Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 831 The two of you actually got involved

Chapter 831

Waiting for Yang Tianlong to follow his wife back home, the moment the door of the house opened, Yang Tianlong was dumbfounded that Yi Lianna was actually at home.

"Hey, what's going on?" Yang Tianlong quickly grabbed Jonny who was beside him.

"What's going on?" Johnny was confused.

"Elena, what's the matter with her?" Yang Tianlong whispered.

"Hi..." Johnny looked relaxed and normal, "She's my girlfriend, don't you know her? Huaxialong."

"You two are engaged?" Yang Tianlong said in surprise.

"Hey, brother-in-law, be careful with your wording. What do you mean the two of us are dating?" Jonny couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Yang Tianlong.

"Don't pay attention to the details, are you two really together?" To be honest, Yang Tianlong still couldn't believe his eyes.

"Yes, the two of us are in a relationship, and she is my little sweetheart now." After Jonny finished speaking, he ignored Elena and went straight to Elena, "Honey, I'm back."

"You've worked hard, Darling..." Irina said, kissing Johnny lightly on the cheek.

"Let's go, dear." Elena took Yang Tianlong's arm happily.

This kid Jonny really has two hands, he actually got Yi Lianna, Yang Tianlong thought with admiration.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon." Seeing that his son-in-law had returned, Mr. Franlo put down the knife and fork in his hand and walked towards him quickly. Immediately, Mr. Franlo opened his arms, "My child, you Thin."

"Really? Sir, I think I've turned black." Yang Tianlong said.

"That's dark and thin, haha... But this kind of physique is strong. Looking at your muscles, you probably haven't practiced less these days, right?" Franlo said while patting Yang Tianlong's chest vigorously.

"No, I still exercise normally." Yang Tianlong said.

"That's right, being able to persevere is the most powerful thing."

"Son, are you back?" At this time, Mrs. Sophia also came out with a kind face, watching her son-in-law come back, Mrs. Sophia's face was full of kindness.

"Mrs. Sophia, I'm back." Yang Tianlong said.

"It's good to be back, you're hungry, come and eat quickly." Mrs. Sophia said with a smile.

"I already smelled the fragrance at the door just now. It smells really good. I'm so greedy that I'm drooling." Yang Tianlong said with a smile on his face.

"Come here, kid, have a good drink with me at night." Franlo said and patted Yang Tianlong's shoulder again.

After washing his hands, he sat down generously. Yang Tianlong found that the dishes tonight were really rich, including caviar, foie gras, steak, sausage, fruit salad, and the local German food roast suckling pig and bubbling beer.

"Beer or wine?" Franlo asked, looking at his son-in-law.

"It's all right." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Beer first." Franlo said while handing Yang Tianlong a big beer.

"Come on, everyone pour beer or drinks, and we welcome the return of Huaxia Dragon." Mr. Franlo first proposed.

"Welcome the return of Huaxia Dragon..." Everyone was ready, and the wine glasses collided together, interweaving a wonderful movement.

During dinner, Yang Tianlong also looked at his wife tenderly from time to time, and he found that his wife had indeed lost weight, perhaps because he was away and made her worry about her.

"Honey, I would like to toast you, thank you for everything you have done for me..." Seeing his wife's tender face, Yang Tianlong couldn't help feeling turbulent, and said with a smile on his wife.

"Thank you dear, in the days to come, there will not be two of us, but four of us." Elena picked up the drink with a smile on her face.

"Let's build a better family together." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Drink a cup of wine." Johnny suddenly booed.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Franlo and Mrs. Sophia rolled their eyes at his words.

this jonny...

Johnny could only obediently shut his mouth, and then picked up a piece of steak...

After dinner, Yang Tianlong originally wanted to help clean up the kitchen, because this was his routine work, but unexpectedly, Jonny and Elena firmly occupied the kitchen.

"My child, let the two of them clean up. We can't just let it go." Mrs. Sophia whispered.

Franco also nodded involuntarily, "Indeed, Jonny is just too used to it, and his two older sisters are very independent."

"Okay, then I'll go up to your study and come down later, my dear, you are here, I will come down soon." After saying this, Yang Tianlong kissed Elena gently on the forehead for a moment.

After entering the study room, Yang Tianlong quickly took out the printer, and printed those python skins, crocodile skins, etc. into exquisite handbags, wallets, or belts, which he needed to give to his family as gifts.

Of course, he prepared a special gift for Johnny, which is a powerful gaming laptop.

After printing these, Yang Tianlong scanned the wood from the plane warehouse into the printer, and after pressing the print button, the printer started to work quietly.

Taking advantage of this time, he checked the online store, and saw that today's sales had reached 200 million Huaxia coins.

Equivalent to half of the sales volume already completed.

If there is no accident, he can achieve a turnover of tens of millions tomorrow.

After checking all this, Yang Tianlong went downstairs with the gift.

These gifts are all adorned in exquisite packaging boxes, which are also newly printed and exude the unique fragrance of precious wood.

"Sir, madam, I have nothing to bring back this time, a small gift, thank you for your dedication to our juniors." Yang Tianlong held the gift box in both hands, and said respectfully.

"Son, you are out of touch now, we are a family." Mr. Frenlo said.

Mrs. Sophia nodded and said, "You are Eileen's husband and our child. It's only right for us to treat our children well."

"Dear mom and dad, then we should be kind to you." After finishing speaking, Elena put her arms around her parents' shoulders with a look of intimacy.

"Yes, what Elena said is right, as juniors, we should be more filial to our elders." Yang Tianlong said.

"You guys still know how to talk, okay, we've accepted this gift, kid, you won't be allowed to do that in the future." Franlo couldn't stop smiling when he spoke, and he could see that he was very happy.

"Have you decided on the child's name?" Suddenly, Mrs. Sophia couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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