Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 830 The sales volume is huge... Thanks to the old man "Flowers at Night" for becom

Chapter 830 The sales volume is huge... Thanks to the old man "Flowers at Night" for becoming the helmsman
Yang Tianlong hadn't read the comments in the online store for a long time, and after reading it, he was taken aback.

I’m not sure that all the reviews have follow-up reviews, but at a glance, at least [-]% of the reviews have follow-up reviews, and these follow-up reviews are all positive reviews without exception. Many guys are even complaining about the store owner’s goods. Why are there fewer and fewer? Is it hunger marketing?

Simply, Yang Tianlong pushed all the few products in the plane warehouse to the online store.

Tomorrow morning, I will scan all the wood from the plane warehouse into the plane warehouse, and then print it after arriving in Berlin. No, it is possible to print on the plane, provided that he must fly first class.

As soon as he thought that the first-class cabin could be printed, Yang Tianlong hurriedly bought a first-class ticket from Addis Ababa to Berlin.

After finishing all the work, he walked out of the room and then walked a few hundred meters to the monkey's department store.

I saw the monkey busily commanding the transport truck to unload the felled wood, and when the thick wood fell to the ground, it made a dull landing sound, which also proved from one aspect that the quality of these woods is absolutely superior good.

After explaining the precautions to the monkey for a while, seeing that it was indeed getting late, Yang Tianlong returned to the room.

In the room, he opened the online store again, and saw that the hundreds of items that were pushed into the market just now had sold more than 20 items in just one hour.

It seems that domestic mahogany prices are indeed on the rise.

Looking at all this in front of him, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but feel ecstatic. It is estimated that there is no problem in earning hundreds of millions of Huaxia coins from the busy work tonight.


The next day, Yang Tianlong got up early in the morning, took the key given to him by the monkey, and walked into the warehouse alone.

While there was no one around, he quickly scanned the wood into the warehouse on the plane, and did not give up until the 500 cubic meter warehouse was filled with 400 cubic meters.

Joseph was very kind, and personally sent Yang Tianlong to the airport in the morning, but in order to avoid suspicion, he was wearing casual clothes, sunglasses, and a black hat.

The distance from Esawaka, the capital of Tutan, to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia is not far, just over an hour's flight.

After arriving at the airport, Yang Tianlong changed the boarding pass non-stop, and entered the first-class cabin of EgyptAir ahead of schedule.

In the first-class cabin, a space with a good face and a good figure has been waiting for a long time.

"Hello, sir. May I help you?" First-class passengers are either rich or expensive, and the service level of the flight attendants is naturally much better than that of economy class and business class.

"Just give me a bottle of mineral water. For the rest of the time, I want to be quiet." Yang Tianlong said in fluent French.

The stewardess was taken aback for a moment. She hadn't expected that the yellow man in front of her could speak fluent French. She thought they could only communicate with each other through gestures.

"Understood, I'm glad to serve you." The stewardess nodded with a smile on her face.

I have to say that the seats in the first class cabin are not only comfortable, but also provide charging service. When the small door of the first class cabin is closed, a closed space is formed inside. In this closed space, Yang Tianlong can completely One's own affairs are not subject to any influence from the outside world.

Take out the printer from the plane space, plug in the power, then turn on the power, connect the plane warehouse to the printer virtually, and print according to the form of wood. After a while, the printer started to work.

The next flight time is about 4-5 hours. During this period, precious trees such as sandalwood and mahogany can be printed into various wood products, as small as bracelets, prayer beads, and avenue mahogany furniture. As long as the template can be found , the printer can print.

After finishing all this work, Yang Tianlong didn't care about anything, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

This sleep directly fell asleep until the altitude of the plane dropped, and it was only four and ten minutes away from Berlin International Airport.

After waking up, Yang Tianlong quickly checked the printed items, and printed them one by one according to the requirements, which can even be described as perfect.

With a look of excitement, he transferred these printed products to the online store, and raised the price according to 2% of the same products.

The reason is simple. The wood from the plateau forest kingdom of Tutan has experienced several times of precipitation compared with the tropical area. The natural value of the things made of this wood is also higher than that of the tropical area. Not a lot.

Those who know the goods appreciate it, and those who don't know the goods disdain it.

Today, during the printing of more than 4 hours, a total of 4 pieces of wood were printed. From the analysis of the price of the goods in the online shop, the profit of these 4 pieces of wood can be about 400 million.

And his planar warehouse contains about 1000 pieces of wood, that is to say, these 1000 pieces of wood can bring him nearly 10 billion Huaxia coins in revenue.

Yang Tianlong was stunned all of a sudden, he never thought that there would be such a big profit, you know, he only spent a total of more than 20 US dollars.

But when he was excited, he began to plan his next goal.

As long as the 10 billion Huaxia coins are in hand, a beautiful island and a private jet will definitely not be able to escape.


The plane was slowly descending, and Yang Tianlong's heart began to become a little nervous as the flight altitude continued to drop. Wait a minute, that is, in more than ten minutes, he will see his lover.

Originally, he didn't want his lover to come over, but he couldn't resist her persistence and "stubbornness", so Yang Tianlong had no choice but to agree.

Thinking that he hadn't seen her for a month, Yang Tianlong's heart began to throb.

From the moment the plane started to descend to the moment when he finally saw his lover, the two hugged each other tightly and wept with joy. His wife's tears flowed down her beautiful face and wet Yang Tianlong's shoulders...

Brother-in-law Johnny couldn't help being moved when he watched this scene.

After a while, Yang Tianlong and Elena reluctantly parted.

Yang Tianlong stroked his wife's beautiful hair gently, with an expression of love.

"Honey, you've lost weight."

"Really? They all said I was fat." Elena smiled embarrassedly.

"You must have suffered a lot, and I will double your compensation." Yang Tianlong looked at his wife's ruddy face and said seriously.

"With you by my side, I am very satisfied." Elena smiled softly, and once again nestled her head into her husband's broad and warm chest.

Jonny on the side looked a little anxious, and he thought in his heart that when he got home, he would also show off his affection to Elena, and see who would show off ruthlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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