Chapter 856
It was around noon local time when Elena left. During lunch, Franlo told his family that he was going to take everyone to a hot spring in a small town called Ukim near Moscow in the afternoon.

When they heard that they were going to soak in the hot springs in the afternoon, everyone was naturally quite happy. After lunch, the family returned to their respective rooms, preparing to rest for a while, and then got up to pack their luggage. At night, they stayed at the hot spring hotel in Ukemu Town check in.

Play there until noon tomorrow, and then they will fly back to Berlin.

Walking around the art gallery with her two children in her arms in the morning, Eileen really felt tired. When she returned to the hotel room, after breastfeeding her two children, she couldn't help feeling dizzy.

"Honey, look at Phyllis and Gianni, I'm a little sleepy." Elena said, looking at her husband with some embarrassment.

Yang Tianlong knew that both Felice and Gianni woke up at three o'clock in the morning this morning, and he didn't put the two little guys to sleep until after five o'clock in the morning. In addition, he watched the model catwalk show all morning , let alone a woman like Elena, even he was actually a little sleepy.

But Yang Tianlong felt that he could still persevere. Seeing his wife's eyes seemed to be a little hard to open, he hurriedly told her to go back to the bedroom to rest with concern. As for the two children, he could play with them.

"Then you have worked hard, my dear." After saying this, I saw Elena kissed Yang Tianlong's forehead lightly, and then kissed the cheeks of the two little guys again After a while, he turned and walked towards the bedroom.

Compared to their mother's tiredness, Phyllis and Gianni were obviously a little excited. They were placed on the large leather sofa by Yang Tianlong, with many toys beside them.

"This is a rattle..." Yang Tianlong picked up the rattle while talking, and shook it gently in front of Gianni. The swinging rattle made a crisp sound, and Gianni was soon amused and giggled.

"This is a small football, how about it? Phyllis, I will become a football player in the future." Yang Tianlong placed a small black and white football in front of Felice.

Originally thought that his son would be very interested, but what he saw completely surprised him. Phyllis actually liked the Barbie doll in a wedding dress next to Gianni.

There was a beeping sound in his mouth, and his chubby little hands tried hard to touch the Barbie doll, but his strength was limited, and facing that cute Barbie doll, Phyllis could only be anxious.

In this panic, he actually burst into tears.

"Oh, baby, I'll bring it to you." Seeing that Felice burst into tears like a girl, Yang Tianlong couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to hand the Barbie doll next to Gianni to Felice .

After getting the Barbie doll, Phyllis couldn't help laughing, and saw him kissing the Barbie doll with a cute face...

This guy... Yang Tianlong couldn't laugh or cry again.

"Giggle..." Seeing that his younger brother actually likes Barbie dolls, Gianni, the elder sister, kept shaking the rattle in her hand in excitement.

These two guys, Yang Tianlong couldn't help smiling, then took out his mobile phone, took several videos of the cute pair of siblings, and then sent the videos to his parents who are far away in China.


It has to be said that being a baby daddy is indeed a very strenuous task, especially when there is no nanny, waiting for his wife Elena to be woken up by the alarm clock and rubbing her sleepy eyes when she came out of the bedroom, Yang Tianlong Only then could he let out a sigh of relief, as if seeing the savior.

"Honey, how are you?" Elena smiled.

"It's okay, but to be honest, I'm still a little tired." Yang Tianlong stood up and bent down for a while just now, just to pick up the toys thrown by the two little guys on the ground.

"It's really hard work." Elena smiled and said.

"Yes, so now I can deeply appreciate the greatness of maternal love." Yang Tianlong looked at his wife and said.

"It's not great, just do what the children like." Elena said as she pushed the stroller over.

"Let me do it." Yang Tianlong quickly picked up Gianni and gently put her into the pink stroller.

Next came Phyllis, whose stroller was blue.


When they came to the hotel lobby, the Franlos and Jonny were already waiting for them.

"Let's go, children." Franlo said as he stood up, and then pressed the cigar in his hand into the ashtray.

The temperature in Moscow has been dropping every day in recent days, thanks to their well-prepared, woolen coats, down jackets...

The two little guys were naturally well dressed by their parents.

Jonny drove a spacious commercial vehicle all the way north, and within an hour, he came to this small town called Ukmu.

The town is famous for its hot springs. Before reaching the destination, I saw steaming hot springs coming out of several nearby hotels, and even the air was more or less filled with the smell of sulfur .

They chose the best five-star hot spring hotel in the area, but compared to the super five-star hotels in Moscow, there is still a gap.

Of course, in this slightly remote town, this five-star hotel is still the best in the area.

The presidential suite has long been occupied by local tyrants, but fortunately there are still many business suites.

After checking in, according to the plan, they will take a bath in the indoor hot spring pool after dinner.

The temperature in Ukmu Town is even colder, because the latitude here is higher, thanks to the heating in the room, it is not possible to feel uncomfortable in the room.

"I heard that the presidential suite here also has a private hot spring." Johnny couldn't help looking at the brochure. His language skills are as good as his father, Mr. Francois, and he is proficient in the languages ​​of many countries. Maybe this It has a lot to do with the professional habits of photographers who travel far and wide.

"Really? Since the presidential suite has a hot spring, we can also choose a small hot spring with better privacy." Franlo said while picking up the brochure.

"Yes, gentlemen, we can provide you with a family-style small hot spring." The service lady said quickly.

"Well, help us arrange a place with a good view, preferably halfway up the mountain." Franlo knows this town. There is a beautiful lake on the edge of the town. He knows this place by feeling. The hill where the hotel is located can see the lake.

"No problem." The waitress nodded quickly.

"Let's go, children, let's come down for dinner at 05:30, and go to the hot spring on time at 06:30." Franlo said as he pulled his suitcase and walked towards the elevator.

When they first arrived at the elevator door, the elevator door opened slowly.

At this time, seven or eight sturdy men came out of nowhere, and Yang Tianlong and the others were taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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