Chapter 810

When Yang Tianlong and the others took the first step, Yang Tianlong had already detected that no one else appeared at least 20 meters around the house they were in, so he was very calm, and took Vasili straight to the place. and ran to the house where Mr. Clare was held.

When they came to the door, they ran into the two guys they saw earlier, and those two guys were also surprised, staring at them with innocent eyes as if they were looking at magic soldiers.

How could Yang Tianlong and Vasily give these two opportunities.

Vasily picked up the silent submachine gun and shot it, but Yang Tianlong unexpectedly chose to use the throwing knife.

The gleaming Gurkha knife pierced the guy's neck accurately, and the blood spurted out in an instant, but the guy didn't die immediately, but stared at them with wide eyes. He tried his best to pull the trigger with all his strength, but the breath all over his body became weaker and weaker.

Vasili didn't want to talk nonsense with this guy. He picked up the thing in his hand and slapped it, and the guy fell to the ground immediately.

"Go, buddy." Yang Tianlong couldn't help shouting quickly.

Vasily nodded, and followed Yang Tianlong and ran into the house.

Mr Clare is still there.

And it was still the same action just now, motionless.

Seeing this movement, Yang Tianlong couldn't help being surprised. It's possible that Mr. Claire was given anesthesia, otherwise, he would have kept this movement for a long time...

Vasily stood at the door, on high alert.

Yang Tianlong was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help walking towards Claire's position.

key?Yang Tianlong came to the front of the iron cage, only then realized that he did not have the key to open the iron cage.

"Boss, here is the key." Vasily understood Yang Tianlong very well. He kept searching the two guards just now, and finally found the key to the iron cage.

After receiving the key, Yang Tianlong quickly opened the iron cage.

At this moment Claire was still motionless.

"Mr. Claire..." Yang Tianlong couldn't help calling softly.

Unexpectedly, Claire still didn't show any actions.

Yang Tianlong didn't bother to call him anymore, so he went straight behind Claire.

He touched Claire's arm with his hand.

"Zi..." In an instant, a strong electric current came from Claire's body.

Yang Tianlong's mind suddenly became blank.

"Host, would you like to activate the second life?" A mechanical voice was triggered again.

"Start..." Yang Tianlong said hastily with his weak subconscious.

In an instant, the powerful electric current was guided back from Yang Tianlong's body just now.

"Papa..." There were several crisp sounds, and then there was an explosion outside the house.

And Claire's body was also turned over after being hit by the powerful electric current.

"It's over..." Yang Tianlong felt a great loss in his heart.

It seems that Stones has already set a trap for himself, and he just waited for him to be fooled obediently.

Although Claire is dead, but in any case, his body cannot still fall into the other party's hands, Yang Tianlong thought in his heart.

However, when he stared at Claire's body, he was also dumbfounded.

This turned out to be a simulation doll.

It's just imitating Mr. Claire's appearance.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help but gasp after seeing this simulation doll, it seems that they were plotted against by Stones.

"Papa..." At this moment, the sound of gunfire came from outside the house.

Vasily, who was standing outside the house, took a closer look and saw more than a dozen militants jumping out of nowhere. These guys were all holding AKs in their hands, and some of them had grenades hanging on their bodies.

I saw these guys rushing towards Yang Tianlong and the others as if they were not afraid of death.

These guys are all in a scattered shape. Even if Vasily is gunfire, he can't deal with such a large area of ​​enemies at once.

It seems that these guys are not vegetarians, at least they still understand certain tactics.

Vasili hid inside while shooting.

Yang Tianlong also noticed this clue, he rushed to the door and shot outside.

"Papa..." The bullet hit the wooden wall of the house, and the sharp bullet penetrated the wall of the house.

I don't know what's going on, but there are more and more enemies, and bullets are pouring down around Yang Tianlong and the others like raindrops.

Several times, they were only one step away from death.

The two found a place to hide in the house, listening to the sound of shooting and the sound of bullets piercing the wooden wall, the sound seemed to cut their hearts like a knife.

"Lion head, how is the situation there? Reinforce quickly." Yang Tianlong said hastily.

"Old man, we are retreating."

"Where are the goats?"

"Stay with us."

"Don't go back the same way, go straight into the woods, we are surrounded."

"We're here to rescue you."

"Andre, you take the goat and go quickly, and the rest of the guys follow me." Said the lion's head and ran towards Yang Tianlong and the others quickly.

They only ran less than 20 meters, and they found at least a hundred enemies slowly approaching the cabin where Yang Tianlong and the others were.

"Fake..." Lion Head couldn't help but cursed secretly, and then fired the bullet in the gun.

At first, those guys were caught off guard and killed a lot of people, but after they reacted, they evened out a group of people and started to attack the lion head and the others.

Albuquer is also doing his best to support the big tree, but the efficiency of this big sniper is really not as good as that of a rifle or a submachine gun, so the enemies he can shoot and kill are extremely limited.

"Fack, no, someone set up a bazooka in the house." After Albuquer shouted into the wireless headset, he quickly aimed the sniper rifle at the guy's head.

"Bang..." Then there was a shot, and the guy fell to the ground and died.

But Albuquer still felt a chill, because when the guy was killed, the trigger in his hand had already been pulled, and the rocket shot straight into the sky with its long tail swaying.

Tumenov was not idle either, he also ran out from the inside carrying the bazooka, but these guys were all in bulk, and it seemed difficult to use them according to the power of the bazooka.

Of course, this is not a difficult task for Tumenov, who has rich combat experience. He quickly set up the bazooka and shot fiercely at the house.

"Boom..." It was an accurate hit, and the wooden house burst into flames, and the flames shot up into the sky.

The shell did stop the enemy's crazy attack, but Tumenov's figure was also exposed, and the enemy quickly found him.

 Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket of "Flowers at Night", thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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