Chapter 863
Although the two heads-down masters came in because of "drug trafficking", all the procedures that should be followed are still very cumbersome, and they also showed extreme incoordination in the prison of Huaxia Kingdom, which made the progress of the case very slow , But I don't know what happened, one day suddenly, the police in the detention center discovered that the two head-down masters had died suddenly in the cell.

After Wang Jianguo heard the news, he immediately informed Yang Tianlong.

Moreover, he told Yang Tianlong on the phone that according to the forensic examination, they died of accidental and normal deaths, and the police in Huaxia did not threaten or torture the two masters.

Seeing that the two masters died without knowing it, after Yang Tianlong thought about it, he decided to go to Dai country in these two days.

Of course, he still kept all this from his wife. He didn't want to worry about himself. He told Elena that he was going to discuss a business in Dai country, and he would be back in a few days.

The family can afford a private jet, so naturally the family has a big business. Elena didn't ask her husband too much, she just repeatedly told her lover to be careful.

Hugged tightly with his wife for a while, until Gianni cried, his wife hurried into the room and took care of Gianni.

And Yang Tianlong took advantage of this opportunity, he called Lion Head.

On the phone, he told Lion Head about the general situation.

Without further ado, Lion Head decided to go to Dai Country with Yang Tianlong.

The two agreed to meet in Dubai, and then flew to Slow Valley together in his private jet.

The time is tomorrow.

After applying for flight routes and calling Lion Head, Yang Tianlong walked into the bedroom after finishing all these tasks.

Gianni, who was crying just now, had stopped crying, and saw her wide-eyed looking at the father who came in, and then couldn't help giggling.

"You guy." Seeing that Gianni was very clinging to himself, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but stepped forward to hug her, and then gently patted Gianni's little butt with his warm hands shoot.

"Dum..." When Phyllis on the bed saw his sister slipping into his father's arms, he couldn't help but uttered a lovely cry to Elena, even though his vocal cords hadn't fully developed yet. But his beep, beep, beep, beep, quickly caught Elena's attention.

"They're all starting to compare." Elena couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"That's not true, but it's good as it is now, at least it proves that they are growing up happily and healthy." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Seeing Mama ignoring himself and talking with Papa, Felice couldn't help but patted the bed with his chubby pink hands while making beeping sounds. It seemed that he seemed a little bit Angry.

"Okay, Phyllis, Mama is here to hug you." Elena quickly put down the unfolded clothes in her hands, and gently hugged Felice.

Felice didn't care so much, after being hugged by Elena, he directly kissed Elena's pretty face, and Elena was caught off guard, so she had to let her son kiss her.

After kissing Elena, Phyllis looked at Gianni proudly.

"Look, they're competing again." After seeing the change in her son's expression, Elena couldn't laugh or cry.

Originally thought that Gianni would also kiss Yang Tianlong like Phyllis, but who knew that Gianni burst into tears.

Phyllis was a little caught off guard, and after looking at his sister Gianni with a pair of cute eyes, he also cried together.

"Oh my god, are you playing the crying symphony?" Elena and Yang Tianlong had no choice but to coax them up because of the helplessness of the two naughty children.

These two little guys were crying and laughing fast, within a minute, they were coaxed by Yang Tianlong and Elena.

"Phyllis, you are an older brother, how could you provoke your sister just now?" Seeing that Felice's face became a little playful again, Elena said seriously.

Phyllis stared at Elena with wide innocent eyes, motionless.

"You should protect your sister, not bully her, you know?" Elena saw that Felice seemed to be listening to her words very seriously, and she continued to educate Felice.


And Yang Tianlong also educated Gianni, "Gianni, you are a younger sister, and your brother should protect you, but you also have to love your brother, instead of not giving back your love, you know?"

Compared with Phyllis' mischievousness, Gianni seemed a little quieter as a girl, and she couldn't help but nodded, looking cute.

Phyllis couldn't help but nodded under her mother's education.

Seeing that although the two children are naughty, they can still receive these educations at a young age, Yang Tianlong and Elena felt a lot of relief unconsciously.

Putting the two children on the bed and giving them toys, Phyllis took Gianni and started playing happily. Perhaps after being educated by Elena just now, Phyllis came over a little bit, and he Passed the toys in his hand to Gianni continuously.

But Gianni is not interested in Felice's cars, toy guns or robots. She lowered her head and played with the Barbie doll in her hand, ignoring that Felice was still handing it to her. Toy……

"Honey, I'm going to Dai country tomorrow." The two children were playing quietly on the bed, and Yang Tianlong couldn't help saying to Elena after the children were no longer disturbed.

"Well, I'll help you pack your things." Elena smiled and said.

"It's okay, it's very hot over there, so I can't bring a few clothes." Yang Tianlong grabbed his wife's hand and gently pulled her to his side.

He tried his best to use a relaxed and humorous atmosphere to talk to Elena. After a while, Elena was amused by his witty words, and her laughter could also be seen on the bed. Si and Gianni were infected, and the two little kids couldn't help but giggled.

"Don't worry, I will be careful, Lion Head will go with me." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"That's good, Lion Head looks very skilled." Elena smiled and said.

"Yes, I just let him be my bodyguard."

"After dinner that night, go back to the room early, you know, my dear." After saying this, I saw Elena snuggling into her husband's arms with a sweet expression on her face.

 Thanks to my brother "Night Falling Flowers" for the reward, and to my brother "Fat House Cat" for the monthly pass, thank you, my buddy
(End of this chapter)

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