Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 829 The Flying Windfall

Chapter 829 The Flying Windfall

From Bunia to Addis Ababa, and then from Addis Ababa to Esawaka, Yang Tianlong arrived in Esawaka around [-]:[-] p.m. local time in Tutan Kingdom.

In order to avoid suspicion, Joseph sent his deputy, Colonel Merida, to pick him up.

Monkey, who runs a department store business in Esawaka, also came to the airport to welcome his benefactor.

After getting off the plane, Yang Tianlong, who had no time to rest, went straight to the 100 square kilometers of woodland that Joseph mentioned. In the woodland, Joseph and a battalion of soldiers had been waiting there for a long time.

After some simple yet intimate greetings, Joseph led Yang Tianlong into the woodland.

To Yang Tianlong's surprise, the sandalwood and mahogany here are absolutely better than those in Boke Village. The reason is very simple. Boke Village belongs to a low-altitude area, coupled with abundant rain and sunshine, so the plants grow very fast; It is completely different here in Tanzania. The altitude here is high, and the temperature here is more than ten degrees Celsius lower than other places in Africa on average. Therefore, the growth rate of plants is very slow. During the slow growth process, the texture of the plants here is universal. Harder than tropical or subtropical regions.

This kind of material is exactly what Yang Tianlong likes.

"That's right, I like trees like this." Yang Tianlong said in admiration.

Seeing that Yang Tianlong was willing to pay for these trees, Joseph couldn't help but feel joy in his heart. At least they can use the money to exchange for arms.

"Mr. Lieutenant General, do you think this is okay? Tonight, you will help me cut wood overnight, and then transport it to my little brother's warehouse. I will give you 200 dollars for a piece of wood." Yang Tianlong said after thinking about it.

Hearing 200 dollars apiece, Joseph nodded without thinking about it. Immediately, he waved his hand, and hundreds of soldiers behind him moved after hearing the order, some with chainsaws, some with axes, These guys are doing the job of felling trees with a cheerful face.

However, they have some experience in working. Instead of cutting all of them to the ground in a swarm, they only pick sandalwood or mahogany for cutting. In this way, the forest does not seem to be destroyed and is clean. .

Not long after, Colonel Merida also dispatched dozens of large trucks. It is about 20 kilometers from the woodland to the monkey's department store warehouse. They need to cut and transport.

"Mr. Lieutenant General, you hand over the wood to my little brother tonight, and I will remit the money to you early tomorrow morning." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Okay, I hope we can cooperate happily." Joseph nodded with a smile on his face.

Immediately, Joseph asked Yang Tianlong if he would pay a visit to Mr. President's official residence.

Yang Tianlong immediately shook his head, "Forget it, I'm mainly here in a private capacity this time, and I'll wait for the next time when we have a large-scale business cooperation, and then I will visit Mr. President."

The expression on Joseph's face suddenly became a little embarrassing, he was silent for a while, and then said, "Huaxialong, you have to hurry up and invest, otherwise, Stones and the others might take the lead .”

"Whether Stones and the others can invest depends on Mr. Mateshaw, and whether Mr. Mateshaw can be the Minister of Defense is not the key to Mr. Lieutenant General?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile on his face.

"That's true." Joseph smiled heartily, then stretched out a pair of big hands, and held them together with Yang Tianlong's. He already knew what to do.

After leaving the woodland, Yang Tianlong got into Monkey's off-road vehicle and went straight to his warehouse.

Originally, he wanted to book a luxurious hotel for Yang Tianlong, but he didn't expect that his benefactor insisted so stubbornly that one night in his department store would be enough.

On the way back, Houzi also told Yang Tianlong about his business operation in the past half a year. After the war, the business in Tutan Kingdom is really easy to do. This is equivalent to the United States in the 18th century. Everything is waiting for the development of businessmen. , Unknowingly, Monkey has opened 4 branches in Esawaka, and the monthly net profit is around 3-4 US dollars.

"You should take a long-term view. I will transfer you 50 US dollars tomorrow to buy a building in the city center and use it as a shopping center. How can there be so little in a country's capital?" Yang Tianlong also saw the picture that Joseph provided him. After reading Tan's economic situation book, he also deeply felt that the business opportunities here are really unlimited.

Therefore, they must win the department store business as soon as possible.

$50?When the monkey heard this, he couldn't help trembling secretly. He suddenly became a little embarrassed, worried that he couldn't do this well.

"Brother Long, you gave me such a big deal, I..." The monkey became a little hesitant when speaking.

"Such a big matter must have a professional team come over, monkey, I have already thought about it. In two days, a man and a woman will come to assist you in completing the acquisition task. Your task is to think about what you should do in the future. How to manage things." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

Monkey nodded. He knew what Yang Tianlong meant. He did have his own uniqueness in business. He liked to study and was good at innovation, so he was able to open as many as four branches in a very short period of time.

"I understand, Brother Long, don't worry, I will never let you down, what about the change of shares?" Monkey said hesitantly.

"Half of half." Yang Tianlong said.

"No, how about June Fourth? You account for [-]% and I account for [-]%." Monkey said proactively.

Yang Tianlong did not refute Houzi's opinion this time. Since ancient times, shareholders must have had a priority. If he and Houzi have the same shares, then in the end, who should have the right to speak?
"Okay, June 100th, I will give you an additional [-] million yuan for the supply of goods." Yang Tianlong said again.

Houzi nodded with overjoyed expression on his face. If the acquisition of a building is successful, then he will no longer be a small boss, but the boss of a commercial center, and the limelight will be different after he returns.

Going back to Houzi's store, Houzi had already tidied up the room for Yang Tianlong, chatted with Houzi for a while, saw a big truck coming, so Houzi hurried to work.

And Yang Tianlong turned on the system and entered the online shop.

Due to the extremely limited supply of goods in the current online shop, he only occasionally releases some for sale. He himself has not taken care of it seriously for a long time. I don’t know if I don’t open it. Startled.

(End of this chapter)

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