Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 811 Burning Them With Gasoline

Chapter 811 Burning Them With Gasoline

Since the enemy quickly discovered Tumenov, Tumenov, who was carrying a bazooka, did not have any advantage, so he had no choice but to go back to the woods with a bazooka on his back.

On the other hand, Yang Tianlong and Vasily lay tightly on the ground. It wasn't until Tumenov used the bazooka to kill the opponent several times just now that the opponent's fire suppression was much reduced.

Seeing this opportunity, they quickly ran towards the back wall. Originally they thought that the back wall was also made of wood, so that they could break through the wall, but they couldn't help being dumbfounded when they arrived. up.

This is actually a stone wall.

Shet... Vasily yelled and cursed fiercely, but then he raised his arm and shot a guy who rushed in.

That guy was caught off guard, originally he wanted to grab a head shot, but he was hit on the head all of a sudden.

Seeing the enemy rushing in, Yang Tianlong quickly shot towards the door with a low profile.

Papapa... There were a few more crisp sounds, and the wall on the other side was also pierced by the enemy's sharp bullets.

"Boss, we have to break through immediately." Vasily said with a frown.

"How do we break through?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Right now we are surrounded by enemies tightly, and the wall behind is still full of stones."

"Hit it out." Vasily took out a grenade as he said, pulled the fuze, and threw it outside.

"Boom..." The grenade exploded a bloody flower outside the house.

"Set fire to them." These guys didn't have hard tools in their hands, only combat weapons like AK, but their hearts were not kind at all, and a leader couldn't help but let out an evil clamor.

As soon as he heard that he was going to burn them to death, the militants under him felt as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and several guys even danced excitedly.

Albuquer also used a big sniper to kill these guys again and again, but the efficiency of this big sniper is really not flattering. After a few shots, although the enemy was shot and shot, his position was also discovered by the enemy.

The guy in the enemy's hands kept shooting towards Albuquer's position.

The sound of the crackling bullets hitting the tree trunk made Albuquer very uncomfortable. With Tumenov's assistance, he threw the big gun down at once, and then slipped down by himself relying on the tree trunk. .

There are more and more enemies. These guys are all local villagers, but they have been brainwashed and persecuted by the Taliban, so they have also become extremely crazy.

Those guys brought gasoline and started pouring gasoline where Yang Tianlong and the others were.

Both Lionhead and Albuquer found out that they would never allow those guys to treat their close comrades in arms like this.

Everyone risked their lives and vowed to rescue Yang Tianlong and Vasily.

However, their idea is beautiful, but it is extremely difficult to implement it. The enemy took advantage of their numbers and continuously attacked them. The bullets fired by hundreds of AKs in an instant made Lionhead and Elb Ke and their firepower were completely suppressed.

There are even some fanatical villagers who put chicken blood on their foreheads. According to the will of their ancestors, chicken blood can protect them from any harm. Even if they are hurt, they can go to heaven .

The purpose of their life is to go to heaven.

Under the effect of this kind of brainwashing, the villagers became more and more crazy. Like zombies, they organized wave after wave of people to attack Albuquer and Lionhead.

Several times, the nearest enemy was less than five meters away from Albuquer and Tumenov.

Thanks to Albuquer and Tumenov's quick response, they were not hurt by those guys.

Yang Tianlong and Vasili also found out that the other party was going to burn them to death, so naturally they would not submit obediently, and simply went all out and killed several enemies. However, after they killed these guys, the enemy retaliated more violently. AK47s started shooting from all directions.

Clap, bang... The bullets pierced through the wooden wall continuously, and beams of sunlight shone into the countless small holes.

"Damn it, these guys are even fiercer than when the Soviets fought against them." Vasily said lying motionless on the ground.

"Could it be possible for us to wait for death obediently?" Yang Tianlong said with a wry smile.

"There will be a way." Vasily said after thinking about it.

At this moment, Yang Tianlong seemed to have no other choice.

And although Vasily said that there would be a solution, when it came to reality, he still had nothing to do.

In this kind of ghost place, under this kind of environment, those who can do it are simply geniuses.

"We took a wrong step just now." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

"Which step?" Vasily asked quickly.

"We shouldn't be too merciful. We should bring the remains of their ancestors. Don't they respect their ancestors? If those corpses were in hand, I don't believe they would dare to be so crazy." Yang Tianlong said word by word. Said.

Vasily nodded, "That's right, but I didn't expect these guys to be so difficult to deal with."

"It would be great if Albuquer or Lionhead could think of you." Albuquerque couldn't help but sighed.

"What's the use of thinking about it? It's too far away, even if they have four legs." Yang Tianlong smiled and said, and then he directed the shuttle outside again.

At this moment, he also used the high-definition electronic map to observe the scene around their house.

Those guys are soaking pieces of wood into gasoline, and many guys are filling them with mineral water bottles one by one.

If nothing else, those mineral water bottles will be thrown straight into the house like bullets.

The gasoline evaporated all over the place, and then the wood was thrown into a raging fire.

At that time, even if there is a heavy rain, it will not save them.

What's more, today's weather is too sunny and dry...

"Huh..." Yang Tianlong began to count silently in his heart, they must break through, otherwise, they would become mummies.

But the main entrance will definitely not work, the only thing that can work is the side wall.

However, it is not a simple matter to get through the side wall.

Could it be true today...


The firepower of Lion Head and the others was basically suppressed, and the limited number of shots they fired back seemed so powerless.

Yang Tianlong and Vasili tried to break out from the front door, but before they reached the front door, they were shot back by dense bullets.

(End of this chapter)

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