Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 837 I Still Be A Quiet Tyrant

Chapter 837 I'd better be a quiet local tyrant

Except for Yang Tianlong who noticed that Linka was acting, the rest of the family didn't notice it.

Yang Tianlong also knew that Linka had prejudices against him, the reason was simple, that is, he was too sharp, and Linka was also an extremely strong woman, she would never allow anyone in her family who was more capable than her to exist.

During the meal, Yang Tianlong hardly said a word. After lunch, Linka enthusiastically pulled Irina, Elena and Mrs. Sofia to sit on the sofa and chatted, while Yang Tianlong Follow Jonny in the kitchen to pack up the house.

Just taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Tianlong half-jokingly and half-seriously asked how Jonny got Irina.

"Of course I'm not only handsome, but also talented." Jonny said while showing a charming smile at Yang Tianlong.

"Alas..." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly.

When he was in South Sudan, Jonny found out that Irina was Lily, but he didn't mind it. Instead, he felt pity for Irina. After all, Lily's women can't enjoy the most primitive physical sex. This strength, as well as this energy, brought Yi Lianna endless joy and enjoyment.

After returning to Europe, Jonny launched a fierce offensive against Elena, and even went to Elena's apartment. At that time, there was almost no food in Elena's apartment, only Italian noodles. After Lian Na gave Jonny the Italian noodles, the two fell into deep contact.

"Irina should be on the rise in her career now, so young man, you have to work hard." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"I'm sure I won't be behind her. I'm going to participate in an international photography conference next month. If I win an award, my worth will double. By then, guess how much a photo will be worth?" Johnny said with a mysterious face.

Yang Tianlong shook his head, he knew that it was best for Johnny to say the answer himself.

"At least 50 US dollars, remember, 50 US dollars." Jonny said with a rather proud face.

"Mr. Franlo doesn't even have this value?" Yang Tianlong couldn't believe that a photo was worth 50 US dollars.

"Then you're wrong. My father is worth 80 U.S. dollars for a photo, but don't think that this photo is just taken with a camera. It requires material selection and post-processing." Jonny said .

"Then I wish you success, buddy." Yang Tianlong stretched out his hand as he said.

Johnny understood, and punched Yang Tianlong's palm together.

After the two walked out of the kitchen, they saw four women at home chatting happily.

"Come on, I'm going to play games, Huaxia Dragon, are you interested?"

Yang Tianlong shook his head, he was still thinking about the printer and the online shop.

"Another day." Yang Tianlong said while parting ways with Jonny.

When he came to the study room, he saw that the printer had stopped working. Seeing this, Yang Tianlong hurriedly took out the wood from the warehouse to scan, and then moved the goods in the warehouse to the online store.

Today's sales volume is not bad, 800 million Huaxia coins have been sold, and the 800 million Huaxia coins are almost naked pure profits.

Thinking that the daily income is in the millions, Yang Tianlong's heart suddenly became more comfortable.

After dealing with these matters, he couldn't help opening the local media information to check the local investment situation.

But after looking at it for a while, he couldn't find a suitable investment opportunity.

Instead, he connected to Tumenov and Belen's phone call.

Tumenov told Yang Tianlong that he bought [-] kilograms of root incense, which had been shipped out two days ago through international logistics, and he might receive it within two days.

And Bei Lun told Yang Tianlong that this time the beef promotion work in London went very smoothly. They directly bypassed the distributors and cooperated with restaurants and shopping malls. In this way, they can increase their sales by 3-5%. Profit margins.

Originally thought that Belen's negotiation would take some time, but he unexpectedly went so smoothly, Yang Tianlong couldn't help cheering softly in the study.

With money, everything is easy to handle.

He can buy a small island of his own, and he can also buy a plane that can land at any airport in the world.

But right now, he is not in a hurry to implement these two things immediately. To buy the plane, let Prince Hussein check it out. As for the purchase of the island, wait for him to have a plane so that he can travel around Europe or North America. See if there is a suitable island.

This night, Yang Tianlong scanned all the wood into the printer, and estimated that it would take 2-3 days to complete the printing.

As for Elena, they chatted until eleven o'clock in the evening, which was the time when John came back.

Elena returned to the room with an excited expression on her face, perhaps it was because the family hadn't been together in such a neat way for a long time.

"Honey, sister Linka will be admitted to the maternity hospital in two days."

"It will be you in a few days." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"I suddenly became a little nervous." Elena said while hugging Yang Tianlong's neck.

"Why?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smiled.

"I'm afraid of pain." Elena said.

"Haha, so that's what happened. It's the first time, it always hurts, but it will be better if you have more births later." Yang Tianlong laughed.

"Hate..." Seeing what her husband said, Eileen couldn't help but waved her pink fist and punched Yang Tianlong's chest.

"Let me kiss, I won't be able to kiss in two days." Yang Tianlong smiled, and couldn't help but kissed Elena's little lips.

Elena didn't resist, but tried her best to cater to her husband. Ever since she became pregnant, they hadn't had such a good tenderness for a long time.

Right now, I can only click to the end, after all, there is still about half a month before Elena is about to give birth.

"Honey, wait until after giving birth, okay?" Elena looked at Yang Tianlong and said tenderly.

"Okay." Yang Tianlong nodded with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, my sister is going to buy a car tomorrow, and it happens that both Dad and Johnny are busy, so go with John." Elena suddenly seemed to remember something.

"Buy a car?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

Elena nodded, "They must also need a car in Berlin, so they are going to buy it."

"Okay, I'll go and have a look." Yang Tianlong nodded with a smile on his face.

After Elena walked into the bathroom, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and began to compare so quickly.

Forget it, it's her business if she wants to compete, I'd better be a low-key local tyrant quietly.

 Thank you for the reward of "Night Falling Blossoms", thank you for the "xiaomingdesh" monthly pass, thank you buddy

(End of this chapter)

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