Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 814 Mi Jun's Escort

Chapter 814 Mi Jun's Escort

Claire nodded, then picked up the phone in the hotel room, and called General Olsen directly.

Since General Olsen was using a military phone, he had to transfer several times along the way before making the call successfully.

Tell General Olsen about the situation he and his friends are currently facing. General Olsen said on the phone that they can be brought to the camp of the Mi Army in Kandahar, but since he is not currently in Kandahar, So his subordinate Lieutenant Colonel Powell will come to pick them up.

After some thanks, Claire ended the call with General Olsen.

"He said he'll come later." Clare looked at Yang Tianlong and the others seriously and said.

"Okay, let's clean it up." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded.

Soon, everyone packed up their things, and they gathered in Claire's room again.

An hour and a half later, a convoy of Hummers and armored vehicles slowly arrived at the door of the hotel where they were staying.

Lieutenant Colonel Powell called Claire's room.

"Guys, they are here, let's go quickly." Claire said while picking up her things.

Not long after, everyone came downstairs, and saw a middle-aged man in desert camouflage waiting in the lobby of the hotel for a long time.

After a brief introduction, Powell organized them to board two armored personnel carriers, and then turned around and drove towards the camp of the Mi Army.

Sitting in the armored personnel carrier of the Mi Army, Yang Tianlong was quite interested. He looked here and there from time to time.

Vasily, who is well versed in weapons and equipment, began to introduce them.

"This is the M113 armored personnel carrier of the Mi Army. The vehicle can carry 11 soldiers and can effectively protect against attacks such as rockets..."

Before Vasily finished his introduction, they suddenly felt the car body tilting involuntarily.

"Fak...was hit by a rocket from the Taliban." At this moment, the driver sitting in front couldn't help but curse angrily.

"All team units are ready to fight. Taliban militants were found attacking at nine o'clock. The number of the other party is being verified..."

Soon, the machine gunner of the armored personnel carrier got out of the cabin under the protection of the shield defense, and then there was a burst of intensive gunshots.

"It's done..." In less than 5 minutes, the machine gunner came down to the bottom with a relaxed face. Although his face was densely covered with sweat, judging from the expression on his forehead, he was absolutely relaxed.

"Wouldn't it be someone sent by Stones?" Tumenov also said nervously at this time.

Claire shook her head, "No, it probably wasn't sent by Stones. Cities like Kandahar and Kabul are key cities in anti-terrorism. It's normal for Taliban fighters to wreak havoc in cities, and it's normal for them to fight against terrorism." From the perspective of time, it is just a small group of enemy attacks."

"That's right, the old gentleman is right, this situation is too normal." At this moment, the Mi Army machine gunner took over the conversation.

"You know French?" Vasily looked very surprised, because they had been using French when they communicated just now. You know, the official language of Americans is English.

"Of course it's French. I have to prepare for my retirement." The American soldier said calmly.

"Ready to go to France?" Vasily asked again.

"No, man, instead of going to France, I might as well go back to my state of Texas." The American soldier smiled.

"So you're going to Africa?"

"Yes, I went to Africa to pan for gold for a few years." The American soldier said with a smile, "After working for three to five years, I will get a good salary when I come back, plus my retirement pay, I think my life will be very comfortable. "

"Join the Blackwater Company?" Yang Tianlong suddenly asked calmly.

"Yo, you know?" The American soldier looked very surprised.

"I've heard that the media information is so advanced now, I'm just interested." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Indeed, join the Blackwater Company and do something big in Africa." The guy said with a chuckle.

"Good luck, buddy." Yang Tianlong said as he held out his hand.

"Thank you, and I wish you good luck too. By the way, you must have a good relationship with General Olsen." The guy couldn't help asking.

"It's okay." Claire said humbly.

Faced with Claire's humble words, that guy definitely didn't believe it. In his impression, those who can directly use armored personnel carriers for protection are definitely either rich or expensive.

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to tell the truth, the American soldier had no choice but to swallow the remaining words he wanted to ask.

The vehicle turned around on the streets of Kandahar, then drove out of the urban area, and finally stopped at a military camp more than ten kilometers away from the urban area.

Yang Tianlong had already scouted this barracks with a high-definition electronic map. It was a comprehensive barracks, where the air force and the army coexisted. There were runways, tank training grounds, and underground bunkers.

From this point, it is enough to see that the Mi Army has rich experience in actual combat.

"Gentlemen, just sleep in our warehouse tonight. General Olsen will come over early tomorrow morning." Lieutenant Colonel Powell said enthusiastically.

"Thank you, I have troubled you." Claire stretched out her hand and thanked him enthusiastically.

"Hey, sir, you look so familiar." Suddenly, Lieutenant Colonel Powell couldn't help being surprised.

"Really?" Claire said, pushing the glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken, you should be quite famous."

"My name is Claire, and I am a freelance media person who specializes in commenting and criticizing the situation in Africa." Claire introduced herself.

Hearing that this guy was so famous, Powell suddenly realized, "No wonder you look so familiar. To be honest, I have read your article."

"Really? It's not well written, it's so-so, it makes you laugh." Claire said with a look of embarrassment.

"No, sir, you are too modest, your writing is really good, if you don't mind, I would like to discuss the situation in Africa with you." Powell said as if he had found a treasure.

"Where is it?" Claire asked.

"Go to my room." Powell said quickly.

"Okay, after we put things down first, okay?"

"No problem, I'll be waiting for you at the door." Powell said respectfully.

Claire went to Powell's room, while Yang Tianlong and the others were asked to stay in the warehouse, and the American soldiers confiscated all their mobile phones. In the name of euphemism, military secrets need to be protected.

"Xie Te...I don't even want to look at it." Lion Head scolded angrily.

He felt insulted.

(End of this chapter)

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