Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 862 A Laptop Full of Secrets

Chapter 862 A Laptop Full of Secrets
The next day, Yang Tianlong got up early in the morning, and the appointment with the nanny company was after lunch, so he finished exercising in the morning, and after breakfast, he drove straight to the hotel where Peter and Ukoya were staying.

Downstairs in the hotel, he took the computer out of the plane warehouse.

Looking at this black and square computer, Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning.

I don't know what mysterious information is contained in this computer, which caused the members of the skinheads to hunt down Peter and Ukoya.

Involved in the underworld?
Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smile, this answer may be the simplest.

Sitting in the car for a while, Yang Tianlong didn't enter the hotel until he called Peter.

Peter and Ukoya had already gotten up, and when they saw the familiar computer, they couldn't help but feel happy.

"God bless, finally lost and found." Peter said with his hands folded.

"This computer seems to be very important to you." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

Peter nodded, "Yes, because there is a big secret in it."

"Really?" Yang Tianlong smiled.

Peter nodded, and continued, "Sorry, boss, we are still researching that secret, so we can't tell you for now, but don't worry, we will report to you as soon as we are sure."

"It's okay, this secret belongs to you." Yang Tianlong said quite calmly.

"No, boss, once this secret is true, maybe..." At this point, the expression on Peter's face became a little uncontrollably excited.

"Maybe we can change everything." Ukoya added excitedly.

"So this so-called big secret must control the right to know." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Yes, that's why those skinheads tried their best to find us," Peter explained.

"You went to Bunia, it should be safe there, I have a private armed force there, they can protect you very well." Yang Tianlong said.

"Thank you, boss. Uncle Vasili has already told us that we want to leave after a while, take the plane directly to Addis Ababa, and then transfer in Addis Ababa." Peter held the computer in his arms , seems very fond of putting it down.

"If everything goes well for you, you will be able to reach Bunia in the evening. I wish you good luck. Come with me now, and I will take you to the airport." Yang Tianlong got up straight after finishing speaking.

"Okay." Peter and Ukoya nodded without hesitation. They didn't have many things, and they had already packed them, so after saying this, they packed their bags and left.

In Berlin, this place is much safer than Moscow.

After going downstairs, he got into the car, and Yang Tianlong drove straight to the airport.

After watching Peter and Ukoya enter the security channel, he left.

After leaving, Yang Tianlong didn't go home immediately, but he didn't know what happened, he suddenly woke up Eva, an unusually mysterious woman, from his memory.

More than two months ago, he met Eva at Edward Hospital.

Suddenly, a bold idea burst out from the bottom of Yang Tianlong's heart.

That is, will Eva have something to do with Peter's secret they said?
To be honest, Yang Tianlong is very interested in the secret that Peter and the others said, but Peter and the others told themselves that they are still researching, which may mean that they should have discovered a mysterious place, such as Bermuda; or Discovered something mysterious, such as...

Reminiscent of the excited faces of Peter and Ukoya before, Yang Tianlong suddenly couldn't help guessing boldly in his heart, maybe this should be a good thing, otherwise, those skinheads wouldn't fight like this Those who were ordered to find Peter and the others.

What good is this in the end?

Yang Tianlong couldn't help shaking his head, because he really couldn't guess what the benefits were, but he was sure that this benefit was definitely not comparable to the so-called benefits.

After circling around the huge city of Berlin, Yang Tianlong drove back home.

When they walked into the living room, his wife Elena and his mother-in-law Mrs. Sofia were teasing the children; Mr. Franlo was sitting on the sofa and fiddled with the camera lens. Jonny did not appear in their sight. It seemed that the guy should still be sleep in.

"You're back, Huaxia Dragon." Mr. Franlo said, looking at his son-in-law with a smile on his face.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "I'm back."

"What about the two children? They were sent away by you?"

"Yes, they left." Yang Tianlong smiled and sat beside his wife Elena.

As soon as he sat down, Gianni stretched out his hand to him, and Gianni made a hug gesture.

"Sure enough, my daughter is my lover in my previous life." Mrs. Sophia couldn't help saying after seeing Gianni kissing Yang Tianlong and Phyllis kissing her daughter.

"Really? Mom." Elena asked with a smile.

Sophia nodded, and then said with a smile, "You and your sister were very close to your father when we were young, even though your father was often away at that time, when he came back, you would definitely throw yourself into his arms immediately, even me Ignore it, after I give birth to Jonny, even if your father is at home, but Jonny doesn't kiss him at all, but kisses me instead."

When her mother mentioned her past events again, Elena couldn't help but smile, "It seems that what you said is not wrong at all, it is a manifestation of the truth."

"That's not true." Madam Sophia smiled.


The family chatted happily. They didn't make lunch, but everyone had discussed it long ago. The lunch was served outside. After lunch, they went to the nanny company to choose according to their own needs. Two middle-aged women in their 2s were hired as nannies for Phyllis and Gianni.

With a nanny, Elena suddenly felt as if she had been liberated. She didn't need to do everything by herself, and a lot of work at home was contracted by the nanny.

In this way, instead, she had more time to spend with Phyllis and Gianni.

Time goes by bit by bit, and Phyllis and Gianni are also growing up healthily and vigorously under the careful care of the whole family.

There is one thing Yang Tianlong has not forgotten, and that is the matter of going to Dai country. If there is no accident, in less than a month, Apusa, the head-down mage, will leave the customs.

 Thanks to the support of the monthly ticket of "Ye Luo Fan Hua" brother, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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