Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 823 The guy who made a mistake must leave

Chapter 823 The guy who made a mistake must leave
"Is that son of a bitch, Stones, playing tricks this time?" Sman asked right away.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, they should have cracked our virus code."

"Shet, shit Durul, you can't fix this thing." After Siman cursed angrily, he couldn't help but punched the wall hard, and he couldn't help but make a loud noise when he hit the wall.

"Old man, there must be an expert at Stones." Yang Tianlong said with a frown.

"Doesn't Durul know how to get some anti-virus software?" Sman said angrily.

"Maybe he has tried his best." Yang Tianlong actually didn't know how to excuse Durul, after all, they almost gave their lives to Kambu Village.

"Old man, it's time, you can't speak for him anymore, I don't want to see him again, where is Albuquer? I let him blow Durul away, that liar." Sman said He walked into the living room.

But in the living room, he didn't find other guys.

"Where are they?" Sman couldn't help asking.

"They are all resting." Yang Tianlong said.

"Old man, Durul must leave." Sman said seriously.

"Why?" Yang Tianlong knew that Durul had made a huge mistake this time, but Siman's ruthless approach.

"This is not a decision I made out of anger, but a rule of our Bunia Peace Commando. If anyone makes a mistake, he must leave." Sman said seriously. After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but Take a deep breath.

"If this is really the decision of the Peaceful Commando, then I respect it." Yang Tianlong only spoke half of what he said, and the other half is self-evident.

"Old man." At this moment, Albuquer also came down, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

"Old man, did you hear our conversation just now?" Siman asked, looking at Albuquerque.

The man was recruited by Al Booker, and he must be responsible.

"Yes." Albuquer nodded, "I respect the decision of the Peace Commando. I have told Durul earlier that his work there has also been done. Regarding the mistake in this matter, he Feeling very guilty, so he also decided to quit our team and go back to university to continue his studies."

"I wish him good luck, buddy, this is a rule, and each of us must abide by it." Sman said with a serious face.

Al Booker nodded, "I know, so after Durul finishes processing the data, he will leave soon."

"Guys, but we still lack computer talents, can you find some more?" Yang Tianlong asked.

Sman and Albuquer hesitated for a moment, and then shook their heads. They said that they didn't know those computer talents, and it was completely a coincidence that Durul caused it.

"Could it be that Durul will never be able to join our team?" Yang Tianlong said with some regret in his heart.

"Let's see it in two years." Albuquer also said with a wry smile.

"Yes, our time limit is two years. I made mistakes before, and I was re-admitted after two years." Siman said.

"Okay, it seems that I have to find new talents again." Yang Tianlong said.

Suddenly, Siman's frown became relaxed, and a rare smile appeared on his face, "Old man, you have forgotten someone."

"Who?" Yang Tianlong looked surprised.

Albuquerque also looked at him rather surprised.

"Peter Udlov." Sman said with a smile, "That guy is a computer talent, as Vasily said."

"But he is still in college, is it appropriate to let him join our team?" Yang Tianlong said.

Siman smiled slightly, "Going to college is useful, it's better to do it directly, let me tell you, if Petrov is a genius, college is just a cage for him, maybe He's already figured it out by now."

"Forget it, let's talk about it after he graduates from college." Yang Tianlong still shook his head resolutely, "The father of that child is a martyr and a hero after all, and the family's expectations of him must be great, even if he He is a genius, and he must learn to endure, instead of thinking that the world is boundless, in this case, maybe he will be destroyed soon."

For Yang Tianlong's words, Albuquer quite agrees. If a genius wants to succeed, he must go through experience, instead of letting him go boundless and unconstrained.

"Well, if I didn't tell you, I'll ask Lufthansa to find out for you. She is from the University of Munich, which is also a well-known university in Germany."

"I knew you guys wouldn't stand by." Yang Tianlong patted Siman's shoulder with a smile.

"Guys, I won't accompany you to dinner tonight. I have to meet someone about the business in Catalia. After we return to Bunia, we will have a carnival."

"Go ahead, I guess those guys don't want to get up tonight, and then I will take them to the Brazilian barbecue restaurant in the community." Albuquer said.

"I'll bring Hansa over here too." Sman said with a smile.

"Then let Hansa cook us dinner..." Albuquer said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Send you a word, buddy, get out..." Siman feigned anger.

"You two..." Yang Tianlong shook his head "helplessly".

"Where's the lion? Find that guy and let's play poker." Sman always felt that the three of them were a bit awkward chatting like this.

"He's gone on a date." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"That guy delivered bullets again?" Albuquer said.

"With that black bitch?" Siman also asked.

"That's right, that congressman, she has a very affectionate expression on Lion's Head."

"Grandma Lion's Head is really lucky." Albuquer cursed with a smile.

"I said, buddy, you have to find one quickly, even people like me have girlfriends, you can't just be single." Sman looked at Albuquer and said.

"Well, I'll try my best." Albuquer said with a helpless wry smile, "This thing depends on fate, just like the two of you, when fate comes, you can't stop it."

"Don't you take the initiative to attack, kid, and wait for Cupid's arrow to hit your ass?" Siman "cursed".

"Maybe he shot me in the heart, and I was killed on the spot." Albuquer laughed.

The three of them were joking and joking from time to time, and the time was spent amidst the laughter.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to make an appointment with Ermem.

(End of this chapter)

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