Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 846 Prince Hussein's Palace

Chapter 846 Prince Hussein's Palace
After the plane arrived in Reedsberg, the capital of Karta, Prince Hussein warmly invited Yang Tianlong to visit his palace.

The kindness is hard to come by, Yang Tianlong is grateful for Prince Hussein's warm invitation.

The kingdom of Karta has the same land area as the countries in the Middle East, half of which is desert, half of the other half is mountainous, and the remaining quarter is plain.

The wealth of this country is that it not only has rich oil resources and marine resources, but also is the only place for East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and even Oceania to enter Europe. The strategic place is also very important.

Compared with other Middle Eastern countries, it can be said that even if Karta's oil resources are fully exploited, they can still rely on favorable terrain to maintain the country's wealth.

The convoy is walking on the streets of Karta, which is no different from Dubai, the capital of local tyrants. There are row upon row of skyscrapers, office buildings of the world's top 500 companies and luxury cars all over the street.

The king of Karta has his own guard, and the prince can also have his own guard, but the prince is strictly forbidden to own it. Therefore, when he was at the airport just now, Prince Hussein's personal guard also went to the airport to greet him.

On the way back to the palace, there were two Humvee chariots on the front, back, left, and right sides, and the air was guarded by six armed helicopters.

The wives of Prince Hussein also came to the airport specially to greet them, so on the way back, Hussein and his beautiful wives took a special car; while Yang Tianlong and Bazar took a car in the Rear.

"Did you find fighter jets escorting you when you entered our country's airspace just now?" Bazar couldn't help but asked with a smile.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, then shook his head, "I didn't find it."

"That is also Prince Hussein's special plane, an F18 fighter jet from the United States."

"I thought that only the head of a country would take a fighter jet when he visited your country. I never thought that His Royal Highness would be escorted by a fighter jet when he returned." Yang Tianlong said sincerely.

"His Royal Highness is also a mortal, and he also has his own pomp and vanity." Bazar said with a smile.

Since the rear seats of the custom-made Rolls-Royce they were riding were completely isolated from the front seats, the privacy of the conversation was quite good, and there was no need to worry about being overheard by the guys in the front row.

"Are these soldiers from your country?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking again.

Bazar hesitated for a moment, and then told Yang Tianlong the truth.

It turns out that Prince Hussein's guards are not all composed of his own soldiers, but also some brave mercenaries. These mercenaries come from Central Asia, Europe and other places. There are 100 people, so there are about 600 foreign mercenaries currently employed by Prince Hussein. Each of these people can be allocated a villa and two luxury cars worth at least 30 US dollars, and the annual salary has even reached Jaw-dropping million levels.

"Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men. Presumably these guys have good loyalty, right?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Bazar nodded, and continued, "It's impossible for them to be unfaithful. First of all, our security intelligence center has their information. Secondly, who doesn't want to earn more money while they are young? Finally, the most important The important thing is that the threat of death they face is nothing compared to mercenaries in other places."

What Bazar said was the truth, and from the perspective of human nature, there is no problem at all.

"On the one hand, this can improve people's loyalty. Guys like me should be paid well, but compared to the mercenaries of His Royal Highness, they are still pediatrics. We have experienced a lot of life together. The test of death and death, so everyone has a deep relationship with each other." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"It can be seen from your personal relationship that there must be no shortage of guys around him." Bazar said with a confident face.

"By the way, Mr. Bazar, I want to talk to you alone about two things tonight." Seeing that the convoy was about to enter Prince Hussein's palace, Yang Tianlong couldn't help saying hastily.

Bazar glanced at Yang Tianlong, only to see that the Huaxia Dragon had a smile on his face, it must be something good.

He couldn't help but nodded, "After the evening, let's have a good chat together."

The convoy of luxury cars drove into the palace one by one. The location of the palace is a good place with mountains and rivers, and the scenery is very pleasant.

Of course, the palace's architecture is also extremely luxurious. From a distance, the whole palace looks as beautiful as if it was built with gold.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help but sigh after seeing it.

Walking into the palace, the inside is even more magnificent, and the seven-star Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai cannot be compared with this palace.

"This palace was given up by my father after he ascended the throne of the king, and I only moved here at the beginning of the year." After sending his wives away, Prince Hussein began to introduce it to Yang Tianlong.

Yang Tianlong knew what Prince Hussein meant. Only after the crown prince was confirmed in the Kingdom of Karta, the future king, that is, the crown prince, could move into this palace built in the 80s.

"The first floor is full of showrooms and collection rooms, Huaxialong, guess what I usually like to collect?" Suddenly, Prince Hussein said to Yang Tianlong with a slight smile.

"It should be a cultural relic." Yang Tianlong said without thinking.

"There must be cultural relics, but I also like to collect specimens of wild animals, you should understand." Hussein laughed after finishing speaking.

Yang Tianlong nodded, he got acquainted with Prince Hussein because of hyenas.

"Come on, I'll take you to see my herbarium first." After finishing speaking, Prince Hussein took Yang Tianlong straight to the herbarium.

As soon as he entered the herbarium, Yang Tianlong seemed to have entered a bizarre world, where he had never seen many ferocious beasts.

Mammoths, XJ tigers, jaguars, Antarctic wolves... and even a giant python specimen more than ten meters long.

These specimens are embalmed and look so lifelike.

"Your Highness, do you still tame beasts?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking after looking around.

Prince Hussein nodded, "Of course I still keep them, but this palace doesn't exist. How about in one of my mountain villas? If you stay a few days longer, I'll take you to see it tomorrow?"

"Thank you for your kindness, next time." Yang Tianlong also planned to return to Berlin tomorrow, so this time he declined Prince Hussein's kindness.

"Okay, bring your wife and children with you next time, and I will show you around our country." Prince Hussein was very enthusiastic.

After visiting the herbarium, they strolled to the cultural relics museum again.

Prince Hussein introduced that his cultural relics house has collected many master-level masterpieces.

Sure enough, Yang Tianlong saw works such as "The Concert" by the long-lost Dutch master Vermeer and "The Storm on the Sea of ​​Galilee" by Rembrandt in this cultural relics museum.

However, these works made Yang Tianlong's eyes shine. What really surprised him was that the dragon's head was actually in Prince Hussein's cultural relics museum.

This completely exceeded his expectations.

 Thank you "Brother Wolf Xiao" for the monthly ticket, thank you for your support as always

(End of this chapter)

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