Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 841 Are You Aren't Afraid Of The Head-Suppressing Master?

Chapter 841 Are You Aren't Afraid Of The Head-Suppressing Master?

The plane arrived at the airport at 10:30 a.m. local time in Shanghai. When we got off the plane, there were senior officials from Huaxia Kingdom and the main leaders of Shanghai City to greet Prince Hussein at the airport.

Among the crowd who came to greet him, Yang Tianlong suddenly spotted Wang Jianguo.

Isn't Wang Jianguo the executive deputy mayor of Yangcheng City?Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

Wang Jianguo also found Yang Tianlong among the crowd, and he was also taken aback.

The two immediately looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent.

When introducing Yang Tianlong, Prince Hussein introduced Yang Tianlong with his senior think tank team.

Naturally, Yang Tianlong, who pretended to be a tiger, was warmly welcomed by the officials of the motherland.

After some simple etiquette greetings, Prince Hussein's convoy drove quickly to the hotel where they stayed, the Modu International Hotel.

For this international forum, Prince Hussein and the others booked the entire hotel, and the cost for four days was close to 4 million US dollars.

Prince Hussein naturally had the best room in the presidential suite, followed by Prince Nuerman, and Yang Tianlong's standard was right after Nuerman and in front of Bazar.

Nuerman's two head-down masters lived on another floor.

Yang Tianlong has received a message from Lion's Hair, which gave him a deeper understanding of the head-down master and the head-down technique.

It turns out that there are good and bad masters, there are Jiejiang masters and descending masters. The descending head was passed down from the Miao ancestors in Yunnan, China, and was carried forward in Southeast Asia and other places.

A powerful head-down master can lower your head without your horoscope and contact with you, but there are still very few very powerful head-down masters. Generally, you need your hair, horoscope, used things, etc.!And the most important thing is that the head lowering master needs to use his own blood as a guide when lowering his head. Therefore, when his head lowering technique is broken, the head lowering master will also be counterattacked by the head lowering technique. Insufficient head-bending masters are very likely to lose their skills and even lose their lives; even if the head-bending master's skill is profound, nine out of ten will be backlashed by the head-bending technique, which will seriously damage their vitality, and they must urgently find hidden places Only by recuperating can one escape the catastrophe of breaking meritorious deeds.Therefore, if you don't cast the curse of blood, you will see blood.If there is no deep hatred, the general head-down master would never use the blood curse lightly, so as not to damage the vitality.

There are many types of head-dropping techniques, the most powerful of which is flying head-dropping. Flying head-dropping is a head-dropping technique in which the head-dropping master uses spells to drop himself, allowing his head to fly away from the body and improve his skills. .When the head-down master first started to practice head-down, he had to find a hidden place to make sure that he would not be harassed suddenly, and then he would start flying head-down at midnight.Flying head drop is divided into seven stages in total, and each stage must last seven to seven 49 days before it can be regarded as a complete merit.In other words, the Flying Head Drop master practiced is like Zhang Wuji practicing the Great Teleportation of the Universe. Every time he practiced one level, his skill would increase greatly; after seven stages of practice, the Head Lowering Master could live forever.

Of course, practicing flying head-down is not an easy task.In the previous seven stages, the head-down master didn't just fly out with his head to suck blood, but flew out with his own digestive organs---stomach.When you meet a cat, you drink cat blood; when you meet a dog, you drink dog blood, what about people?Naturally, the blood is also sucked clean, and it will not return to the head descendant until the stomach is full of blood, or when the sky is about to dawn.After these seven stages, the head drop master can be regarded as a flying head drop master.Afterwards, when he performs flying head drop, those scattered stomachs and intestines will not fly with the head, and become light and neat, not easy to be discovered, and it is easier to achieve his goal.After the flying head drop is practiced, the head drop master no longer needs to suck blood, but every seven to 49 days, he has to suck the fetus in the pregnant woman's womb.The flying head drop at this stage has become the most terrifying nightmare for pregnant women.Fortunately, there are very few head-down masters who have practiced to this stage, because flying head-down itself is a very dangerous head-down technique. Head drop masters will never practice flying head drop easily!

According to the information sent to him by Lion Head, there are currently no more than 5 people in Southeast Asia who have practiced flying head drop, and basically all of them are over 40 years old.

Yang Tianlong also made a preliminary estimate at the time, and the age of the two guys was estimated to be around 30 years old. Looking at it this way, they are not too powerful head-down masters, and they probably worked for Nuerman for money. guy.

However, for these two head-down masters, Yang Tianlong naturally did not dare to underestimate them. Their absolute goal is Prince Hussein, but their auxiliary goals will definitely have their own names on them, so he is now comparable to Prince Hussein. It is a grasshopper on a rope, and fate is closely related.

So he had to get rid of these two head-down masters as soon as possible.

From the current point of view, it is not a problem at all to put the drugs in the room of those two guys. He can rely on the help of Meng Diao, but the police in Modu are here.

After thinking about it, Yang Tianlong suddenly thought of someone.

This person is Wang Jianguo.

Right now Yang Tianlong needs Wang Jianguo's help.

He decided to meet Wang Jianguo.

Before going out, he specifically reported to Prince Hussein, and at the same time informed Mr. Bazar, and told them his thoughts. They all agreed. Get rid of these two guys.

And they firmly believed that these two guys would definitely not make trouble in China's land. After all, they belonged to Prince Nuerman. Once they committed crimes, Nuerman would naturally be involved.

Yang Tianlong tried to dial Wang Jianguo's phone number, thinking that there might be some obstacles in the middle, but unexpectedly, Wang Jianguo answered the call all at once.

"Mayor Wang, I need your help with something." Yang Tianlong said anxiously.

"What happened?" Wang Jianguo was taken aback, and told him intuitively that something must have happened in the middle.

"If it's convenient for you, I would like to meet you." Yang Tianlong said bluntly.

"Okay, I'm here at the International Conference Center."

"Then I'll come." After hanging up the phone, Yang Tianlong didn't use the vehicle of Prince Hussein's motorcade, but went straight out of the hotel, hailed a taxi, and drove towards the conference center where Wang Jianguo was.

Along the way, Yang Tianlong also looked at whether there were suspicious vehicles behind him from time to time.

Even after he looked back for a while, he didn't find any suspicious vehicles.

However, when he turned his head to look over, he was suddenly taken aback.

Those two guys turned up at the traffic lights.

They looked at Yang Tianlong coldly, and then a thin guy smiled secretly at Yang Tianlong.

(End of this chapter)

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