Chapter 840

Lion Head was also very surprised, he never thought that Yang Tianlong, a guy full of justice, would be so interested in the head lowering technique.

But while he was surprised, he felt that the old man must have encountered something, otherwise, he wouldn't be like this.

Sure enough, under Lion Head's questioning, Yang Tianlong told Lion Head about the general situation he encountered.

"Okay, I know a head-down master, I'll contact him now, and I'll call you later."

"No problem, I look forward to your answer." Yang Tianlong said.

"Huaxialong, what are you discussing?" Bazar on the side was a little confused just now, and after seeing Yang Tianlong hang up the phone, he hurriedly asked.

"We're discussing a small issue, it's nothing to do, old man." Yang Tianlong patted Bazar's shoulder lightly while talking.

"Hey, the prince is here." Yang Tianlong also saw a large group of people in the VIP waiting room, surrounded by Prince Hussein and walked in.

"Your Highness the Prince." When Bazar heard that the Prince was coming, he quickly turned around and saluted Prince Hussein respectfully.

"Huaxia Dragon." When Prince Hussein saw Yang Tianlong, his serious expression just now turned into a smile.

"Your Highness, hello." Yang Tianlong did not dare to neglect, and said politely to Prince Hussein.

"I'm fine, how about you? How are you doing?" Prince Hussein asked with a smile.

"I'm not bad, and I'm developing steadily in all aspects."

"By the way, what happened to your beef cattle? I'm thinking of buying dozens of them to entertain my tribal subjects." Hussein said.

"The growth is good. Now it's the season for slaughter. If you need it, I can get someone to prepare it for you at any time." Yang Tianlong didn't sell all the hundreds of beef cattle in the three pastures, but reserved almost a few. About ten heads.

"Yes, I will give 20 US dollars per head." Prince Hussein said quite readily.

"Let's avoid this." Yang Tianlong said with a rather embarrassed face.

"This won't work. Let's keep our personal relationship as a personal relationship. We must distinguish clearly when it comes to interests. Bazar, you should quickly contact a cargo plane and go to Africa in these two days." , Once it is determined, the subordinates are asked to do it on the spot.

Bazar didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly nodded to express that he would handle it immediately.

"You all go out first, I have something to talk to Hua Xialong." Perhaps because he felt that he had brought a lot of entourages with him, and it was inconvenient to listen to these entourages, Prince Hussein ordered.

Bazar also left with his entourage, but he was called back by Prince Hussein before he reached the door.

"Bazar, you stay."

Although these words were short, they were a kind of trust that Prince Hussein had in Bazar.

"Of course." Bazar quickly stopped.

The entourage left quickly, but they didn't dare to stay too far away. After all, His Royal Highness, the future king, is in this VIP lounge. If something goes wrong, they dare not take responsibility for it.

"Huaxia Dragon, did Bazar tell you all about it just now?" Prince Hussein's expression was extremely serious.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "I know all about it, I saw those two guys just now, typical Southeast Asians."

"That's right, I just got the information. Those two guys are the head-down masters of the Dai Kingdom. You must know their goals, right?"

"I know." Yang Tianlong nodded.

Bazar should be surprised now, but he never thought that those two guys were actually head-down masters.

Thinking of their identities, Bazar couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body.

"Is there any good way for them to be dealt with directly at the airport in Reedsburg or Modu?" Hussein said.

Of course, having followed Prince Hussein for a long time, Bazar also knew that the so-called "solution" that His Royal Highness said was not to kill them, but to have them detained or other methods.

Yang Tianlong thought for a while, then said: "There may be a way right now."

"What way?" Hussein couldn't help but look closely at Yang Tianlong.

"Arrest them on suspicion of drug smuggling or possession of illegal firearms."

"Guns may not work well, as for drugs..." Hussein glanced at Bazar.

"Bazar, can you get drugs?"

"No problem." Bazar said confidently.

"The rest is up to you." Prince Hussein smiled slightly.

Yang Tianlong followed Bazar and nodded involuntarily, with a look of understanding on his face.

Finally, before boarding the plane, Bazar brought a large bag of drugs onto the plane.

But how to put this drug next to those two guys is a difficult task.

Bazar had no choice but to look at Yang Tianlong with compassion, he didn't dare to ask other people for help, because only the three of them knew about this matter.

After Yang Tianlong saw Bazar's rather embarrassed face, he couldn't help but also frowned, maybe it's more appropriate for him to complete this matter now.

After thinking about it, Yang Tianlong asked Bazar to give him the drugs.

Immediately, he put on the gloves and held the 100 grams of drugs tightly in his hand.

The plane has changed from flying upwards to a high-altitude level flight. At this moment, it is already past ten o'clock in the evening. Since the Airbus A380 is large enough, and the members this time are only about 5 or 60, except for the bedrooms , and the rest can enjoy first-class treatment in the public cabin.

Yang Tianlong has been looking for an opportunity to strike, but he has not found a suitable opportunity.

In a nutshell, he told Bazar that they couldn't do it on the plane, and they could only do it in the hotel in Shanghai.

"Is it safe in the hotel?" Bazar asked quickly.

Yang Tianlong nodded, expressing with confidence that there must be no problem.

"That's good. Let's go to the hotel at noon local time and try to take those two guys away in the afternoon." Bazar said.

At this moment, Bazar's mobile phone rang suddenly. The plane was equipped with WIFI, which could connect to the international network anytime and anywhere, so Bazar's mobile phone was always available.

"Mr. Housekeeper, no, they discovered the camera." An agent's voice came from the phone.

"Both were discovered?" Bazar asked quickly.

"No, the big one."

"Haha, that's just right." Bazar smiled slightly, everything was within their plan.

(End of this chapter)

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