Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 815 A Genius Idea

Chapter 815 A Genius Idea

Although these American soldiers seemed very enthusiastic, Yang Tianlong and the others were completely restricted in their personal lives. They could only stay in the warehouse and their mobile phones were confiscated. The only fun was bragging and chatting.

Unknowingly, everyone brought the topic to Hart.

"Hart, how did you come up with this genius idea?" Tumenov asked with a smile.

Hart smiled slightly, "Actually, I was imprisoned by the villagers in the village, so when you saw me, I was basically skinny. I was imprisoned by them for more than ten days. At first they thought I was I don't know the Afghan language, I'm actually a language genius, but I don't show it in front of them."

"Then you learned about the mummy forest from their conversation?"

"Yes, at the beginning I thought about destroying their ancestors' mummified corpses before I ran away, but later I didn't have the time and opportunity, so I had to give up. In fact, when I saw you, I knew what you were going to do, so before you After leaving the small town of Kahak for Kambu, I have been following you all the time, and when Doc and I heard gunshots, we hurried into the woods and brought out the mummies of their ancestors."

"It's really yours." Tumenov nodded appreciatively.

"Old man, why were you imprisoned by them?" Lion Head asked with interest.

"Actually, I'm a reporter, a war correspondent. I wanted to come here to interview Afghans, so I came here."

"You are quite courageous. Judging by your accent, you should be from Ying Country, right?" Lion Head asked.

Hart nodded. "Yes, I work for The Times."

"Mr. Claire may also come to your London in the future. I think you can become good friends." Yang Tianlong said.

"Really?" Hart couldn't help but brighten up.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "I just said it's possible."

"He is a very remarkable person. In fact, I went to look for him when I wanted to escape, but there are too many houses in Kambu Village, and I don't even know where he is being held." Hart said seriously.

"Thank you, you are enough to save this time." Yang Tianlong said gratefully.

"Thank you, Uncle." The goat also spoke suddenly.

At first, the goat just stayed quietly in the corner of the warehouse. No one noticed the existence of this little guy, but now when the goat spoke, everyone's eyes were on the goat.

"Hey, goat, you seem to have grown taller?" Alexander, a tall man, couldn't help looking at the goat and said.

"Yes, I have grown by 5 centimeters." The goat said seriously.

"Really?" Albuquer frowned, "I remember you were only between my chest and waist last time, come on, boy, let me measure your height."

After all, Albuquer stood up from the single camp bed, and the goat followed him.

After careful measurement, Albuquer realized that the goat had already reached his shoulder.

"How tall are you now?"


"How old is this year?"

"14 is old."

"I guess you should be able to grow to 180." Albuquer said with a smile.

"So short?" Unexpectedly, the goat sneered, "No matter what, I want to be as tall as Uncle Bear."

The Uncle Bear in Goat's mouth is Alexander.

"Do you know how tall Big Bear is?"

The goat thought for a while, "1.9 meters."


"Two meters?"

"Yes, you are only 162 now, and you are still far from 200."

"I will grow to 2 meters." The goat said rather unconvinced.

"Really? Uncle will visit you next year. If you can grow to 175, maybe you can grow to 190." Albuquer couldn't help but smile.

"Hmph, you look down on people too much." The goat looked unhappy.

"Study hard and try to go to university." Vasily said kindly at this time.

"No, I want to be a soldier when I'm 18." Unexpectedly, the goat is very stubborn.

"What's the point of being a soldier?" Vasily smiled.

"I want to join you, Dad said, you are the bravest and greatest people in the world." The goat said seriously.

"Then did your father say that we are also the stupidest fools in the world?" Vasily said.

"He won't speak ill of you." The goat said seriously.

"Haha..." Hearing this, and seeing the serious expression on the goat's face, everyone couldn't help being amused.

Indeed, Mr. Claire spoke highly of them, which is why Yang Tianlong and his rough old men came all the way to rescue Mr. Claire.

There is no mobile phone, no TV, and you can only stay in the warehouse. This kind of time seems very boring, but in the bragging and farting of you coming and going, the small warehouse is covered with laughter.

Even the two black American soldiers at the door couldn't help but walked in and joined their team.

These two black soldiers are still very interested in goats, after all, their skin color is black.

"You'll just make it to one night." A tall, thin black man with a similar build to Doc couldn't help but say.

"Don't you have a guest house here? Man?" Lion Head frowned involuntarily.

"Of course there is, but it's only for Americans or allied forces." The black soldier said.

"Are you being discriminated against?" Lion Head said rather humorously.

"Looking at it normally, racial discrimination in the US military is still relatively serious." Black soldiers seem to be used to it.

"I met a guy today. He said that he would join the Blackwater Company after retiring. How about you guys? Do you have any similar plans?" Invisibly, Lion Head set a trap for them.

"Maybe join. Although it sounds like a mercenary, after all, the treatment of Blackwater Company is good. If we really want to join, we can only go to Africa."

"Why only go to Africa?" Lion looked puzzled, "As far as I know, Blackwater has business in many countries around the world, including Afghanistan."

"Because our skin color determines that we can do better in Africa, we can easily mix with local civilians, which is more conducive to our actions." The black soldier explained.

Seeing that this was the case, Lion Head couldn't help but suddenly realized, "My name is Kong Duo, and my nickname is Lion Head."

"Hello, Kondo, my name is White."

"My name is Brian."


(End of this chapter)

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