Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 865 Don't You Be Considered a Shemale

Chapter 865 Don't You Be Considered a Shemale

The plane took off almost at night. After takeoff, Lion Head and Yang Tianlong chatted in the cabin for another hour before returning to their bedrooms.

The light in the bedroom was very bright, Yang Tianlong could not help but press the window button, the electric window opened slowly, except for the blinking indicator light on the wingspan of the plane, the window was dark, and at the end of the night was a light colored glow.

This is the first time Yang Tianlong has lived in the bedroom on his private jet.

Although the space inside is small, it has all the facilities and equipment, toilet + bathroom, LCD TV plus refrigerator, wardrobe, bedside table, everything is decorated in a simple yet luxurious way.

Naturally, there was no signal on the plane. After taking a beautiful shower, Yang Tianlong lay down on the bed.

There are a lot of movies stored in the LCD TV, Yang Tianlong is not very interested in those blockbuster movies, so he took out his mobile phone and dug out the short videos his children had taken while they were playing.

Seeing Phyllis and Gianni playing with excitement, Yang Tianlong suddenly became a little uncomfortable. He was separated from them for less than 12 hours, and he found that he missed the two children so much .

I was stunned to recall the photos and videos of the two children in the mobile phone several times, looked up at the night outside, and saw that the night outside became deeper, Yang Tianlong was reluctant to part with it. Put the phone in the nightstand.

Seeing that all the lights in the bedroom were turned off, he did not close the window shades.

Looking at the stars closer to him outside the window, Yang Tianlong slowly fell asleep.

The plane will encounter turbulence during the flight, so this night, Yang Tianlong was also woken up several times by the turbulence caused by the turbulence.

But every time, he just turned over slightly, and then continued to sleep soundly like a normal person.

He didn't open his eyes until the rising sun of Southeast Asia came in through the window.

At this moment, the flight attendant's notification sounded from the radio in the bedroom: "Dear Mr. Hua Xialong and Mr. Kong Duo, the plane is about to land at Mangu Airport in one hour. If you need to wash or shower, please do so within half an hour." It should be completed within the time limit to prevent the turbulence caused by the plane during the descent from causing damage to your body."

As soon as he heard the notification sound from the flight attendant asking him to wash up and take a shower, Yang Tianlong didn't dare to neglect the bed, he quickly got up from the bed and rushed into the bathroom...

After everything was packed, the plane began to descend, and a delicious breakfast was served on the dining table.

The lion's head did not appear in the cabin.

Yang Tianlong is also familiar with the habits of the lion head. According to the current habits of the lion head, this guy should still be sleeping soundly.

"Did you rest in the cabin last night?" Yang Tianlong said to the two beautiful stewardesses.

"Yes, we are all used to sleeping." The flight attendants replied with a smile on their faces.

"We may have to stay in Slow Valley for a few days, and the Super Flying Club will make arrangements for you." Yang Tianlong reminded.

"Thank you." The flight attendants once again expressed their gratitude to Yang Tianlong with gifts.

Seeing that the lion's head hadn't come out, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but came to the bedroom, and gently pressed the doorbell of the bedroom.

"Right away, right away..." Lion's Head's voice came through the bedroom door.

"Man, hurry up and have breakfast." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Here we come, we come." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the lion's head braiding himself.

"The hair is too long, so it's not easy to take care of it." Lion Head said with some embarrassment.

"There are many ladyboys in Dai country, you have to be careful that people will mistake them for ladyboys." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but said with a smile after seeing the lion's head with blond hair tied up casually, and there was indeed a beautiful girl from the side.

"Go aside." Lion Head said resentfully.

"Gentlemen, let's eat quickly. We have to clean up before the plane lands." A slightly tall flight attendant said quickly.

"Okay, okay, okay..." After Lion Head said several "good" words in succession, he looked at the delicious breakfast on the table.

Foie gras, caviar, grilled sausages, corn juice...

"I didn't expect the breakfast on the plane to be so rich." The lion said, picked up the knife and fork, and enjoyed the delicious breakfast on the plane with a happy face.


However, in order not to embarrass the flight attendants, it is not an exaggeration for Yang Tianlong and Lion Head to gobble up their breakfast in a hurry.

Just right, 2 minutes before the plane landed, the flight attendant put away all the tableware.


The climate in Slow Valley in December was relatively hot. After getting off the plane, at the exit of the airport, Dapeng came to greet them in an off-road vehicle.

This was also the first time Yang Tianlong saw Dapeng, a thin, dark-skinned Dai man about 1.7 meters tall.

It can be seen from the way Da Pong greeted Lion Head intimately that the relationship between them is very good.

"Come on, buddy, let me introduce you. This is my good buddy, the Huaxia Dragon from Huaxia." The lion head introduced Yang Tianlong with enthusiasm.

"Hello, Huaxia Dragon." Da Peng smiled.

"Huaxialong is a very amazing guy. When you have time, you can go to Africa to see it. At that time, you will find that there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there is a sky beyond the sky."

"If you have a chance, you must go to Africa for a visit." Although Dapeng looked barbaric, and his exposed skin was covered with tattoos, he also respected Yang Tianlong very much.

Dapeng had already heard the story of Yang Tianlong when Lion Head followed him through the wild mountains of Southeast Asia.

Therefore, when seeing Yang Tianlong right now, Dapeng called out directly, and Dapeng respected Yang Tianlong more from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, welcome." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Let's go to the hotel first." Da Peng said at this time.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, "Shouldn't we go to the head-down master first?"

"He's retreating today, and he won't be able to see him until tomorrow. It's only temporary, and I only found out about it. I'm sorry." Dapeng said apologetically.

"Okay, let's go to the hotel first, what's interesting about Slow Valley, tell us more about it, and take us to have fun." Lionhead said with a smile.

Dapeng nodded, and then turned his eyes to Yang Tianlong again, "Mr. Huaxialong, don't worry, he is a distant relative of mine, with powerful spells, it's easy to deal with that so-called Apusa."

After getting Da Peng's affirmative answer, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but feel relieved again.

"Okay, we will follow your arrangement."

(End of this chapter)

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