Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 861 Come on, the plane is about to take off

Chapter 861 Come on, the plane is about to take off
Yang Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn't help but look back subconsciously, only to see the same group of skinhead members just now.

"What's the matter?" Yang Tianlong looked calm.

"Where's your python?" the skinheads couldn't help asking.

"I was let go, I can't take it to the airport to take the plane." Yang Tianlong spread his hands helplessly.

"This?" The members of the skinhead party were also stunned for a moment, they never thought that this Chinese man would give such a reason.

But they really didn't have any real evidence, so they had to look at Yang Tianlong again before letting him go.

When Yang Tianlong stepped into the waiting hall of the airport, he couldn't help but feel a burst of incomparable relief all over his body.

Having completely dealt with the skinheads, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After waiting for him to pass through the VIP security channel, he found his wife and his family standing anxiously at the plane.

"Sorry, dear." Seeing this, Yang Tianlong hurried over.

"Honey, where have you been?" Seeing her husband come back, Elena hurriedly asked.

"Something happened just now, so I went out for a while." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

After seeing their son-in-law come back, Franlo and Sofia couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, kid, the plane is about to take off. If you miss the takeoff time, you have to join the line again." Franlo said.

"Sorry, sir, madam, I was really in a hurry just now." Yang Tianlong said apologetically.

But Peter and his companions looked extremely disappointed, they didn't see the laptop.

"The notebook has been mailed away by me." Yang Tianlong quickly reminded after seeing the frustration and disappointment on the faces of these two guys.

"Really?" Seeing that the notebook was not buried in place, Peter and the others couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Yes, and it's air express, maybe you can receive it tomorrow. In this way, you will stay in Berlin tonight and transfer to Bunia tomorrow." Yang Tianlong explained.

At this point, Peter and his companions could only nod.

Not long after Yang Tianlong got on the plane, the plane began to taxi slowly on the runway, and after a while, it had already reached the takeoff line.

Peter and his companions looked closely at the familiar land under their feet. This was the first time they had left Moscow, and they might not know when they would return next time.

"Goodbye, Moscow." Peter said involuntarily from the bottom of his heart.

In the heart of Peter's companion Ukoya, he thought the same way.

After about two hours of flying, the plane finally arrived at Berlin Airport at one o'clock in the afternoon local time.

Yang Tianlong contacted a five-star hotel for Peter and Ukoya, and left after checking in for them.

Back home, everyone seemed to feel a little tired, especially Elena. The two babies hadn't dozed off on the plane, and she didn't have enough sleep last night, so when she got home, she looked at Feli After Si fell asleep with Gianni, she suddenly felt a burst of sleepiness.

But she didn't intend to rest, because the room had accumulated some dust in the past two days, and she needed to tidy it up.

Seeing his wife put on her apron and start busying around, Yang Tianlong was unwilling to be lonely. He came outside the door with a pair of large scissors, and trimmed some messy flowers and plants.

By the time he finished his work and returned to the room, his wife had found a lot of dirty clothes. Seeing that Yang Tianlong was dripping with sweat, Elena couldn't help but smiled, and then said softly : "Honey, hurry up and change some clothes, I just happened to wash these clothes by the way."

Looking at his wife's swollen eyes, Yang Tianlong couldn't help feeling extremely moved in his heart, he nodded slightly, and then took off his clothes.

He took a nice shower in the bathroom, put on a set of clean clothes, and waited for him to come out, while his wife was still busy in the bedroom.

"My dear..." Seeing his wife was exhausted and reluctant to take a rest, a deep sense of apology couldn't help rushing to her heart.

"Honey, you're done washing." Eileen couldn't help but look at her husband carefully when she saw that it was her husband who came out.

"It's finished, haven't you finished tidying up?" Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

Elena shook her head, "Not yet, but soon."

"Look at how clean you have kept the house." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Really? I didn't notice if you didn't tell me." Elena said a little embarrassedly.

"Of course, every item is neatly placed, and all the clothes are stacked neatly. Walking into the bedroom is like walking into a palace of art."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." Elena suddenly shy.

"Anywhere is fine." Yang Tianlong smiled and said, "But I have something else I want to talk to you about."

"What's the business?" Elena couldn't help asking hastily.

"I want to hire a nanny, what do you think?" After Yang Tianlong thought about it, he said what he called this serious matter.

"A babysitter?" Elena frowned.

"Yes, ask for a nanny. To be honest, you are too tired. With a nanny, maybe we won't be so tired." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"This?" Elena wasn't reluctant to pay, but she never thought about hiring a nanny.

"Actually, sir and madam also agree. You are an already delicate woman, and you want to live a delicate life, so we must hire this nanny." Yang Tianlong said quite seriously.

"Okay, I agree." Elena thought about it carefully, and felt that what her husband said was quite reasonable. Indeed, it was really tiring to rely on her to take care of the children with her husband, and Mr. Franlo and Mrs. Sofia also had their own affairs. , nor can they be completely chained to their children.

"That's good, I'll call the nanny company now." Yang Tianlong took out his mobile phone while talking, and then walked to the balcony of the bedroom.

Soon, he walked in with a smile on his face, "Honey, let's go to the nanny company tomorrow."

"So fast?" Elena smiled.

"No way, their work efficiency is already high." Yang Tianlong spread his hands with a rather "helpless" face and shrugged.

"Okay, let's go tomorrow." Elena smiled, then folded the last piece of clothing and put it in the closet.

"Honey, watch Phyllis and Gianni, I'll go in and take a bath." Seeing the two babies still sleeping soundly on the bed, Elena couldn't help but said lovingly.

"No problem, let's go." Yang Tianlong sat down while talking, looking quietly at Felice and Gianni on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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