Chapter 845
Yang Tianlong is very dismissive of the fallacy that Lin Dayou has a milk and is a mother.

And Lin Dayou also tried to test whether Yang Tianlong would invest in Tutan Country from time to time. When he was sure that Yang Tianlong would not go to Tutan Country, Lin Dayou left with a satisfied smile on his face.

This time, Lin Dayou firmly believed that he would not encounter any more unlucky things when he met Yang Tianlong. It seems that the old monk in Mei'e Mountain did have such a few tricks, and his money was not wasted.

"Dayou, why did it take you so long to come back?" The young girl sitting in the co-pilot became unhappy when she saw Lin Dayou coming back.

"Something happened just now, hehe." Lin Dayou chuckled, and then hummed a ditty.

"You can drive for me." Seeing that Lin Dayou was in a good mood, the young girl couldn't help mentioning it.

Lin Dayou didn't even think about it, and nodded, "If you go to Africa with me to develop, I'll buy you a BMW someday."

"Hmph, did you buy it only when you went to Africa?" The young girl's face became displeased, "I didn't take too much effort to serve you."

"I'll buy it, I'll buy it." After thinking that he would go to Tutan Kingdom after a while, where he would definitely get huge profits, Lin Dayou seemed to feel that there were a lot of white money floating in front of him.

"I've only driven it a few times, so watch it for me." The young girl lit the ignition while talking.

Lin Dayou's mind is obviously not on this anymore, his mind has long been occupied by the white money.

He nodded subconsciously, and then fell into the boundless imagination again.

"Bang..." At this moment, Lin Dayou suddenly felt a loud noise, and then his head hit the glass unexpectedly.

"Fuck..." Lin Dayou came to his senses all of a sudden, based on his feeling, he knew that this BMW car fell into the ditch.


After sending Lin Dayou away, Yang Tianlong talked to Chen Yongming again. Chen Yongming mainly reported to him about the export of motorcycles. The shipment had arrived in Kinshasa two days ago and was sent to Bunia at the same time. The 100 special army green motorcycles were also transported and departed via the Congo River with the help of Zosman.

At present, the inventory of Fenghuang Motorcycle Factory is running out. Although the production line is far from reaching the peak production capacity, at least there is no problem in maintaining the daily operation of the factory.

After a pause, Yang Tianlong still hopes that Yang Tianlong can provide 1-2 million yuan for the construction of the engine laboratory.

Yang Tianlong's current account has reached 1.1 million US dollars over time, and the 1-2 million Huaxia currency funds are completely a piece of cake for him.

To this, Yang Tianlong readily agreed, and he told Chen Yongming on the phone that he would send 1 million start-up capital within two days.


After finishing the call with Chen Yongming, Yang Tianlong once again checked the income of the online store and the weapons and equipment in the military defense section.

He is going to arm the Nuertu people and recover that oil field, which is, after all, a large oil field worth at least tens of billions of dollars.

It is estimated that it will cost at least 5000 million US dollars to arm the Nuertu people to their teeth.

And the $5000 million is the most conservative estimate.

Yang Tianlong began to think in his heart how to use the money wisely. The oil field should not only take it back, but also keep it, otherwise...

On the only night in his hometown, Yang Tianlong was so excited that he didn't go to sleep until early in the morning, and he woke up early in the morning. After waking up, he saw Yang Dalin and Li Guifen already busy in the kitchen.

They also knew that their son was about to leave again after eight o'clock in the morning, and it was estimated that the next return to China would be at least half a year later. They were looking forward to their son's return to China next time. That pair of beautiful grandson and granddaughter.

After breakfast, the parents prepared two big boxes for Yang Tianlong, which were full of children's clothes and shoes. Yang Dalin even said to Yang Tianlong that starting tomorrow, they will prepare clothes for the children who are half a year old Now, the time should come.

After waiting for his father to finish saying this, somehow, Yang Tianlong could no longer control his emotions, and tears flowed out of his eyes involuntarily.

When he cried, Li Guifen also started to cry, and after a while, Yang Dalin, who had been trying to comfort them not to cry, couldn't help crying too.

Crying is one of the best ways to vent your emotions. After waiting for everyone to stop crying, after looking at each other for a few times, they all laughed at the same time...

"Okay, it's okay, Tianlong, take good care of your wife and children after arriving in Germany, we can video chat." Yang Dalin said while taking out the Superman mobile phone that Yang Tianlong bought for himself and his wife when he returned home last year.

"You also pay attention to your health, next time I will take Elena and the children home to see you." Yang Tianlong nodded and said.

"Okay, the car has arrived, let's go." After finishing speaking, Yang Dalin picked up a suitcase with one hand and walked towards the door.

Yang Tianlong insisted on helping, but Yang Dalin insisted not to let him help.

Unable to hold back his father, Yang Tianlong had no choice but to follow behind his father...

At the airport, Prince Hussein's special plane had already launched, and the main officials from Bashu Province and Rongcheng City all came to the airport to see him off.

After some simple yet grand etiquette, Yang Tianlong followed Prince Hussein to the passenger elevator.

Bazar followed suit.

Sitting on the top seat of the Air Jumbo A380, Prince Hussein couldn't help smiling as he watched the crowd on the ground.

"Do you think it was too hasty this time?"

"It's okay, I plan to come back with my wife and children after a short time." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"Your wife gave birth?" Prince Hussein asked in surprise.

Yang Tianlong shook his head, "No, but it's not been a few days."

"Congratulations, Huaxia Dragon." Prince Hussein smiled, and then winked at Bazar.

"Man, this is a wish from His Royal Highness, and there are 500 million dollars in it." Bazar took out a credit card and said respectfully.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, and looked at Prince Hussein with a puzzled look on his face, but he didn't reach out to take it.

"Huaxia Dragon, you have to take it. On the one hand, it is to thank you for helping me get rid of the two heads-down masters wittily. On the other hand, it is a gift for your upcoming child." Prince Hussein smiled. Said.

"No, Your Highness, this time I can't take this no matter what." Yang Tianlong waved his hand quickly.

"The relationship between us is not maintained by money. I have always kept your help in my heart, and I am very grateful to you." Yang Tianlong said sincerely.

After seeing Yang Tianlong's resolute face this time, Prince Hussein no longer insisted, and could only respect his opinion.

However, he still told Yang Tianlong that if he had any difficulties or needed help, he could tell him at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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