Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 857 The Notorious Skinhead

Chapter 857 The Notorious Skinhead
These big men all have beards and bald heads, and they have a tough look on their faces, and they are not easy to mess with at a glance.

The bald men glanced at Yang Tianlong and his family, and then walked quickly into the elevator.

"Let's wait a moment, boys," said M. Frenlot calmly.

Jonny was very dissatisfied, why didn't these bald heads say the order of first come first come.

Falk... Shet... Johnny couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

But his expression still looked so calm.

I don't know what the group of bald men are doing upstairs. After the only elevator in the hot spring hotel was drilled by the bald men, it took several minutes for the elevator to come down.

"What's the smell in here?" Johnny frowned as soon as he entered the elevator.

"Where is the smell?" Mr. Franlo still looked calm.

At this time, Yang Tianlong seemed to have noticed that there seemed to be a different smell in the elevator, which smelled...

Bloody smell?

Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

He shook his head inwardly.

But the reality is that he has to sniff the air gently again.

It really smelled like blood.

Could it be that the group of bald men were inside?
Yang Tianlong frowned.His eyes began to look around in the elevator, trying to find traces of bloody smell.

However, after he got out of the elevator, he still didn't find the so-called trace.

The three rooms are all close to each other, Yang Tianlong just opened the door, he was left behind by his father-in-law unexpectedly.

Not only was he kept, Johnny was also kept.

"Huaxialong, Johnny, wait a minute." Mr. Franlo looked at them with a smile and said
Franlo looked around, and seeing that there were no other people around, he couldn't help lowering his voice, and said, "Those bald heads just now are notorious Russian skinheads, they are the same as Idalie's mafia, Don't provoke them."

Russian skinheads?Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

He didn't seem to have heard of such an organization.

Jonny seemed to have heard of this notorious organization, and he couldn't help being taken aback, then looked around again.

"Okay, let's go back to the house and rest. Let's go down for dinner when it's time." After saying this, Mr. Franlo pushed open the door of the hotel with a calm face.

"Let's go." Yang Tianlong said to Johnny.

Jonny nodded, but immediately took out his mobile phone. He was going to call his girlfriend Elena to ask if Elena had arrived in London safely.

Back in the room, I saw his wife Elena taking the two children's toys out of the suitcase.

Both Phyllis and Gianni were put on the bed by their wives, but their sitting postures seemed to have not been practiced yet. Yang Tianlong happened to see the two little guys throwing their heads back, and then turned their feet to the sky.

"These two guys." Yang Tianlong couldn't help smiling, and then put Felice and Gianni next to the pillow. With the support of the pillow, the two little babies sat firmly this time bed.

"The two of them are becoming more and more mischievous now." Elena said to her lover while placing toys such as rattles, footballs, and electronic pianos on the bed.

"Yeah, they are growing up day by day now. When the two little guys are three or four years old, maybe you won't be able to catch up with them." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Isn't there still you here?" His wife Elena smiled and said.

"It's a bit hot in the room." Elena said as she took off her woolen overcoat, revealing the black turtleneck sweater inside.

After Yang Tianlong heard his wife's words, he suddenly felt a little hot, and he couldn't help taking off his coat.

"Dinner is still an hour away?" Elena couldn't help asking.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, there is still an hour."

"I'll make some milk powder for them, but don't make them cry from hunger when they soak in the hot spring later." Elena said.

"Honey, you rest, I'll come." Seeing his wife getting up to get the milk bottle, Yang Tianlong quickly stopped her.

"I'm here." Elena said with a smile.

"I come."

"You still can't." Elena said.

"I don't know how to learn." Yang Tianlong said.

"Okay, you go and take out the milk powder." Elena said with a look of relief.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and then walked towards the suitcase.

However, to his surprise, he found no milk powder in the suitcase at all.

"Milk powder isn't in there."

"No way." Elena frowned.

"Really, if you don't believe me, come and see, dear." Yang Tianlong said.

"Let me take a look." Elena said as she walked towards the living room, he just glanced at it, then shook his head helplessly.

"The milk powder is at Jonny's. He bought it for me, but it hasn't been given to me yet." Elena said with some embarrassment.

"Then I'll go find Jonina." Yang Tianlong said as he walked out of the room.

Jonny was not far from where they lived, they were all on the first floor, and the rooms between them were about 30 meters apart.

After closing the door, Yang Tianlong strolled towards Johnny's room.

However, he had only walked more than ten meters away when a figure suddenly appeared in the stairwell in front of him.

In an instant, there was another figure.

I saw these two figures running fast.

It was only in an instant that a large group of black shadows came out from the stairwell, and a large group of people quickly followed the two shadows.

"Stop, Peter..."

"Stand, Udlov..."

They even ignored the existence of Yang Tianlong, and some guys even took out pistols from their waists.



Yang Tianlong seemed to find this name very familiar.

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered.

Wasn't Peter Udlov the son of Udlov nicknamed "Snow Wolf"?
It can't really be him, can it?
Yang Tianlong was stunned for a moment.

If it was really him, to be honest, he had to help.

The two black shadows headed by quickly rushed downstairs.

The skinheads also followed closely downstairs.

Yang Tianlong took an unmanned attack aircraft out of the plane warehouse without hesitation.

Then quickly maneuver the unmanned attack aircraft around the hotel.

Just at this moment, those two black shadows rushed over from the hotel.

The skinheads were also chasing after him.

Yang Tianlong stared intently at the portrait on the phone screen.

(End of this chapter)

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