Chapter 813

The guy in the lead couldn't help being taken aback, but when he looked at the lion head's bloody and beastly eyes, he couldn't help but feel a deep trembling deep in his heart.

He knew that these mercenaries in front of him were not so easy to mess with.

The guy lowered his head obediently without making a sound, and the lion head was not polite. He threw the thing in his hand to the ground lightly, and then strode over.

Those guys looked at each other, they didn't expect this blond man to be so courageous.

"Follow me." Without any explanation, the lion's head dragged him away.

Those guys still looked indifferent, not only the mummy of their ancestors was in their hands, but even the elder brother who took the lead was taken away, they didn't have any capital to do anything.

Seeing that everything was over, Yang Tianlong couldn't help saying loudly, "Guys, let's go." After that, he led the people striding into the dense woods.

The rest of the guys followed closely behind, and they didn't even look behind, because they knew that those guys would definitely not dare to act rashly.

And Meng Diao was left near the village by Yang Tianlong, closely monitoring the movements of these guys, and Meng Diao would call the police as soon as they had trouble.

When passing through the woods where the ancestor's corpse was buried, Lion Head still threatened the guy, "If you don't obey me, we will absolutely blow up this forest to the ground."

Hearing this, the guy's body trembled a few times involuntarily.

Finally, they reached Carhak at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Without stopping, filling up the gas at Kahak, they drove quickly towards Kandahar.

This time the journey went surprisingly smoothly.

In Kandahar, Yang Tianlong and the others stayed for a day in order to confuse the enemy.

Seeing that there was no movement between Stones and Zakyev, Yang Tianlong decided to stay for another two days.

For nothing else, he needs the quick recovery of Mr. Claire and the goat, because they must take a small road from Kandahar to Laika. Without a strong and healthy body, Claire and the others will not be able to recover.

The physiques of Claire and the goat are not bad. After two days of normal eating, their physiques have become beyond doubt.

In the hotel in Kandahar, Mr. Clare also told the story of his kidnapping.

It turned out that in the early hours of the morning, Claire received a strange call for help, saying that a white man was bullying him. Claire, who had been committed to eliminating racial discrimination, was naturally filled with righteous indignation. Immediately, he received the guy, who Unexpectedly, the guy brought an anesthetic and sprayed him and the goat with anesthetic.

In this way, they lost consciousness, and when they woke up, they found that they were already in the wooden box on the plane.

The wooden box had already been fastened extremely strong with hard steel nails, and they couldn't escape from it at all.

Then there were trucks, cargo ships, and trains. In short, Claire and the goat stayed in the wooden box for nearly a week. After they were completely released, Claire and the goat were already in Cambu Village.

There, they were naturally treated inhumanly.

After Claire finished speaking, Yang Tianlong told the story of their search for Claire in the past few months. In the key point, Yang Tianlong also specifically mentioned the dummy in the room.

"Hua Xialong, you said there is a dummy in the house pretending to be me?" Claire couldn't help but frowned tightly.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, the dummy is connected to a high-voltage line, thanks to my discovery in time, it will not be burned."

When they heard that the dummy was actually connected to a high-voltage wire, all the guys couldn't help but look surprised. If Yang Tianlong hadn't said it himself, they really didn't know.

"Hua Xialong, what do you think?" Claire looked closely at Yang Tianlong.

"I think we were fooled." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

In fact, not only Yang Tianlong felt this way, but even the other guys thought the same way, after all, that dummy can prove it very well.

"Indeed." Claire nodded, "So Stones and the others knew about your virus, so they used their tricks and made a dummy to pretend to be me."

"But there is one thing I don't understand. Why didn't Stones and the others send out elite men, but let those idiots from Kambu Village come?" Lionhead was a little puzzled.

"Dude, do you think they are useless?" Claire smiled slightly. "To be honest, if Hart hadn't thought of such a genius idea, you would all have died in Cambu Village."

"Their tactics are really good, crowd tactics, to be honest, we can't suppress them." Kapai also said suddenly at this time.

Tumenov also nodded, "Albuquer and I can only dodge, and we have no power to fight back."

Vasily also said, "The boss and I are also in the house. Except for the last wall, which is made of stone, bullets shot in on the other three sides. If it wasn't for luck, we would have already been beaten into pieces." There's a hornet's nest."

"So, Stones and the others are premeditated. The fighting power of these guys is definitely not comparable to those in Africa. Guys, thank you for coming to rescue me, but I don't think I can go back to Africa with you." Claire said Said seriously.

"Why?" Yang Tianlong and the others couldn't help being surprised.

"Because Kinshasa is really not suitable for me to stay. Besides, this section of the road may be more dangerous, so I suggest that we not go through that section of the road. I know General Olsen of the Mi Army stationed in Afghanistan. Yes, he has a good personal relationship with me, he was the second-in-command of Africa Command, and I think I can get him to help us get out of Afghanistan."

"Where can he take us?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"Maybe we can sneak in from the Gulf of India..." Claire said.

"Where is your next stop? Mr. Claire." Yang Tianlong asked again.

Claire didn't hesitate, "I'm going back to New York, maybe I'll be on the ferry or Paris in the future."

"Well, can he send us to Laika in Pakistan, where I can find a plane, we fly back to Addis Ababa, and then transfer there."

"I'll give it a try and see if General Olsen can help," Claire said.

"Okay, we'll wait for your news." Yang Tianlong nodded lightly.

 Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket of "Flowers at Night", thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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