Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 821 Dad Will Never Separate From You

Chapter 821 Dad Will Never Separate From You
Through Claire's narration, Yang Tianlong quickly understood the reason. Starting from the reality, Claire was right, but there is a problem before them, that is, if the goat is not by Mr. Claire's side, who will be responsible for taking him? better?

Seeing that Yang Tianlong was silent, Claire continued, "So old man, I have a friend in Lanfei, and I want you to help send the goats there."

Now Yang Tianlong was a little surprised again, originally thought that Claire would entrust them to them, but unexpectedly Claire had a friend to entrust to them.

But this is also good, because they are also enemies of Stones and Zakyev just like Claire.

"No problem, one of my employees is from Lanfi, and when I get back to Kinshasa, I will arrange for him to send the goats to Lanfi."

"Thank you." Claire smiled gratefully at Yang Tianlong.

"Mr. Claire, when are you going to tell the goat?" Suddenly, Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Claire frowned, and said after a while, "I want to tell him tomorrow."

"I have a suggestion." Yang Tianlong said.

"Say it." Claire said quickly.

"I suggest you tell the goat tonight that you will leave tomorrow, and there is very little time left for him. Depending on the character of this little guy, it may not be acceptable."

After Claire finished listening, he continued to remain silent. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Okay, I'll have a good talk with him now. This little guy really has such a personality. Last time I took him to Europe to see a psychiatrist, and the effect was pretty good. At least right now, I can't see him being irritable and irritable. One side."

"I'll go with you." Yang Tianlong said again.

Claire didn't think about it this time, but nodded directly, "Okay."

Following Claire's footsteps, the two found the goat in the room, and saw the goat watching the cartoons on the TV intently.

Seeing Claire and Yang Tianlong coming in, the goat quickly got up from the bed.

"Dad." The goat called out affectionately.

Claire nodded and smiled at the goat.

"What cartoon are you watching?" Claire couldn't help asking.

"King of Africa," said the goat.

"What is it about?" Claire suddenly seemed to have forgotten the subject.

"It tells the story of a lion cub who becomes a lion king and conquers the African continent," said the goat.

"Yes, you just like watching cartoons." Claire said with a smile.

The goat nodded, "I didn't know what a TV was before, but now that I can watch TV, I'm very satisfied."

"Really? Child, do you actually know? You should go to school, receive more education in school, and become a useful person in the future." Claire said with a serious face.

"Then when I get home this time, Dad, are you going to send me to school?" the goat asked quickly.

"Yes, you must be educated," Claire said.

"Well, I must study hard." The goat nodded vigorously.

"This is one thing, and there is another thing that I have to tell you." Claire's face was still very serious.

"What's the matter?" The goat is very smart. He seems to have guessed what Mr. Claire wants to tell him next. His hands are tightly grasping the quilt cover, and his childlike expression just now has suddenly changed. Extremely serious.

"Do you know why Dad and you were kidnapped?" Claire asked.

"Because Dad is a good man, he provoked those bad people." The goat said seriously.

"That's right, so sometimes you have to pay a price to be a good person, but if all the good people are killed by the bad ones, then do you think there are any good people in this world?" Claire asked, looking at the goat.

The goat shook his head, "There are no good people left."

"So good people can't all be together? Must they be separated?"

"Well, this way the bad guys won't kill the good guys." The goat nodded vigorously.

Seeing that the little guy Goat has a high comprehension ability, both Claire and Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing.

"So Dad wants you to be a good person too, are you willing?" Claire's expression became extremely serious again.

The goat nodded, "I do."

"Well, Dad wants to send you to Lanfei. There is a very good uncle there. He has a good relationship with Dad. He will take care of you. He will take care of you like Dad, send you to school, and play with you. Would you like to?" Claire looked at the goat expectantly.

"I don't want to, I want to follow Dad." The goat shook his head without hesitation.

"But if you and Dad are together, if there is danger, there will be no good people in this world." Claire said with a serious face.

"No, Dad, Uncle Huaxialong and the others are also good people. I don't want to be separated from you. Do you want me? Did I do something wrong? Woooooo..." Before he could finish speaking, Dou Da burst into tears It came out of the goat's eye socket.

"No, son, you're fine, you haven't done anything wrong, it's just that Dad doesn't want to hurt you." Claire also seemed to be unable to control his emotions, and his eye sockets became moist.

"I'm the one who made my father hurt. I'm not a good boy." The goat was already crying like a man in tears.

"No, son, Dad doesn't want you to suffer and suffer with me." Claire finally couldn't control her emotions, and hugged the goat in her arms.

His tears also flowed down his cheeks. Because of his character and his nobility, Claire never married and was used to being alone until the goat, this little guy from South Sudan, broke into him After his life, his life, which was originally unchanged from ancient times, changed a lot in an instant.

The goat is irritable, but he is kind; the goat is impulsive, but he understands feelings; the goat likes to be cheap, but he is also very economical... In Claire's opinion, it is really rare for a black child to be liked by him , except that his complexion is black, in fact, he looks more like a child from European and American countries as a whole.

"Father, I don't want to leave you. Can you take me with you? After I arrive in Lanfei, I don't have any relatives..." the goat cried.

The cry of the goat tore Claire's heart again and again, and his tears flowed down the face of the goat.

Yang Tianlong could see clearly from the sidelines that there was no shortage of touches in his life, but it seemed that the touches that made him unforgettable like this hadn't appeared for a long time.

His eye sockets also became moist.

"Okay, Dad promises you that we will never be separated from you." After saying this, Claire hugged the goat in her arms even tighter.

(End of this chapter)

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