Chapter 812
After the crazy bullets drove Yang Tianlong and Vasily into the room again, bottles of mineral water bottles filled with gasoline were thrown into the room like small Molotov cocktails. After a while, the whole room was filled with There was an unpleasant gasoline smell.

Outside the house, the crazy villagers of Kambu Village had already lit the torches in their hands, and the light of the fire seemed unusually mysterious under the reflection of the sunlight.

The leader was a guy in his 30s, and the firelight reflected this guy's face quite ferociously.

However, he didn't seem to be in a hurry to throw the torch into the house, but first used the torch to light the cigarette in his mouth.

Right now, his villagers have completely suppressed the firepower of this group of unknown guys. Albuquer, Lionhead and the others can only be exhausted and have no way to fight back.So he is not in a hurry, but is very happy to enjoy this tormenting moment. He knows that at this moment, the two big fish in the room are suffering mentally and physically. As long as he throws the torch in his hand into the room Here, Yang Tianlong and the others will be buried in the sea of ​​fire immediately. At that time, even the old man God will not be able to save them.

Thinking that the two big fish inside were about to turn into charcoal, the guy couldn't help but feel proud for a while. He took a few puffs of the cigarette, and then let out the smoke ring in his mouth with a satisfied face.

He was ready to throw the torch into the house.

This guy's arm suddenly raised slightly...

"Stop..." At this moment, a voice suddenly shouted, although the voice was not loud, it sounded quite powerful.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked in the direction where the voice came from.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw them.

Then, all the people's faces changed drastically.

Including the guy at the head.

Lion Head and Albuquer also heard this voice, and when they heard this voice, they couldn't help poking their heads out.

It's Hart.

Their faces couldn't help becoming excited.

And Doc.

When did these two guys come?
Hart and Doc didn't come empty-handed, but each carried a mummy in their hands.

These mummies are the privilege of elders with a certain reputation in Kambu village, and they are also the birthplace of their ancestors.

"What are you doing?" The leader couldn't help shouting.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Hart couldn't help but snorted coldly, "You are not qualified to talk to me? Otherwise, I will burn my mummified corpses right away, and all the villagers in your Kambu Village will go to hell after death." Hart took out the lighter as he spoke.

"Stop it, let's talk about it." Hearing that this guy was going to burn the mummy, the leader's face turned pale instantly.

"What do I have to say to you? Hurry up and put out the torch in your hand, I'll count to 3..." Hart said fiercely, which was completely different from the extremely quiet impression he had left on Yang Tianlong and the others.

"Don't..." The guy in charge immediately gave up, and he quickly asked his subordinates to put out the torch.

"Now all your people leave, and you leave alone." Hart ordered again, "Everyone's fellows are thrown on the ground, let's have a civilized negotiation, you keep the mummies of your ancestors, we reach our Purpose."

"What negotiation?" The leader is not stupid. He knows that once the guys behind him leave, he will be alone. The guys went to negotiate and could only be slaughtered.

"We have only one condition, give us Mr. Claire, and we don't care about the rest." Hart said.

Hart is very smart. He knows that the safety of Yang Tianlong and Vasily is a subsidiary condition, and these guys must also meet it. The reason why he only said on the surface that he only needs Mr. Claire is actually just to let the other party be a small Just paralyzed.

"Mr. Claire is really not with us." How could the other party be so stupid.

"Really? Then I'm going to burn the mummy." Hart didn't care whether he was there or not. He saw a long flame from the lighter in his hand, and the flame slowly approached the mummy in his hand.

"Don't..." Seeing that this guy was not easy to mess with, the leader hurriedly yelled.

In fact, it is not unreasonable for Hart to do this. He has studied the customs of Kambu Village before. These villagers regard the corpses of their ancestors as more important than their own lives. Make a big fuss.

"Well, where is Mr. Clare?" Hart said loudly.

"Mr. Claire is in the cave." The leader looked dejected.

"Did Stones ask you to do it?" At this time, Albuquer followed Tumenov and walked to Hart and the others.

While the villagers were still resting their food, Albuquer's big sniper had firmly aimed at the leader's head.

"Not Stones." The leader shook his head.

"Who's that?" Albuquerque asked again loudly.

"A Chechen, we don't know his name, we only know his name is Crow." The leader looked downcast, and he also felt that the big sniper was aiming steadily at his head.

"It doesn't matter who it is for the time being? Give us Mr. Claire, and we won't embarrass you." Albuquer said loudly.

At this time, Lion Head and the others also appeared from where they were just now.

Yang Tianlong and Vasili also walked out of the house generously.

A gust of wind blew by, blowing up the leaves on the ground, and the leader and his villagers all looked depressed.

"Okay, you guys won." The guy drooped his head.

Vasily followed Alexander and Andre into the cave under the leadership of the villagers, and rescued Mr. Claire who was dying inside.

Seeing that Mr. Claire had been rescued, the goat also ran over quickly, with big tears streaming down his face.

"Daddy, are you all right?" the goat cried.

Claire shook her head lightly, and gently stroked the goat's head with his withered palm, "Little Claire, Dad is fine."

Somehow, upon seeing this scene, Yang Tianlong's tears flowed down involuntarily.

In fact, not only him, but even other rough old men shed tears.

"You, come with us. We will let you go when we reach Kandahar." Lion Head said to the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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