"Dude, you are in charge of reinforcements and covering Albuquer." Yang Tianlong looked at Tumenov and said.

Tumenov also nodded.

"Old man, you and I rescue Claire. He's in the house not far ahead. There should be two guys inside. Let's bring the silencer."

"Boss, if possible, maybe this guy will be fine." Vasili said while pulling out a Gurkha saber from his pocket.

As soon as the saber came out of the scabbard, it immediately shone coldly.

"It depends." Yang Tianlong subconsciously touched his waist while talking, his Gurkha saber was still there.

"Okay, are you ready now?" Yang Tianlong looked around for a week.

"Ready." Everyone replied softly.

"That's good, old man, you go up the tree first." Yang Tianlong said to Albuquer.

Albuquer nodded, then bent over and groped towards the big tree just now.

With the big sniper on his back, the guy quickly climbed up the tree with extremely agility.

Two minutes later, Al Booker had already found the best spot for sniping. At his position, at least 2-5 armed men with guns on their backs could be seen.

He gestured to tell the lion head on the ground what he found. Yang Tianlong couldn't understand the sign language between the special forces, but the lion head was very clear. He nodded involuntarily, and then It was Albuquer who replied in sign language.

Yang Tianlong also couldn't understand it, but thanks to Vasili who was beside him quietly translating for him, he finally understood.

It turned out that Albuquer had 5 sniper targets, and he was going to solve them ten seconds before Lionhead and the others arrived at each location.

However, Lion Head told him that it should be resolved within five seconds of his arrival.

Al Booker agreed to his request.

Everything was ready, and the lion's head led the guys to quickly touch the place where the goat was kept.

Albuquer and Lionhead have worked together countless times before, so the two cooperated with each other very well. When Lionhead arrived at the first location, the big sniper shot in Albuquerque's hand shot a sharp shot. Bullet, the bullet hit the head of the first target all at once.

That guy didn't even have time to snort, blood sprayed everywhere...

The other guy immediately found out that someone was assassinating, but before he could yell out, he saw the lion's head jumping up high, covering his mouth and nose, and then a cold light flashed, and the guy's neck artery was cut , After struggling a few times on the spot, there was no movement.

Lionhead couldn't see Albuquerque, but he firmly believed that Albuquerque could see him, so after finishing off this guy, he made an "OK" gesture to Albuquerque on the tree.

Lionhead and they move on...

Albuquer's big sniper immediately aimed at the next guy.

I saw that guy smoking a cigarette comfortably, with a smug smile on his face, but he didn't know that the god of death was coming...

Lion Head and the others made rapid progress, and soon they arrived at the cabin where the goats were kept.

Yang Tianlong and the others also learned the news. He and Vasili took his stuff and ran quickly towards the house where Mr. Claire was held.

Victory is at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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