Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 828 Brothers Are All Counting on Making More Money in Africa

Chapter 828 Brothers Are All Counting on Making More Money in Africa
"You can take them all." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Joseph couldn't help laughing, "Huaxialong, tell the truth, I'll sell it to you at the market price, and I won't charge you a penny more."

"Thank you." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Joseph shook his head, "No, I should say thank you. If you are free, you can go to Tutan to sign the contract with me, or go to Esawaka with us at night."

"Are you going back at night?" Yang Tianlong was a little surprised.

Joseph nodded, "Yes, tonight's plane is an old Tu-154."

"I'll go another day, and I'll call you then." Yang Tianlong made a phone call gesture while speaking.

"No problem, remember to tell me in advance." Joseph also couldn't help but look at the time, seeing that it was getting late, he also resolutely offered to leave.

"By the way, Mr. Lieutenant General." Yang Tianlong stopped Joseph again.

"What's the matter?" Joseph couldn't help but look back at Yang Tianlong, "Say it."

"National defense projects." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"I try my best, but now the Minister of Defense is Mettershaw, you know." Joseph said with a rather helpless expression.

"Understood, thank you." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

After sending Joseph away, Counselor He and Liu Shengli couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Old He, stay here for dinner tonight?" Liu Shengli said to Counselor He enthusiastically.

"Old Liu, let's forget about tonight. There is still something to do at the embassy. By the way, Minister Xia is coming in two days. You should be ready." Before leaving, Counselor He urged.

Liu Shengli nodded and patted his chest to indicate that there was no problem.

After sending Counselor He away, only Yang Tianlong and him were left in Liu Shengli's office.

"Brother, how are you? Can you tell Mr. Joseph for me?" Liu Shengli said with a smile.

"I told him, and he said he would try his best." Yang Tianlong said.

"Okay, that's good. I also want to get more overseas projects, so that I can have more say in the head office."

"Your appetite is getting bigger and bigger now." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"There is no way, now companies are all pursuing profits." Liu Shengli said with a rather helpless face, "Brothers followed us to Africa, the conditions are not bad, everyone can overcome them, but in terms of interests, we must satisfy brothers , otherwise, it’s Africa that still breaks into a goal.”

Liu Shengli's words were not rough, and Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded after hearing it. In this society, survival is the most important magic weapon. As for ethics, as long as it is not too...

"How did you remember it today?" Liu Shengli said with a smile.

"I may have to leave Africa for a while." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

Liu Shengli was taken aback, but soon realized that Yang Tianlong's wife was about to give birth, and he had to go home to take care of her.

"Good thing, good thing." Liu Shengli said with a chuckle, but then he got up and opened the safe, and took out several exquisite packaging boxes from it.

"Brother, I don't have anything to give you as a gift. It's full of precious Chinese herbal medicines. It's for our siblings to eat during confinement." Handed it to Yang Tianlong.

Yang Tianlong took a closer look, only to find that it was Cordyceps, pilose antler, ginseng...

"Then thank you, brother." Yang Tianlong clasped his fists at Liu Shengli and smiled. The relationship between him and Liu Shengli relied on mutual honesty, so he was not polite about these gifts and accepted them all.

"Stay here for one night, let's have a good chat." Liu Shengli said.

"Sorry, brother, my business is too urgent, I have to go back to Bunia tonight." Yang Tianlong said.

What he said is right. Right now, his affairs are really crowded. One is to go back to Bunia to explain his work; , stayed with his wife for two days, and then went to Reedsburg to meet Prince Hussein, and flew to Shanghai to participate in the event together.

"So urgent?" Liu Shengli frowned.

"Brother understands, I will talk to you for a few days when I come back next time." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Okay, then I won't force you, say hello to my siblings and family members for me." Liu Shengli said seriously.

"Thank you." Yang Tianlong nodded.

After staying in Liu Shengli's office for less than 10 minutes, Yang Tianlong drove away decisively. At the airport, Albuquer and Vasily had been waiting for a long time.

Their flight will arrive in Bunia just after seven o'clock in the evening.


When returning to Bunia, Yang Tianlong found that Durul had left. According to the injured Burzai, Durul shed tears when he left.

Durul left a letter full of words of apology. He apologized to all the guys for his irresponsibility and irresponsibility, and begged for their forgiveness.

After reading this letter, all the guys felt unhappy, but this is the rule of the Peace Commando, and the rules must be followed.

Albuquer was the saddest one, after all, he discovered Durul by accident.

Seeing Albuquer's sad face, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but patted Albuquer on the shoulder, "After two years, we will invite Durul over again."

Albuquer was silent for a while, and then nodded involuntarily.

As a workaholic, Yang Tianlong started to arrange work the night he returned to Bunia.

The content of the arrangement was nothing more than training the troops of General Sardin and Jiang Zhaocheng, excavating lake sand, planting farms and pastures, going to Subi Town to check the mangroves, and cooperating with the construction of the peacekeeping force camp.

After arranging these things, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

None of these guys left, and they all knew the news that Yang Tianlong would definitely not be in Africa in the next few months, so before the old guy left, all the guys showed a look of reluctance Emoticons come.

"You can also come to see me in Berlin, and let's go to Antwerp to see the couple." Yang Tianlong smiled and comforted everyone.

"Okay, after your wife gives birth, we all go together." Albuquer nodded.

"Take care, if you have anything to contact us by phone or social software, remember to share your stories often." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

After sending these old guys away, Yang Tianlong didn't actually fall asleep, but tossed and turned on the bed, thinking about his trip, and estimated that he would not be able to come back until at least a few months before he could meet the familiar guys. Can't help but feel a burst of loss.

(End of this chapter)

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