Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 817 Pure Shangri-La

Chapter 817 Pure Shangri-La

"I thought you were dead." Tulalang said with a serious face.

"How is it possible, as I said, I will die behind you, and then add loess to your grave, and I will visit you during festivals." Claire also said with an extremely serious face.

"I think you must be envious of me dying before you," Turalan said.

"No, I don't envy you at all. Not only did you die early, but you didn't go to heaven yet."


"Shet..." Tulalan was helpless at Claire's sophistry, and he thumped Claire's chest lightly with his fist with feigned anger.

"Okay, you two old urchins, let's go to the alpine pasture now."

"Hua Xialong, where are your parents-in-law?" Suddenly, Tulalang asked involuntarily.

"They went to Berlin." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

"What are you going to do in Berlin?" Turalan asked.

"Eileen is about to give birth, and the climate, environment and medical conditions there are much better than those in Addis Ababa, so they went to Berlin more than 20 days ago."

"Yes, they have foresight." Tulalang said, "It's not as pedantic as Mr. Claire."

"You bastard..." This time Claire couldn't find the words to refute Tulalan.

Tulalang was slightly proud.

Soon, all the guys got into the car, and several cars quickly drove towards Yang Tianlong's alpine pasture in a convoy.

On the way to the ranch, Battelle reported the work to Yang Tianlong by the way, everything has been completed, the whole ranch has been running in a very perfect state, even the locust plague that Mr. James encountered before does not exist here .

"How is the growth quality of the beef cattle?" Yang Tianlong looked at Battelle and asked.

"It's not bad. It's basically 2 catties now. I guess it will be ready for slaughter in a month or so."

As soon as he heard that he was going to be slaughtered, Yang Tianlong remembered that when he left Bunia earlier, Belen told him that he was going to London recently to deal with the beef cattle sales business.

Belen has not reported to him, and it is estimated that they have not set off yet. After all, it has been less than a week since they left Bunia and returned to Addis Ababa.

"You don't need to worry about sales, you just need to grasp the quality barrier." Yang Tianlong said.

"Understood, Boss, don't worry, I will take good care of it. What will we have for dinner? We shot another wild boar two days ago."

"Just so, let's kill this wild boar at night." Yang Tianlong said.

"Well, there are also wild snakeheaded fish. I don't know if these foreigners are used to eating them." Battelle drove the car intently.

"Can you cook grilled fish?" Yang Tianlong didn't answer him directly, but asked this question.

Battelle nodded, "I can't do it, but Wuyunqige can."

"That's good, make some grilled fish, I guarantee these blondes will love it."

"Well, you don't need to worry about it. We will make you very delicious dinner." Battelle said with a smile, "By the way, boss, Mr. James's wine?"

"You can drink it. Let everyone have a taste of Mr. James's craft."

"Okay, I'll put the wine bottle directly into the lake later, it will definitely work great."


An hour and a half later, the vehicle stopped in the temporary parking area of ​​the ranch.

After getting off the car, all the guys couldn't help but see the mountains, lakes, forests, villas, herds of beef cattle, chickens and ducks, even fish jumping out of the water from time to time in the alpine lakes.

The picture in front of you is exactly the beautiful "Shangri-La" in everyone's heart.


"Huaxialong, is this ranch really yours?" Claire really couldn't believe it.

"Of course." Yang Tianlong said proudly.

"It's beautiful, exactly the same as the Garden of Eden in my mind." Claire sighed sincerely.

"Sir, if you don't mind, you can come here anytime." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Really? When you say that, I really want to come, but I don't come in vain, I will pay you." Claire said.

"Forget it. We have also been to your apartment in Kinshasa. To be honest, after Dr. Tulalang went there, he was so distressed that he shed tears." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"Really? Haha..." Claire couldn't help but look at Tulalang.

Turalan nodded, "Really, old man, to be honest, although the two of us used to fight each other, it was a way of friendship. After I saw your shabby apartment, I couldn't put it down at all. This slum-like residence is compared to Mr. Clare, a well-known freelance media person in Africa, but the facts tell me that it is indeed the case."

"Okay, thank you." Claire couldn't help but smile.

"So, Mr. Claire, you are giving me face by coming here, and talking about money will hurt my relationship." Yang Tianlong said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I won't talk about money with you anymore, I can be your military adviser." Claire laughed, and looked at two villas with different styles.

"Let's live there tonight." Yang Tianlong pointed to the newly built villa and said.

"Okay, let's put down our luggage, then make a cup of tea by the lake, and chat happily." Claire said, "Old man, what do you think?"

"I think it's good, but I'd rather drink some wine than hot tea."

"I'll drink with you in the evening and drink tea with me in the afternoon. By the way, tell me how you met Hua Xialong."

"Does this need an explanation?"

"Of course it needs an explanation."

"Are you worried that we will do something behind your back that you can't understand?"

"No, I'm worried that you will join us in the future."

"Xiete..." Tulalan shook his head, "I will not join forces with you."

"That's good, keep your distance, you, drink, and me, drink tea." Claire said with a serious face.

"I really can't stand you anymore, let's drink tea with you in the afternoon." Tulalang said helplessly.


Under the leadership of Battelle, everyone walked into the newly built villa. Everything was brand new. In order to welcome these guests, Battelle and the others went to buy a lot of furniture overnight. Every room except the master bedroom can accommodate people.

Everyone put down their luggage and came to the lake one after another.

By the lake, Battelle's wife Wuyunqige had already prepared the hot tea.

Sitting on the rattan chair, Yang Tianlong couldn't help taking a deep breath, he hadn't relaxed like this for a long time.

 Thanks to "Book Friends 20180819105826438" brother monthly ticket, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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