Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 838 The couple who show off their wealth

Chapter 838
Sure enough, Yang Tianlong guessed right. The local tycoon John and Linka bought a rather luxurious stretched Lincoln sedan, saying that when they take their children out to play in the future, the nanny can also accompany them, so it won't be so crowded.

It seems that their pretentiousness is not over yet. After John bought the car, he went straight to the real estate transaction center in Berlin and bought a lakeside villa with an area of ​​more than 300 square meters, worth 300 million US dollars.

Yang Tianlong followed John with a calm face, thinking that he was one of John's pawns without knowing it.

When she returned home at night, Linka saw that everyone in the family was at home, so she hurriedly greeted her husband warmly.

"Did you buy the car?" Linka said with a smile on her face.

John nodded, "I bought it and lengthened Lincoln."

When they heard that it was an extended Lincoln, the Franlos couldn't help being stunned. Did John lose his mind and bought an extended Lincoln?

This kind of car is more suitable for concierge occasions, and it is not at all uncomfortable for home use, especially for long-distance driving.

Johnny couldn't help snickering, this John is really unrealistic.

Linka didn't care that much, they only bought expensive ones, not the right ones. Anyway, cars are a symbol of status, and their real practicality is not that strong.

"My brother-in-law will take everyone for a ride some other day." Jonny said with a chuckle.

John nodded, "Of course there is no problem. I will take everyone to Linka and I's new home tomorrow."

This time it was Linka's turn to be surprised. She just asked her husband to buy a car, but unexpectedly he also bought a new house.

Seeing this, Linka couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Hey, John, what's the matter with the house?"

"She overpaid the price last night." John said in a low voice, and then stretched out three fingers.

"So much?" Linka was suddenly surprised. Originally, they only wanted 500 million US dollars, but now they gave 800 million US dollars all at once. This is wealth that many people can't earn in their lifetimes.

"I asked them to give 1000 million at first, and then negotiated for this price." John said with a smile.

"Excellent." Linka suddenly felt that her husband didn't seem so pedantic anymore. At least in front of money, he was getting closer to her goal.

"Where did you buy your new home?" Franlo asked in surprise.

"It's in this neighborhood, on the other side of the lake." John smiled.

"That's not bad, we'll be closer in the future." Franlo nodded with relief.

Linka looked at Elena and said, "Dear Elena, why don't you buy one here too, then it will be very convenient for us to move around with each other."

"Aren't you going to be in Kinshasa?" Elena couldn't help asking.

Linka smiled, "Of course Kinshasa will continue, but John and I will gradually focus on Europe. After all, the conditions in Kinshasa are too bad."

"We may not be able to afford it now." Elena said with some embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, you are still young, work hard slowly." Linka became arrogant, and what she wanted was Elena's words.

"It's okay, kid. The house at home is still big. You can come back to live at any time." Seeing the son-in-law Hua Xialong, the Franlos seemed a little embarrassed, and hurried out to make a rescue.

"Yes, I think so too, so that I can be closer to my parents." Elena said with a smile.

"Come on, let's eat quickly, I guess Hua Xialong and John are already hungry." Franlo hurriedly greeted everyone.


The next day, as expected, John and Linka brought the whole family to their new home for a visit.

Compared with the villa in Franlo's family, John's new home is more luxurious, not only has a swimming pool, but also a parking lot and an underground wine cellar.

Facing the approval and envy of her family, Linka's vanity was once again greatly satisfied.

Yang Tianlong didn't show any embarrassment, he also visited with everyone happily.

There is really no need to be jealous, everyone is a family, Linka is a woman, she is jealous and normal, but as a man, there is no need to be jealous. Rather than destroying the fighting spirit, it is better to develop in the direction of the rich.

Facts have proved that Yang Tianlong is indeed developing in the direction of the rich. The business of the online store is getting better day by day. Not only is the domestic sales very good, but there are also sales in island countries, Bangzi countries and some Southeast Asian countries.

At the same time in the afternoon, Xili also sent him all the recent financial statements. Seeing that his account had suddenly increased by 9000 million US dollars, Yang Tianlong's heart suddenly became elated.

In the room at night, Yang Tianlong looked at his wife and suddenly asked, "Honey, if you become as rich as your sister, how will you plan your life?"

"They're not particularly rich." As a stewardess and rich second generation, Elena naturally met a lot of rich people. In her opinion, Linka and John were involved in various tasks in her family. , mediocre at best.

"Then what is your definition of rich?" Yang Tianlong asked with a smile.

"At least the assets exceed [-] million US dollars." Elena said after thinking about it.

"If you have 1 million US dollars, what plan do you have for the future?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"I haven't really thought about it. In fact, more money and less money don't make a big difference to me. On the contrary, sometimes more money is a kind of bondage. Compared with money, I am more willing to pursue a happy life."

For Elena's answer, Yang Tianlong is undoubtedly very satisfied.

"Facts have proved that my vision is not wrong." Yang Tianlong said while holding his wife in his arms.

"My vision is not wrong." Elena said sweetly.

"But I still want to tell you that I really have 1 million now."

"Really? I don't care how much you have. What I care about is our family and the relationship between us." Elena was not surprised, but said more calmly.

"I know, so I will treat you well. I will go to Dubai the day after tomorrow, and I will be back in 4-5 days. Take care of yourself."

"Okay, you too, you must take care outside." After saying this, Elena threw herself into her husband's arms again, and remained in this posture for a long time without moving.

(End of this chapter)

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