Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 870 This Woman Is Worth 1 Million Dollars

Chapter 870 This Woman Is Worth One Hundred Million Dollars
It was already afternoon when they returned to the urban area, and the daytime in Dai country was very hot, so after a simple afternoon tea at the hotel, they went back to their rooms to rest.

In the room, Yang Tianlong made a phone call with his lover. It was still in the morning in Berlin at this time, but the weather was much colder than Slow Valley. Even when there was heating at home, his wife was wearing thin turtleneck sweater.

The two children, Phyllis and Gianni, also wore sweaters with cartoon patterns, and they were playing in the entertainment room on the first floor.

The entertainment room was specially built by Yang Tianlong for the children before he left. Phyllis and Gianni seemed to like playing in it, because even when Yang Tianlong was videoing with Elena, they didn’t look at the phone screen at all. on dad.

It wasn't until Elena brought them both to the phone that they realized that Papa was actually in the mirror.

Phyllis excitedly grabbed the phone with her chubby hands; Gianni moved her mouth to the screen of the phone, trying to kiss her papa.

The whole afternoon, Yang Tianlong spent the video with his wife in the hotel room. During the video with his wife, he forgot all his troubles.


After Lion Head returned to the room, he quickly took out his cell phone and called Mana.

Unexpectedly, what awaited him was the sound of the phone shutting down.

Lion Head was a little unbelievable, and made several calls in succession, with the same voice on the phone.

He seemed a little angry, so angry that he even threw the phone towards the bed.

Then he lay down on the bed with his feet up...

Everything was languishing until it was time for dinner.

"I want to see Mana urgently." The lion head said seriously.

Dapeng smiled, "Okay, no problem, let's go to the night club and listen to music first after eating."

Lion Head nodded, and he began to miss Mana again.

Right now, in his opinion, Mana is the most beautiful girl in the world, there is no only one; and he feels more and more deeply in his heart that Mana may be born for him.

I want to be an excellent man, a man who dares to take responsibility.

After thinking about it for a while, Lion Head picked up the phone again and sent a message to Krisna, who was thousands of miles away, "I met a girl who is as beautiful as a fairy, since the first time I saw her From the first glance, I feel that love can be pure. Even if I don't sleep with her, I can see her a few more times a day, but I feel that this is the happiest thing in the world. Sorry, Krisna, we are not suitable , it’s just that each other is combined to meet the needs of human nature, I wish you happiness, and at the same time, please wish me happiness..."

After sending this text message, Lion Head didn't bother to pay attention to other content, and turned off the phone directly.

Finally, after dinner, Dapeng drove his off-road vehicle straight to the night show, this time back to the night show, Dapeng brought a few more younger brothers.

Although the security check at the night show is very strict, all of these boys are masters of Dai boxing, and they can deal with ordinary people with one enemy.

Sure enough, they went so early that when they went, the waiters at the nightclub were still cleaning.

"Is Miss Mana here?" Lion Head looked at a young waiter and couldn't help asking.

The waiter shook his head, "Sorry, Miss Mana won't be here until ten o'clock in the evening."

"Okay." Lion Head looked at his watch, and it was only 07:30, which was more than two hours before Mana arrived.

"Old man, the pain of lovesickness, isn't it suffering?" Da Peng joked.

"Indeed, I'm suffering a lot right now." The lion's head looked helpless.

"Come on, I'll take you to find their manager." Da Peng said with a smile.

"Okay, now?" Lion Head couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

"Of course it's now, maybe it's better to wait until after ten o'clock." Da Peng smiled and said.

"I won't go, I'll wait for you here." Yang Tianlong said while holding up a bottle of beer.

"Okay, have fun." Da Peng said with a smile.

After communicating with the waiter at the night show, and after giving some tips, Da Peng took the lion's head and found the night show manager's office.

"Dude, don't talk dark tomorrow, my brother wants to redeem Miss Mana." Dapeng went straight to the point.

The night manager was taken aback, and was stunned for a while.


"You can ask your boss to see how much it is." Da Peng said with a relaxed face.

The lion head also has an extremely calm and relaxed face, isn't it money?You can still come up with a few million dollars yourself.

"Miss Mana is the number one oiran of our performing arts company." The manager stammered.

"Isn't it just money? I don't believe it is priceless." Da Pong was a little angry.

"This..." The manager of the night scene was also a little embarrassed. He also knew that these guys on the opposite side were also gangsters. Although they were not familiar with each other, they still had to give some face.

After some hesitation, the night manager told them he was calling the boss right now.

After all, this guy actually walked out.

Only Lion Head and Da Pong remained in the office.

"I estimate around 4-500." Da Peng said cynically.

"The price is not bad." Lion Head smiled.

The night manager had been on the phone for a while, and returned to the office after more than ten minutes.

"One hundred million dollars." He was a little afraid to look at Da Pong.

"What?" Da Pong was taken aback. He had no idea that a woman was worth [-] million dollars.

"You're not kidding me, are you?" Da Peng said angrily.

The manager of the night scene also looked quite helpless, "Sir, this is the price set by our boss. I thought he was joking at the time. After asking for instructions many times, he told me that he wanted to take away Mana. As far as I know, several big bosses have taken a fancy to Miss Mana."

"Call your boss, I'll talk to him." Lion Head said at this time.

"Our boss is very busy." The night manager quickly apologized with a smile.

"Don't you have time to talk about business worth [-] million yuan? It seems that your boss doesn't even talk about business worth less than [-] million yuan." Lionhead snorted coldly.

"The boss's arrangement is up to us youngsters, why don't I call him." The night manager said cautiously.

"You hit us right in front of us." Da Peng grabbed the wrist of the night manager at this moment, and said with a vicious expression on his face.

Da Peng's fingers were like iron claws, deeply grasped the night manager and would not let go. The night manager couldn't resist, so he obediently took out his mobile phone and called their boss in front of them.

"What kind of shit, don't talk about it if you can't give [-] million dollars."

"What kind of bird people are they? If I insist on going to the scene, I won't go."


After cursing viciously, the owner of the nightclub hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the night manager looked mournful.

"Look, this is what our boss said himself."

(End of this chapter)

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