Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 869 Sucking Blood

Chapter 869
They didn't expect that this famous head-bending master, one of the best in Southeast Asia, was actually a blind man.

"Please sit down, both of you." Master Su Ren said quite calmly.

And Dapon was their interpreter beside them.

Yang Tianlong nodded to Lion Head, imitating Da Peng's clasped hands just now, and bowed to Master Su Ren with a sincere face.

"I understand Apusa's ability. I fought against him in Singapore more than ten years ago." Master Su Ren said as soon as he was seated.

"Master Su Ren, two disciples of Apsa wanted to harm me, and when we were in China Magic City, we found an excuse to imprison the two disciples. A few days ago, they There was a sudden death in the detention center." Yang Tianlong said.

"Sudden death?" Master Su Ren's eyes, which had lost their light, couldn't help but move.

The expression on his face was very surprised, which made Yang Tianlong and Lion Head feel extremely scared in their hearts.

"Yes, he died suddenly." Yang Tianlong repeated again.

"To be honest, you have angered Apsa, Liangzi has been completely tied up, and his two disciples were killed by Apsa himself." Master Su Ren said.

"No way, Master Su Ren, don't the decapitated masters need to do it within a radius of [-] kilometers? The magic city is at least thousands of kilometers away from Masileia." Lion Head asked quite puzzled at this time .

Master Su Ren nodded, "That's right, but there is a premise that he has never been in contact with the object to be cast, but as long as he plants Gu in the bodies of the two head-down masters, he can completely kill people in this way." Thousands of miles away."

Seeing that this was the case, Yang Tianlong and Lion Head suddenly realized.

"Then why did he kill his two disciples?" Yang Tianlong asked again.

"Because Apsa needs to practice, so he must eat the essence of the head-down master."

"It's so far away, how does he eat it?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but asked curiously again.

"The two head-down masters were killed by a kind of Gu insect. After killing them, the Gu insect will turn into a kind of butterfly and fly across the ocean to Apsa. Apsa will swallow the butterfly. " Master Su Ren said calmly.

Seeing that Master Su Ren's words became more and more mysterious, many things even Da Peng himself hadn't heard of.

"Master Nasuren, may I ask whether you need to come out of the mountain yourself or make some spells for Huaxialong and the others." Dapeng asked quickly.

Master Su Ren sighed, and then slowly said: "This situation can only be out of the mountain, but as for where Apsa is currently, you can only find it yourself. I don't have any related items about him. This There is no way to help you."

Yang Tianlong and Lion Head looked at each other, then nodded involuntarily.

"You don't need to bother the mage to find Apusa's whereabouts, we will go find it ourselves."

"However, I can give you an approximate hiding place of Apsa. He is from Masileia, and he must be in Masileia at present, and he is hiding on an island. There must be residents near the island. Live, because the Apsa needs to suck the blood of people or livestock."

"Will the locals cooperate?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

Master Su Ren shook his head, "How can it be possible to cooperate, so the local area must have a relatively large population, and a single ethnic group is easy to be discovered."

"Thank you mage, but this also narrows the scope of the search." Yang Tianlong said.

"It is estimated that you will find it in three to five days." Master Su Ren said.

"Master, after Huaxialong and the others find Apusa, shouldn't you come out of the mountain?" Dapeng asked quickly again at this time.

Master Su Ren nodded, "Yes, once you confirm the location of Apsa, you can use this soul lock needle to draw a circle within [-] kilometers from Apsa's hiding place. Even if Apsa escapes in the future , as long as there is a soul-locking needle, once Apusa is within [-] kilometers of the soul-locking needle, this silver soul-locking needle will turn black."

After speaking, Master Su Ren handed a soul-locking needle about ten centimeters long to Dapeng.

The silver soul-locking needle is extraordinarily bright under the light of the faint candlelight.

Da Peng didn't dare to neglect, and carefully put away the soul-locking needle.

"I wish you good luck. Once I find the approximate location of Apsa, I will try my best to help you as soon as possible." Master Su Ren said.

"Thank you mage." Yang Tianlong and Lion Head said with clasped hands.

"I won't send you off." Master Su Ren gently waved his sleeves, and then his body spun gently as if sitting on a turntable.

Yang Tianlong and Lion Head looked surprised again, but they didn't see anything under Master Su Ren's body, it was just a cold stone under him.

"Thank you mage, then we won't bother you." Dapeng said with his palms folded as he stepped back.

After exiting the cave and reaching the top of the mountain, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but look at Dapeng.

"I'll help you find it." We'll go to Marcilea tomorrow. Da Peng said with a determined face.

Upon hearing that they were going to Marsileia tomorrow, Lion Head suddenly felt a burst of loss in his heart.

He has made an appointment with Mana to meet tomorrow afternoon.

After thinking about it, Lion Head decided to postpone the meeting with Mana.

"Old man, as long as we find Apusa, Master Su Ren can help us, don't worry." Lion head said and patted Yang Tianlong's shoulder lightly.

As soon as Lion Head finished speaking, Da Pong also started to speak.

"Actually, you can also think about it this way. Even if we don't find Apsa, he will definitely come to look for you if he wants to get rid of you. He doesn't have the ability to kill people thousands of miles away." Dapeng also comforted him.

Yang Tianlong smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

"Let's go, let's go to that night club to have fun at night." Lion Head offered to propose.

"Is it because of that woman?" Da Peng asked half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Lion Head no longer evaded this time, but nodded directly, "Yes, I found that I have fallen in love with her deeply."

He felt that maybe tonight was the best chance to get in touch with Mana.

Once you pass this village, maybe there will be no such shop.

Yang Tianlong and Apusa were taken aback, but soon they could understand the subtle feeling between men and women.

"I'll help you find out tonight." Da Peng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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