Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 868 Live Gu

Chapter 868 Live Gu
The head-down master named Su Ren lived on a high hill in the suburbs of Mangu City. Early the next morning, Dapeng drove his off-road vehicle to the entrance of the hotel.

This time, Da Peng didn't take Ma Zai with him. In his words, the place where the head-down master lives is originally a place full of mystery, and the fewer people know, the less it will be.

After bumping and bumping along the way, after two and a half hours, I finally reached the top of the mountain.

They saw an extremely simple canopy appearing in front of them.

Inside the canopy were neatly placed several god statues that looked extremely fierce and sinister. Although the canopy looked very simple, the inside was exceptionally clean.

"Bah..." Suddenly, a king cobra jumped up from the grass with its head held high.

The sudden giant king cobra was startled when they saw them.

"This is one of the living Gus of the head-down masters." Da Peng said while facing the king cobra with palms together, and then said something in Ulala, the Dai language.

Yang Tianlong and Lion Head looked at Dapeng curiously.

After Dapeng finished speaking, he stepped forward a few steps, slowly stretched out his hand, and gently stroked the high head of the king cobra with his hand.

Under the surprised eyes of Yang Tianlong and Lion Head, the King Cobra slowly crawled to the grass, and then slowly swam away.

"It's going to report to Su Ren now." Da Peng told them very seriously.

"Master Su Ren is not here?" Yang Tianlong looked around the top of the mountain just now, but he didn't see any living people.

Da Pong nodded, "Yes, he's not here, he's in the cave on the back of the mountain. Let's wait a while, if the king cobra doesn't have anything in its mouth, we can go directly to Su Ren Master. If you pick something up, it means you need to wait."

"Okay, let's wait here." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded, and then he looked at the surrounding mountains.

The country of Dai is located in the tropics, so even at the end of November, the trees on the mountains here are still lush and lush, and there is no sign of autumn coming.

Even the urban area of ​​Slow Valley not far away can see part of it.

"Do all the lowering masters live in such a remote place?" Lion Head couldn't help asking, unable to restrain his inner curiosity.

After Dapeng thought about it, he told Lion Head and Yang Tianlong that it doesn't really matter where the heads-down masters live, the important thing is that their living environment must be clean, and secondly, few people come to disturb them.

Because the daily work of the lowering masters is to refine Gu and practice. Through refining Gu, their Taoism becomes more powerful; at the same time, when Taoism becomes more powerful, they can practice various Gu.

"Then last time you were in Somalia, you could ask Master Su Ren for help." Lion Head asked suddenly.

Dapeng shook his head, "I'm in Somalia, so far away, you think they are gods, today we have to see if Master Su Ren can come out to help clean up Apusa, if possible, we will go to the next step We must go to Masileia to find the whereabouts of Apusa, and we must do it within a radius of fifty miles."

"Then what if he doesn't want to go out?" Suddenly, Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning.

Dapeng smiled and said, "Under normal circumstances, he would not refuse to save him. If he does not go out of the mountain, he will also give some spells and the like. Those things are enough to resist Apsa's mana."

Seeing that this was the case, Yang Tianlong's tense heart couldn't help but relax a lot again.

The three of them were chatting, when suddenly a sizzle sound came from the grass again.

They fixed their eyes and saw that it was the king cobra just now.

"It doesn't hold anything in its mouth." Yang Tianlong's eyes were tightly sized in the king cobra's mouth.

"Indeed." Dapeng smiled, and then he chanted a spell to the King Cobra with a very sincere face.

Not long after, the huge king cobra shook its body and led them to swim towards the cave.

There is a cliff in the cave, and the cliff is so narrow that only one person can pass through it.

Such a narrow place obviously has no problem for the king cobra. I saw that the king cobra was swimming on the edge of the cliff with ease.

But for Yang Tianlong and the others, it seemed a bit dangerous and difficult, because below was a bottomless cliff.

"It's okay, come with me." Dapeng's body is very thin, so his dexterity is also quite good, he told Yang Tianlong and Lion Head not to look at the cliff below, and the palm of the hand should grab the stone protruding from the cliff tightly , In this way, you can easily pass by the cliff road of more than ten meters.

After finishing speaking, Dapeng quickly made a demonstration action. His face was pressed against the rock wall, his hands were tightly grasped on the rock like iron claws, and then he slowly moved towards the cave step by step. past.

Yang Tianlong and Lion Head looked at each other, and they both nodded in unison, and then imitated Dapeng's action just now, and walked cautiously on the cliff.

There was no danger along the way, even after a few stones fell from the cliff, they finally came to the cave entrance.

The huge king cobra had already coiled its body above the entrance of the cave, and a pair of mung bean-sized eyes stared straight at Yang Tianlong and the lion head.

At the entrance of the cave, Dapeng did not enter right away, but put his hands together again with a very sincere face, and spoke respectfully into the cave.

It was still in Dai language, neither Yang Tianlong nor Lion Head could understand it.

After Da Peng finished speaking, a deep voice came from inside.

Da Peng nodded with reverence, then turned to Yang Tianlong and Lion Head and said, "Let's go, guys, Master Su Ren agreed for us to go in."

Yang Tianlong nodded to Lion Head, and then followed Da Peng into the not-so-spacious cave.

Thailand has a lot of rainy days, so the stone walls are also dripping with water.

Both sides of the cave are placed with human skulls along the way. After seeing these white skulls at first, Yang Tianlong and Lion Head couldn't help but feel an incomparably gloomy air all over their bodies, but after they got used to it, I also feel that there is nothing.

The path of the cave was winding, and after walking more than ten meters, Yang Tianlong and the others finally saw a faint light.

An air-dried old man sitting motionless like a Buddha statue sat on the ground.

Judging from his appearance and attire, he must be Master Su Ren.

At this time, Yang Tianlong and Lion Head discovered that Master Su Ren's eyes were all gone.

(End of this chapter)

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