Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 822 It's a candlelight dinner at night, but there is no whip

Chapter 822 It's a candlelight dinner at night, but there is no whip
Claire and the goat left Addis Ababa at ten o'clock the next morning, and everyone went to the airport to see them off. Before leaving, Claire and the goat couldn't stop crying , Hugging with all the guys one by one, they ran towards the boarding gate quickly after the airport announcement reminded them that the cabin door would be closed soon.

"We'll visit him after that guy settles down in Europe." Tulalang said with a smile.

Suddenly, Yang Tianlong thought of Laf. Last time he told Elbuck and Lionhead that he would go to Antwerp to see Laf and Lucy when he was free. At that time, he was still full of confidence. He expected that later, he was thrown out of the sky by his busy work schedule.

No, this time I must take the old folks to Antwerp to see the Raff couple.

Yang Tianlong thought so in his heart.


Tumenov also left at noon, his destination was Pakistan, because he accepted a task, that is, he was ordered to go to Pakistan to contact Said, buy root incense and transport it to Berlin.

His father-in-law, Mr. Francois, knew a botanist who had agreed to help see if there was any business opportunity for this amazing plant.

After declining Dr. Tulalang's invitation, Yang Tianlong and the others took Jiang Zhaocheng's private plane to Kinshasa an hour after Mr. Claire left.

Belen happened to be working in Kinshasa, and was planning to fly to London to discuss the beef cattle business in the next two days. Seeing that the boss had just arrived in Kinshasa, he quickly called Yang Tianlong and made an appointment to meet him.

After all, he still has a lot of work to report to the boss.

Yang Tianlong asked Belen to meet him at his villa by the Congo River at three o'clock in the afternoon.

After meeting with the boss, Bei Lun also hurriedly reported the work at hand to Yang Tianlong.

The first thing is that the cooperation with those construction companies in Huaxia has been on the right track. Basically, they can transport about 8000-1000 tons of lake sand every day, and Huaxia’s enterprises also pay 80% of the progress payment, so they account for it every day. Basically, it's around $30.

However, Huaxia's enterprises are limited after all, so there are still about 20 days before the transportation of lake sand will be over.

The second thing is that Horst and the others have won 5000 acres of forest land in Catalia, and they are cutting down. Everything is going relatively smoothly, but the bandits under President Cohen always come here from time to time. Some food and cards were required, which caused Horst and the others a headache. They couldn't get in touch with Yang Tianlong, so they could only ask Belen to help.

Belem's solution is the core essence, that is, the strong dragon can't overwhelm the local snakes, just give them benefits, and don't have conflicts or conflicts with the government forces.

After listening to Belen's report, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded. His approach was very correct. To deal with those bandit soldiers whose warlordism was already deeply rooted, he could only rely on petty profits to hold them back.

Of course, Yang Tianlong's purchase of 5000 acres of woodland was just a show to show Rondobu and Sebas, after all, he and Rondobu still have cooperation right now.

"Belen, you tell Horst and the others that they must swallow their anger and don't conflict with those bandits, but let them also slow down the cutting speed of wood. I have to hold on to the 5000 acres of forest land for 4 months no matter what. Above." Yang Tianlong told Beren seriously.

Belen was taken aback, "Boss, how could it take so long for the 5000 acres of woodland?"

As soon as Belen finished speaking, he couldn't help but nodded again, with a face of sudden understanding, "Boss, I understand."

"Just understand, when is the ticket to London?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"Tomorrow morning," Beren said.

"I also have a high mountain ranch in Ethiopia. There are also hundreds of beef cattle there. It is expected to be slaughtered in two months. You add these numbers."

"Understood, I am trying to find a bigger customer this time and form a stable partnership." Bellen said.

"Your father-in-law, will Mr. Kurtu also go?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Belen shook his head, "No, the old man won't go, I'm the only one."

"Okay, stay safe."

"Thank you boss." Belen said.

"Let's have dinner together in the evening, in the city center." Yang Tianlong said.

Bei Lun chatted with Yang Tianlong for a while, and after recording the things the boss explained, he left and went to the Immigration Bureau.

Coincidentally, at this time, Lion Head also came down from upstairs.

The lion head changed into clean and tidy clothes, and the blond hair that had just been washed was not dry, and it was wet on his back. This guy always likes to play cool.

"Old man, I won't be coming back tonight," Lionhead said.

"Where are you going?" Yang Tianlong asked in surprise.

The lion head chuckled, and then snapped its fingers, "I have an appointment with Krisna tonight, a candlelight dinner, but there is no whip."

"Haha..." Amused by the humorous words of the guy with the lion head, Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Okay, we didn't count you in." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"It's okay, I have a beautiful woman to accompany me tonight, by the way, your horseman will lend me a loan." Lion Head said.

"No problem, but the cost of picking up girls as a Wrangler is too low. Next time you buy a BMW, it will definitely be a good tool for picking up girls." Yang Tianlong said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Put it down, if I buy a BMW, maybe Krisna will doubt me again." Lion Head shook his head.

"Okay, let's go to the shepherd, do it well." Yang Tianlong gave a smirk to the lion head.

After the lion head left, he was the only one left in the huge living room. It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. It was estimated that it would be impossible to visit Rondobe. After thinking about it, Yang Tianlong still decided not to go. He, instead, went to Mr. Ermem, his housekeeper.

But he still called Ermim, and he also asked Ermim out on the phone.

Not all the guys went at night, this was his business dinner, so Yang Tianlong only took Belen and Vasily to meet Emim.

Of course Vasily went there as a bodyguard.

Yang Tianlong didn't go upstairs, but turned on the TV and watched it in the living room. His guys probably were tired these days, so they all slept in the upstairs room.

Yang Tianlong's TV hadn't warmed up yet. Suddenly, he received a call from Siman. It turned out that Siman had already arrived at the door.

How did this guy come so fast?
Yang Tianlong couldn't help but came to the door with a look of doubt, and opened the door for Siman.

Seeing Siman, Yang Tianlong found that this guy's face didn't seem to be pretty.

 Thank you brother "Flowers at Night" for your reward, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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