Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 859 I Forgot My Computer

Chapter 859 I Forgot My Computer

In the morning of the second day, we visited the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains in the hot spring town, and everyone drove straight to Moscow International Airport.

Along the way, the whole family was in good spirits, and it seemed that the skinheads who appeared yesterday did not affect their mood.

When he was about to arrive at the airport, Yang Tianlong called Peter and told them to go directly to the VIP passage and wait there.

"Sir, madam, two of my friends will follow us back to Berlin later." After Yang Tianlong hung up the phone with Peter, he said to the Franlos with a smile on his face.

"Then welcome them, it will be more lively if there are more people." Franlo said with a smile.

Madam Sophia also nodded with a very sensible face.

As for his wife Elena, she already knew that her husband had two friends waiting for them at the airport, so she didn't say anything, but held her husband's hand even tighter.

Johnny was holding the steering wheel intently.

While waiting for everyone to drive to the airport, Yang Tianlong found that there seemed to be a lot of skinheads at the airport. It seemed that these skinheads had already extended their evil tentacles to the transportation hub like the airport.

Seeing this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning, and then he didn't bother to pay attention to anything, but walked towards the VIP room with his whole family in stride.

However, in the VIP room, he didn't seem to notice the existence of Peter and the others. Yang Tianlong couldn't help but shudder again. Could it be that they were taken away by the skinheads?
Yang Tianlong couldn't help but frowned again.

After hesitating for a moment, he was about to take out his cell phone and call Peter.

Unexpectedly, just as he took out his mobile phone, he saw someone pat his back lightly.

"Uncle Huaxia Long." A young voice came over.

Yang Tianlong looked back, and saw that this guy's face was still childish, but his face was quite haggard.

There was also a young man beside him, who also had a childish look on his face, but his face was rather haggard.

"I thought you didn't come, go, go through the formalities." Yang Tianlong said to Peter and the others.

The way he spoke was extremely calm, as if he had known Peter and the others for a long time.

Peter followed his friend and nodded quickly.

Contrary to Peter's expectations, Yang Tianlong actually took the initiative to let them go through the formalities first.

After Peter and the others declined for a while, seeing that they couldn't resist him, they had to go through the relevant procedures first.

Peter and the others have passports, so it is not difficult for them to board the plane. In addition, Yang Tianlong's private jet has already joined the super flying club formed by local tyrants in the Middle East, so all procedures have been greatly simplified. As long as you don't carry contraband on the plane, everything is fine.

Having successfully passed the security check, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but look back. After looking at it, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart. It was so dangerous that the members of the skinhead party had already started searching at the VIP security check.

"Come on, let's get on the plane quickly." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Oops..." But as soon as he got under the plane, Peter suddenly panicked.

"What's going on? Peter." Yang Tianlong asked.

"I forgot to bring my computer, Uncle Huaxialong." Only then did Peter remember that he hadn't brought his computer.

"Where is it?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"It's in the grove in the parking lot." Peter said while opening Google Maps, and handed the exact location of the notebook to Yang Tianlong.

"You buried it underground?" Yang Tianlong asked again.

Peter nodded, "Yes, in order not to be discovered by the skinheads, we had no choice but to bury it underground."

"You get on the plane now." Yang Tianlong ordered.

"No, we..." Peter shook his head resolutely.

"I'll get it for you." Yang Tianlong said after glancing at Peter.

"This?" Peter became a little hesitant.

"If you don't want to die, just get on the plane obediently." Yang Tianlong didn't look at Peter at all when he spoke this time, and after leaving Peter with a handsome back, he saw him striding towards behind him.

Peter and his partner Ukoya watched as the figure of Boss Huaxialong often mentioned by Uncle Vasili disappeared from their sight.

Coming out of the private apron, the staff at the VIP security checkpoint were more or less surprised.

But despite being surprised, they quickly opened the passage for the respected Mr. VIP, and sent him out of the passage with a smile on his face.

Yang Tianlong walked towards the destination step by step.

It seemed that the computer was of great significance to Peter and the others, otherwise, they wouldn't have been thinking about this computer when the plane was about to take off.

So he had to get his computer back. Yang Tianlong looked around from the corner of his eye while walking, and sure enough, the members of the skinhead party were still searching for the person they wanted to find in the airport hall.

Walking out of the airport hall, the small forest is at the foot of the hall.

The grove is basically surrounded by the parking lot. Judging from the photos Peter gave him and the satellite map just now, the computer is buried in the center of the grove.

Yang Tianlong took out his mobile phone and walked slowly towards his destination, pretending to make a call while walking.

While he was walking, he also looked at the surrounding situation from the corner of his eye from time to time, and when he saw that there was no one around, he quickly walked into the grove.

Sure enough, Yang Tianlong successfully found the laptop wrapped in a thick sealed bag according to the location mark that Peter and the others had preset in advance.

"Hey, the guy inside..." At this moment, a laugh sounded from outside the woods.

Yang Tianlong couldn't understand Russian, but through the not densely packed tree gaps in the grove, he could still feel that there were people outside the grove, and those guys were members of the skinheads.

"Surround the grove, don't let him run away." The bearded guy at the head couldn't help but yelled when he saw that the guy inside seemed to be about to run away.

As soon as the sound fell to the ground, there was only a rustling sound around, at least a dozen skinhead members surrounded the grove heavily.

At the same time, Yang Tianlong also heard the sound of these guys' weapons being loaded.

His heart couldn't help being startled suddenly, but he secretly blamed himself.

How could I be so careless?
Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning.

"Don't move..., put down the thing in your hand." The guy outside roared loudly again.

Yang Tianlong couldn't understand Russian, but he could find that dozens of black holes had been aimed at him.

(End of this chapter)

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