Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 816 Dinner at the Mi Army Military Base

Chapter 816 Dinner at the Mi Army Military Base

After sleeping all night in the warehouse, Lieutenant General Olsen, the head of the Mi Army Command in Afghanistan, flew to the Kandahar base early the next morning.

As soon as he met Claire, an old friend, Olson couldn't help but stepped forward and gave Claire a big hug. The two big hands were tightly held together, and they separated after a while.

"Old man, we need your help." After exchanging pleasantries for a while, the two went straight to the point.

"What help?" Olsen couldn't help asking, "Is it the same as you said?"

"Yes, we need the protection of your army to leave Afghanistan."

"No problem, but you can't leave today. Tomorrow, our plane will go to Pakistan's capital, Pakistani Fort."

"Are you sure?" Claire was overjoyed.

Olsen nodded. "Sure, I can swear to Jesus."

"Haha, you're still so funny." Claire laughed, and immediately, he called Yang Tianlong and the others over, and briefly introduced them.

But Claire didn't tell the truth, just said that these were the guys who were framed by the Taliban with him.

Olson nodded and shook hands with everyone one by one.

"In Bakisburg, do you need our American embassy to provide you with asylum?" Olson couldn't help asking.

Claire shook his head. He said that someone from them would come to pick them up. Right now they just want to escape from the area controlled by the Taliban as soon as possible, otherwise, maybe those guys will retaliate.

Olsen nodded, indicating that there was nothing wrong with all of this.

After chatting with Claire for a while, Olsen went to handle his official duties at the Kandahar military base, and Claire stayed in the warehouse with Yang Tianlong and the others.

Perhaps it was because of Lieutenant General Olsen, these American soldiers were also playing tricks on the wind. After they learned that General Olson would go to the base for inspection, and that Mr. General and Mr. Claire were also very good friends, they hurried to The warehouse where Yang Tianlong and the others are located is equipped with refrigerators, sofas, satellite TVs, and satellite phones.

With satellite TV, everyone can watch TV stations from all over the world without looking so boring.

"Huaxialong, is tomorrow's flight confirmed?" Claire couldn't help asking after taking a sip of coffee.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "It's confirmed, they will take off this afternoon, and they will be able to reach Pakistan Fort tomorrow morning."

"The goat and I got off the plane in Addis Ababa, right?"

"That's right, it's not just you, we will all get off the plane in Addis Ababa." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Why? You don't go back to Kinshasa or Bunia?" Claire was taken aback.

"I invite my guys to visit my alpine ranch. Are you interested? Go to the alpine ranch for a night?"

"Of course I'm interested. Since you all got off the plane in Addis Ababa, why should I not?" Claire said with a smile.

"There are still your old friends there." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Old friend?" Claire couldn't help but frowned, "Which one?"

"Dr. Tulalang." Yang Tianlong said.

After hearing that it was Dr. Tulalang, Claire couldn't help but suddenly realized, "Is that guy in Addis Ababa?"


"how did you guys meet?"

"It's a long story. Let's keep it secret for now. Let's talk about it after we arrive in Addis Ababa."

"Okay, you bastard." Claire couldn't help but smile bitterly.

All morning, they stayed in the warehouse, and at noon, Olsen invited these guys to the base restaurant for dinner.

"It seems that General Olsen is quite interesting." Tumenov said excitedly, "I almost vomited after eating bread and milk. I don't know what to eat at noon."

"Delicious food must be indispensable. After all, he is the commander of the Afghan garrison." Albuquer said.

"Let's eat freely at noon, after General Olsen leaves in the afternoon, maybe we will eat bread and drink milk again, but tomorrow night, there will be a big meal in Addis Ababa." Claire smiled Said.

"Are you going too, sir?" Vasily asked.

"Yes, you all have to get off the plane in Addis Ababa, how can I leave alone with the goat, we are a group, and I also want to join your Bunia peace commando." Claire said with a smile.

"Then you stay in Bunia, okay?" Suddenly, Alexander said with a look of emotion on his face.

"No, buddy, I will definitely not stay in Africa for at least the next one or two years." Unexpectedly, Claire shook her head very resolutely.

"Why? Sir." Alexander was puzzled.

"Man, don't ask, Mr. Claire is protecting us." Vasily said at this time.

Claire didn't speak, just smiled.

"Protect us?" Alexander couldn't help but frowned. To be honest, with his current understanding, it's still hard to understand why.

The lunch at noon was really rich. Lieutenant Colonel Powell and the middle and senior officers of the Kandahar military base all gathered for lunch.

During the meal, everyone discussed light topics, never talking about work and experience.

These rough old men had vowed before that they would have a good meal and eat whatever they saw, but when they arrived at the table, they all became as gentle and gentle as gentlemen.

After lunch, General Olsen left Kandahar by plane, while Clare and Yang Tianlong waited for the plane the next morning.

On this day, the American soldiers still did not give them mobile phones. To pass the time, they could only brag, watch TV or sleep in. Even Claire was treated the same as them.

However, Yang Tianlong still contacted Said, and he told Said with regret that he may not be able to go to Pakistan now, but he will send someone to contact Said later to promote their business Root incense.

Said was a little flattered, he didn't expect this guest from Huaxia to remember this incident, immediately, he said that he would save the best root incense for them.

Dinner and breakfast the next day were just as Claire said, still milk and bread.

Fortunately, they are used to it.

At nine o'clock the next morning, a Black Hawk helicopter landed at the Kandahar military base. After refueling, the helicopter carried Claire, Yang Tianlong and the others directly to Fort Pakistan in Pakistan.

At one o'clock in the noon, the plane landed in Pakistan Fort.

Without stopping, they quickly boarded the private jet sent by Jiang Zhaocheng.

Four hours later, at 4 pm local time in Addis Ababa, the plane landed at the airport on time.

Dr. Toulalan brought his family to meet his old friend Claire.

Battelle is also here.

But as soon as the two guys met at the airport, they had a mutual loss.

(End of this chapter)

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