Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 818 Another way to continue the struggle

Chapter 818 Another way to continue the struggle
The climate of this plateau in Addis Ababa is similar to the Spring City of China. As long as it is under the sun, it will feel strong ultraviolet rays, but once it is in the shade, it will feel extremely cool.

Battelle and the others were thoughtful, and placed a few huge sun umbrellas by the lake so that Yang Tianlong and the others would not be directly exposed to the sun.

After taking a sip of hot tea, Claire continued to ask how they met.

This time, Tulalang didn't hide anything, and directly told the story of their matchmaking through Miss Rosalia.

"Miss Rosalia? Who is Miss Rosalia?" Claire asked curiously.

"Hey, buddy, I won't tell you. Let Hua Xialong introduce you to Miss Rosalia. He is a very good friend with her." Dr. Tulalang said with a smile.

Claire immediately turned her attention to Yang Tianlong.

Yang Tianlong didn't hide anything, and directly told the process of getting acquainted with Miss Rosalia.

"I can't tell, Huaxia Dragon, you have great energy." Claire praised, "Even Prince Hussein, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Karta, knows you."

"It's just a coincidence." Yang Tianlong said modestly.

"It's not a coincidence. There are so many people who meet Prince Hussein every day. I think there are very few who can become good friends of these powerful people." Claire said seriously.

"Actually, he likes to play Falcon. I met him through this." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

Seeing that this was the case, Claire and Tulalang couldn't help but suddenly realized.

Tulalang also asked about Claire's next plan. Claire said that he would not develop in Africa in the past two years. After all, he had formed a relationship with Stones and Zakyev. He had to find a place Went to live in seclusion for two years and published several books.

"Is it possible that you are still afraid of them? Where did that bloody and passionate Claire fighter go?" Tulalang was very puzzled. He felt that the omnipotent and ubiquitous Claire had disappeared.

"No, buddy, this experience made me understand a truth. In the past, I faced small fish and shrimp, but this time I really encountered a beast. Small fish and shrimp are different from beasts. Small fish and shrimp are delicious on the table, we can easily eat them, but the beast will kill you, we represent freedom and justice, but we must also analyze it in combination with the situation, but for Stones With Zakiev, I will not compromise, I will investigate them carefully and use another way to fight them." Claire said calmly.

In fact, Yang Tianlong also found that this time Claire is completely different from the previous one. At least, he has become a lot more rational, and the previous stunned state is very little.

This is an aspect worthy of comfort for Yang Tianlong and the others.

"You're right, old man, we have to be flexible. We always rely on passion and blood. Others will use us as guns. I'm proud of you for having such a sudden awakening, but after arriving in Europe , we must keep in touch," Tulalang said.

"Isn't your hometown in France?" Suddenly, Claire couldn't help asking.

"Yes, Provence." Tulalang nodded, "The hometown of lavender."

"How's the scenery there?" Claire asked with a smile.

"Are you interested there?" Tulalang said with a smile.

Claire nodded, "Yes, I checked the information, and it feels pretty good there."

"That's just right, old man, let me tell you, I have a house in the country, and now my uncle is looking after it for me, but his old man is also old, and his name is Jean. Flamir, you go You can find him after Provence, and then live in my house, which is especially suitable for you to write books."

"Thank you, I think it's not bad there, I'll take a look if it's free." Claire said gratefully.

"Old man, which of us is with whom?" Tulalang said with a smile.

"Drink more with you at night." Claire said with a smile.

"You guys have changed a lot, you're almost a drunkard now." Tulalang said jokingly.

While the three were having a lively conversation, Tulalang's wife, Romi, came over at some point.

"Sir, is this place originally an American ranch?" Romy asked with a frown.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, this is from the United States. His name is James, and he has returned to the countryside of the United States now."

"Then how many people are usually here?" Romy asked with great interest.

"Including women and children, there are almost 10 people." Yang Tianlong said.

"Then you have to pay attention, I heard that the former horse bandit is back." Romy said seriously.

"Horse bandit?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but frowned. In his impression, he seemed to have never heard of the profession of horse bandit.

"Yes, there used to be a gang of horse bandits in Ethiopia. They all rode highland horses. They didn't have cars before, so the horse bandits were rampant. They came quietly like magic soldiers. After they robbed things, He ran away quietly again, but later the government army stepped up the attack, and these horse bandits all ran away. After careful calculation, I haven't seen the horse bandits for almost seven or eight years. In other words, my dear , how do you know that the horse bandit is back?" Tulalang said, staring at his wife intently.

"I heard it from my friends, but I didn't mention it to you." Romy said.

"That's right." Tulalang suddenly realized, "Then you have to pay attention, Huaxia Dragon."

"It's okay, my employees are all descendants of Genghis Khan, and they are also excellent grassland riders." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"But your people can't resist the invasion of so many horse bandits." Tulalang said very seriously.

In fact, Yang Tianlong didn't take it seriously at first, but seeing that Tu Lalang's words became more and more serious, he couldn't help feeling that he had to take some measures or actions here, and use these methods to stop the horse bandits from attacking.

Of course, the best guy is the unmanned attack aircraft. This thing is simple and easy to use. It is estimated that Battelle and the others will be able to learn it soon.

"Battelle." Thinking of the horse bandits who might invade, Yang Tianlong quickly called Battelle over.

"What's the matter? Boss." As soon as Battelle heard the boss' greeting, he quickly put down his work and ran over quickly.

"Have you noticed any unidentified people appearing here recently?"

"No." Battelle shook his head.

However, at this moment, the sound of a group of horses roaring suddenly came from not far away.

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(End of this chapter)

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