Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 858 Two young men hunted down by skinheads

Chapter 858 The Two Young People Chased by Skinheads
After the two young boys ran out of the hotel gate, they ran towards a nearby wasteland.

When Yang Tianlong saw this situation, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

These two idiots ran towards a place with a lot of people, but they were actually in a place with few people...

What he expected happened.

Sure enough, at the edge of the wasteland, the members of the skinheads pulled out their pistols.

The two young men ran on the wasteland with one foot deep and the other shallow. Their speed was much slower than that on flat ground.

This wasteland is very open, and for the skinheads, those two fools are living targets.

"Papa..." Just as the skinheads were about to pull the trigger to shoot, suddenly a burst of dense bullets fell from the sky.

The bullets crackled and hit the skinhead members in front of them, scaring them all.

The skinheads who had never seen such a battle before turned their heads and ran away, shouting loudly, all of them thought they had been ambushed by the enemy.

These useless guys... Yang Tianlong couldn't help feeling contemptuous in his heart.

After defeating the skinheads, Yang Tianlong quickly adjusted his position from the unmanned attack aircraft, and started monitoring the two young men.

Then he hurriedly called Vasily.

At this moment in Bunia, the time is exactly two o'clock in the afternoon.

Vasily was surprised when he received the call from his boss. He quickly put down his work and pressed the answer button on his mobile phone.

"Vassily, do you have Peter Udlov's cell phone number?" Yang Tianlong didn't bother to talk nonsense, he went straight to the point.

This time Vasily was taken aback. Based on his feeling, he knew that the boss must have something to do with Peter Udlov.

Vasily told Yang Tianlong without hesitation, yes.

"Send it here, I have something to ask him." After saying this, Yang Tianlong hung up the phone quickly.

In less than a minute, Peter Udlov's mobile phone number was sent.

Looking at the mobile phone number, Yang Tianlong called without hesitation.

"Hello..." Peter Udlov on the other end of the phone was startled when he saw the number at first. He thought it was the members of the group of skinheads. Telephone numbers for the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the African continent.

Uncle Vasily is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Could it be that Uncle Vasily called?
"Uncle Vasily." Peter Udlov called out quickly.

"Do you speak English? Peter." Naturally, Yang Tianlong couldn't understand Russian, so he had to communicate with Peter in English.

"I can talk a little bit." Peter said without hesitation, "Who are you?"

"I'm a friend of your Uncle Vasily's, and I'm at the Calabnia Hotel in the small town of Ukim now." Yang Tianlong said with a smile on his face, looking at the wasteland.

"Are you in Ukemu?" Both of them were taken aback. Could it be that this gentleman was responsible for the burst of gunshots just now?
"Yes, those bad guys have been chased away. You two quickly come out of the wasteland and walk forward. There is a taxi there. You go back to Moscow now, and I will contact you tomorrow." Yang Tianlong looked calm. said.

"Who the hell are you?" Peter asked loudly. Now that he and his guys are being hunted down by skinheads, he can't easily believe what others say, even if the call comes from far away Africa.

"You give Vasily a call and you'll know what's going on." Yang Tianlong hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Just at this time, his wife Elena opened the door and came out.

Yang Tianlong's eyes met his wife's.

"Honey, where's the powdered milk?" Eileen looked at Yang Tianlong's hand, but she didn't seem to see it.

"Sorry, honey, I have something to do just now, and I haven't gone to Johnny's." Yang Tianlong smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Okay, honey, let's go to Johnny's room together." After finishing speaking, Elena walked towards Yang Tianlong.

He took out the powdered milk in Jonny's room and brewed a cup for each of the two babies. Seeing them sucking the powdered milk with happy faces, Yang Tianlong and Elena couldn't help laughing.

"Sorry, I'll answer the phone." Seeing that Vasili had called, Yang Tianlong smiled at his wife.

"You go, dear." Elena said tenderly.

"Boss, Peter is going to Africa." Vasily's voice became a little anxious.

"I know, welcome him." Yang Tianlong looked unusually calm.

"He discovered the secrets of skinheads."

"Really? So it's no wonder he wasn't hunted down." Yang Tianlong smiled and said, "Then are they back to Moscow now?"

"They went to the airport," Vasily said.

"Okay, tell them, find a place to live at the airport, and I will take them away tomorrow." Yang Tianlong said with a rather relaxed expression.

"Understood, boss, I have caused you trouble." Vasily said gratefully.

"We are all old friends, what are you talking about?" Yang Tianlong smiled and said, "But I can only take them to Berlin. Later, you will give them some travel expenses and let them go directly to Bunia."

"Understood, boss." Vasily nodded seriously.


The skinheads didn't seem to have left this town. Even when Yang Tianlong was soaking in the hot springs, he could see the skinheads searching for suspicious people in various places. Their eyes even touched the hot spring where Yang Tianlong and the others were staying. Inside the pool.

However, they didn't seem to find anything, and after wandering around the hot spring pool, they had to leave with a resentful expression on their faces.

Waiting for Yang Tianlong and the others to finish their hot spring bath at night, on the way back to the hotel, they saw a lot of police and police cars around, and almost all the hotels had police officers.

"What's going on?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking the hotel waiter.

"The skinheads are causing trouble, and the police will naturally come forward. Otherwise, how can the business of our hot spring hotel get better?" the waitress said with a serious face.

After listening to the service lady's words, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but looked outside again, only to see that several skinhead members were arrested by the police.

"Mr. Police, we really didn't fire the gun in the afternoon?"

"We didn't carry weapons..."

These skinhead members, who had looked tough before, began to defend themselves in front of the police.

"Let's go, children, let's go to the nearby lake to play tomorrow, and we have to leave Moscow at noon." When Mr. Franlo said this, his face was still quite calm.

As if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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