Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 827 Meeting with the Army Chief of Staff

Chapter 827 Meeting with the Army Chief of Staff

It is impossible for Joseph to end his foreign affairs activities immediately, and Yang Tianlong's heart quickly calmed down. If the price of mahogany is really rising, then he must hoard a large amount of mahogany right now.There are still a lot in Bok Village, which can be cut down again; as for the virgin forest in Catalia, there are also a lot, which can be targeted by Horst and the others, and even expand the area of ​​​​purchased forest land again .

There is another place that may be there, and that is General Sardin's territory. If this is the case, General Sardin will definitely be happy, after all, they can get a batch of arms from this.

He decided to wait until he returned to Bunia, and asked Doc to go to the small town of Subi to find General Sardin and see if there was any high-quality mahogany there.

After waiting in Liu Shengli's office for more than an hour, the commercial vehicle drove in.

Hearing the horn of the car, Yang Tianlong stood up all of a sudden.

I saw Joseph, accompanied by Counselor He, walking quickly towards Liu Shengli's office.

However, to his surprise, Joseph and the others did not enter the office, but walked into the conference room on the side.

He still has to wait.

After waiting for another hour, Joseph and the others finally came out.

Counselor He also kept his word. When Joseph and the others were about to leave, he told the news that Yang Tianlong was also there.

Hearing that the omnipotent guy who led a group of mercenaries to help them defeat the rebels last year was there, the fat on Joseph's excited face couldn't help but tremble.

"Mr. He, where is he? Come on, take me to meet him." Joseph's tone trembled a lot.

"I'm here, Lieutenant General Joseph. It's a pleasure to see you here." Yang Tianlong's eyes first saw the two shining golden stars on Joseph's shoulders, which was the rank of Lieutenant General.

"Huaxialong, hello, it's been almost a year since we parted, and I miss you very much." Joseph stretched out his hand excitedly.

Seeing that Joseph's attitude towards Yang Tianlong was so enthusiastic, Counselor He did not expect that, out of diplomatic habits, he couldn't help but nodded with a smile on his face.

Liu Shengli also looked excited. In his opinion, there must be no problem with their company's acquisition of the national defense project of Tut.

The two chatted for a while, Yang Tianlong gave Joseph a slight look, and the experienced Joseph naturally understood what was going on, and he started to walk with Yang Tianlong in the huge yard.

"Huaxialong, I have to thank you for being promoted to the rank of lieutenant general. If you hadn't helped us defend Esawaka last year, I would probably have retired as colonel leader." Joseph expressed meaning Said deeply.

"Where, it's all because of your destiny." Yang Tianlong smiled softly.

Joseph smiled slightly, and then said, "When will you go back to Tutan Kingdom?"

"Go again when you are free, this time you came alone?" Yang Tianlong frowned and said.

"No, there is also Minister of Defense Metshaw." Joseph shook his head.

"Why didn't you see him?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

"He went to talk about other things with a Russian guy." Joseph said with a relaxed face.

Russian?Yang Tianlong was surprised again. He remembered that Stones once said that he also had friendship with Mettershaw. Could it be that the Russian guy Joseph mentioned was Zakyev?

There is such a possibility, and the possibility is very high. After the war, Tutan must not only develop the economy rapidly, but also strengthen the construction of the national defense army. Otherwise, the next leader of the rebel army may appear soon.

"Is he called Zakyev?" Yang Tianlong also had a crush on Joseph, so he didn't hide anything, but asked directly.

Now Joseph should be taken aback, "Huaxialong, how do you know that guy's name is Zakyev?"

"Actually, you should check his details carefully. That guy is a war criminal in Chechnya. He fled to Africa and started an arms business. These arms are all illegal. You should tell President Odbem about this. "

When Joseph heard this, he immediately understood that Mettshaw was doing business with arms smugglers, and there must be a lot of kickbacks in the process.

At present, the only one in the army who can override his position is Mettshaw.

Mettershaw is a veteran Minister of Defense. As his term of office increases, he has become more and more domineering personally.

"The key is, does President Odbem listen to me?" Joseph frowned tightly.

"What's the use of this? You can tell Odbem that Mr. Claire was kidnapped by Zakyev and Stones." Yang Tianlong said with confidence.

"Who is Mr. Claire?" Joseph became even more confused.

"Good friend of Odbem, it was Mr. Clare who helped us to go to Tutan to help you quell the civil strife."

Now Joseph understands everything. This is important news. Once he tells the president about the contact between Mettershaw and Stones and Zakyev, even if Mettershaw did not get a kickback in the middle, according to O With Debem's character, it will be a matter of time before Mateshaw is won.

Once Mettershaw is taken down, isn't the Minister of Defense his own?

To be promoted several grades within a year was something he never dreamed of.

"Thank you, Huaxialong. President Odbem has always been grateful to you. He very much hopes that you will invest and develop in our country." Joseph said with a smile.

"By the way, I have something to trouble you." Yang Tianlong threw out his own question without losing the opportunity.

Joseph nodded, looking quite enthusiastic.

Asked whether African countries have a policy to restrict the export of logs, Joseph nodded without hesitation, "Yes, this is formulated by the Central African countries to protect the ecology. These are self-righteous people who have studied in the West It was made by the fucking ¥ bastards of the country, and even the basic economy of the f*cking country is very poor. I originally counted on foreign exchange to rely on these, who would have expected..."

The more Joseph talked, the angrier he became. He hated the bullshit policies formulated by those guys that were not in line with reality.

"I want to buy a batch of your mahogany forests, but I don't want to export them. I will pay the price according to the export price. What do you think?" Yang Tianlong said calmly.

Joseph looked surprised, and he was also worried about this matter.

"I can decide 100 square kilometers by myself, can you finish them all?" Joseph asked Yang Tianlong intently.

(End of this chapter)

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