Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 864 Planning War

Chapter 864 Planning War
Lionhead was a little excited about the old man buying a private jet. When they met at Dubai Airport, Lionhead couldn't wait to board the plane, even though it was still 2 hours before the plane took off.

He looked at it very carefully, and couldn't help being amazed while watching.

"Not bad." Lion Head sat on the large leather sofa and crossed his legs with a happy face.

"Why don't you just rest here." Yang Tianlong smiled, and immediately, he took out a bottle of red wine from the refrigerator and poured half a glass for him and Lion Head.

"It would be a great thing to sit on the sky palace and taste the red wine." The lion's head picked up the wine glass and laughed.

Right now, all the crew members went to the terminal to rest, so there were only Yang Tianlong and Lion Head on the plane. It would be an excellent choice to talk at this place.

"Come on, cheers." Yang Tianlong raised his wine glass with a smile. To be honest, before he saw the lion head, he didn't seem to have much knowledge about this trip to the Dai country, but now he saw the lion head. After chatting and laughing happily, he felt that Lion Head should be sure, after all, the head-subduing master they were going to meet this time was one of the most outstanding head-subduing masters in Southeast Asia.

The lion head raised the wine glass with a cheerful expression. Without reservation, he drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp. Then, without waiting for Yang Tianlong to pour it for him, he picked up the wine bottle himself, for He poured himself another large glass.

"This red wine tastes good." Lion Head nodded.

"Drink it well, we will sleep on the plane tonight." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

He was right. From Dubai to Slow Valley, the straight-line distance in the air is 6000 kilometers, and the flight route of the plane cannot be completely followed by a straight line. Therefore, the pilot probably calculated for them before, according to the plane’s 700 per hour. At an average speed of kilometers, it takes almost 9 hours to reach the slow valley.

It should be eight o'clock in the morning local time when they arrived at Slow Valley.

"No problem, it's easier to fall asleep with some wine." Lion Head laughed.

"Man, is our destination this time Slow Valley?" Yang Tianlong turned to the topic.

The lion head nodded, "The head-down master lives on a mountain in the suburbs of Slow Valley. He is a distant relative of Dapeng. He is also one of the best in Southeast Asia. He has helped many politicians and entertainment figures. I have used the method, I dare not say that it is [-]% effective, but it is also close to ten."

"Really? So powerful?" Yang Tianlong gained a lot of confidence again. After all, those big figures in the political world have found this head-down master to cast spells.

"Of course, you are my brother, can I cheat you? Da Peng's life is saved by me, and he will not cheat me." Lion Head said with a face full of promises.

"Okay, that's good, try to finish it as soon as possible." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"You can rest assured about this." Lion Head smiled and said, "If time permits, old man, I can take you to Dapeng's stronghold and let you see the drug dealers there."

"Let's talk about it, old man." To be honest, Yang Tianlong is not interested in the drug-trafficking armed forces in Southeast Asia, and he doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with these guys.

"Okay, we'll talk about it when the time comes." Lion Head laughed, and after clinking glasses with Yang Tianlong, he told him eloquently about Vasily and the others training Jiang Zhaocheng's private armed forces.

After Vasily's rigorous training, Jiang Zhaocheng's private armed teaching team has quickly formed combat effectiveness, and they are preparing to go to South Sudan for actual combat in the near future.

When Yang Tianlong heard this, he couldn't help being surprised. He didn't seem to have received a call from General Sardin, telling him that the situation there had deteriorated.

"How is South Sudan? Has the situation there deteriorated?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking quickly.

Lionhead shook his head, "No, the situation there is very stable, but don't you have a large oil field that is now controlled by Musala's army? Right now they are planning to launch an attack there, and now Vasily and the others are planning A careful action plan, they asked me to report to you to see if it is necessary to attack Musala's army wave after wave."

"Fight, you can fight." Yang Tianlong said without thinking much, with a rather resolute face.

"Really?" Lion Head couldn't help but smile.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Of course, first of all, our morale must be improved, and we can only fight; secondly, this is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone, why not fight?"

Lion Head nodded, "I also agree to fight. They will report to you after their plan is formulated."

"After we recover that oil field, we won't be so timid, but we can recruit troops on a large scale." Yang Tianlong thought that once the oil field was acquired, countless dollars would be put into their pockets , This kind of beautiful vision is really happy even thinking about it.

"Yes, let's not talk about Musala at that time, even the Blackwater Company will give us some points." Lion Head nodded with great excitement.

"I'll call Vasily and the others now." Yang Tianlong stood up while talking.

Soon, Vasily's phone was connected, and Vasily's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Boss, Lion Head should tell you our plan?"

"I agree. This battle must be fought well. You first prepare the preliminary plan and gather the troops. I will fly directly to Bunia in a few days and bring some ammunition for you."

"Okay, we must conduct a thorough investigation, and then make a detailed plan, and then you will be in charge of this plan." Vasily on the other end of the phone also looked extremely excited.

"Okay, whether you can win this battle depends on your understanding of the enemy, but you must not underestimate the enemy. After all, Musala was supported by Stones and Zakyev. Their weapons and equipment It is much more advanced than ours." Aside from being excited, Yang Tianlong also calmed down abnormally.

The last time he took his guys deep into South Sudan, he had already experienced the excellent weapons and equipment of Musala's army, including fighter jets, helicopters, and heavy armor...

"Understood, although our guys are not as good as them, but our own target is much smaller, we can effectively avoid it, and attack the enemy unexpectedly." Vasily analyzed with reason.

"That's good." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded.


After finishing the call with Vasily, Yang Tianlong sat down again with a smile on his face, and his wine glass was filled with red wine by the lion's head.

"Old man, I firmly believe that we can win this battle." Lion Head said while raising his wine glass solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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