Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 839 Must Beware Of Prince Nuerman's Experts

Chapter 839 Must Beware Of Prince Nuerman's Experts
Yi Lianna went to Shanghai one day before Yang Tianlong. She flew directly from Frankfurt to Shanghai; Yang Tianlong took the first flight to Rydesberg the day after her.

But before Reedsburg, Yang Tianlong received the root incense and entrusted them to Mr. Franlo.

As soon as Franlo picked up the incense, he couldn't help but take a deep breath in the air, and then he looked intoxicated.

The father-in-law said that he would let his good friend take a good look at this incense, and try to make a different perfume.

At Reedsburg Airport, Bazar warmly welcomed him, and directly brought Yang Tianlong to the VIP waiting room.

The two were together, and there seemed to be endless words. After asking each other for a while, Bazar said: "Huaxia Dragon, this time Prince Nuerman brought two guys who are said to have special functions as followers. , we have to be careful, this is why His Royal Highness wants to order your generals."

"Understood, but what special abilities do those two guys have?" Yang Tianlong asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, Bazar also shook his head blankly, "Sorry, this is just the clues collected by our intelligence personnel. As for what special functions they have, I really don't know."

"Is this the first time you've seen them?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

Bazar nodded, "Yes, that's why we are also very worried. Tight security has been arranged throughout the process, all retired Israeli agents."

"Maybe we'll know when we see them." Yang Tianlong said while he was full of curiosity about the next so-called people with supernatural powers.

At this moment, there are still two hours before the special plane takes off, and the huge Airbus A380 is ready for His Royal Highness to visit.

"Your Highness the Prince probably didn't take his family to the magic capital this time?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Bazar nodded, "Yes, just considering that he doesn't know what the hell Prince Nuerman will do, so His Royal Highness did not bring his family, and all senior government officials accompanied him."

"Prince Nuerman fiddled with His Majesty the King, and then was approved to go?" Yang Tianlong asked again.

"Yes, after all, Nuerman is the eldest son. Since he was severely taught at the Falcon Conference last time, he has learned a lot. He was originally planned without him, but who would have thought that he would not?" Knowing where he got out, and then weeping bitterly in front of His Majesty the King, His Majesty the King kindly let him follow."

There is no 300 taels of silver here. Nuerman must have done something this time. Apart from hiring those retired Israeli agents, is there any other way for your security measures? "Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Bazar shook his head, "Not for now."

"What about the camera?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"Installing a camera in Prince Nuerman's room at the Modu International Hotel?" Bazar was taken aback. The expression on his face was incredible. Indeed, he couldn't do it this way.

"It's exempt on the site of Shanghai. My idea is to install a camera directly in his room on the plane."

"Isn't it good that he found out?" Bazar frowned, looking embarrassed.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I have two cameras here. One is extremely hidden and the other is extremely unhidden. The unhidden camera will definitely be discovered by Prince Nuerman, but this is equivalent to telling him indirectly that this time it is right He made a dike, which is a small warning to him not to act rashly." Yang Tianlong said.

"That's a good idea." Bazar praised him after hearing it.

"Here, it's these two." The camera is very small, and the military defense section in the plane warehouse is easy to buy, so Yang Tianlong can take out the camera in front of Bazar.

Looking at the large and small cameras, Bazar quickly called a caring agent, and after some simple instructions, he handed over the two cameras to the agent.

The agent didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly took the camera and went straight to the plane.

"Old buddy, these two so-called guys with supernatural powers must abolish them this time, otherwise, they will make trouble when they return to Karta." Yang Tianlong continued.

Bazar nodded, "That's what I thought too, but there doesn't seem to be a good solution."

"It's people who come up with the solution, but there's still plenty of time, we can think about it slowly." Yang Tianlong frowned tightly, looking like he was thinking hard.

"Then I'll leave it to you, I'm sure I won't be able to spare too much energy to think about these issues these days." Bazar said helplessly.

Regarding the work of the housekeeper, Yang Tianlong can understand. In the past few days in Shanghai, Bazar must be one of the busiest people. He needs to take care of everything for His Royal Highness. Open, busy to turn off the lights.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Yang Tianlong also didn't have any confidence in his so-called method, and at present, he could only take one step at a time.

The agent was very familiar with gadgets like installing cameras, and within 10 minutes, he walked over with a calm face.

Surprisingly, not long after he got down, he saw Prince Nuerman's convoy approaching the plane, and Prince Nurman, who was dressed in an Arabic robe, walked down with a smile on his face.

Then came the personal bodyguards of Prince Nuerman, six tall white men, all wearing sunglasses and headsets on their ears, and each of them had one hand in their pocket or in their arms, as anyone with a little common sense would know What are they carrying.

Two skinny, dark guys followed closely, and the two guys were not very good looking.

"Is it the two of them?" Yang Tianlong's eyes suddenly saw the two guys who looked like Southeast Asians.

Bazar hurriedly checked carefully, and then he nodded quickly, "Yes, I know everyone else, but it's the first time I've seen those two dark-skinned guys."

"They look a lot like Southeast Asians." Yang Tianlong frowned and said.

"Yes." Bazar agreed with Yang Tianlong.

What can a guy there be good at?
muay thai?rock climbing? ...

Suddenly, Yang Tianlong suddenly thought of the head-down technique.

In an instant, his whole body was covered with goosebumps, if it was really a head lowering technique...

Of course, as for whether there is such an evil witchcraft as head lowering in this world, it is really difficult for ordinary people who have not experienced it.

All of a sudden, Yang Tianlong thought of the Lion Head who once stayed in Myanmar and Dai Kingdom for a while, and he mentioned the so-called head lowering technique last time.

Immediately, Yang Tianlong called Lion Head and asked about this on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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