Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 876 Locking the Position

Chapter 876 Locking the Position
After successfully taming the parrot, Yang Tianlong quickly transferred his consciousness to the parrot's consciousness.

Compared to this fierce eagle, the size of the parrot is really insignificant, which is why the fierce eagle could easily press the parrot on the ground and rub it back and forth.

The parrot quickly flew in the tropical jungle, its eyes quickly looked around, and after a simple exchange of consciousness, the parrot quickly flew towards the destination.

During this period, Yang Tianlong withdrew his consciousness from the parrot. After all, it is indeed a very strenuous task to control animals with his own consciousness.

After recovering his consciousness, Yang Tianlong realized that he was already sweating profusely.

His body also became a little tired.

Even the air conditioner in the room didn't seem to work on its own.

He couldn't help but took out a bottle of iced coke from the refrigerator in the room, opened the lid of the coke violently, and drank all the drink in his hand.

He had just finished drinking, even when he was hiccupping, suddenly the parrot's reminder sound came to his mind.

Regardless of his tired body, Yang Tianlong quickly injected his consciousness into the parrot's body again.

A log cabin was found.

Under the cover of lush trees, this small wooden house has become extremely inconspicuous. If the parrot hadn't lived on the island for a long time, it might not be possible to find it here.

The parrot suddenly landed next to the cabin, and it looked at the building in front of it with its own eyes.

Everything around is unusually quiet, and even the area around the cabin is no longer overgrown with weeds like other places.

Yang Tianlong soon thought of what the lion head told him, that is, the descendant masters are extremely clean, and everything around their living territory is clean and tidy.

There is no doubt that this island is the island where Apsa hides, and the cabin is his retreat.

Yang Tianlong told the parrot with his consciousness, just stay where he is, and can't go anywhere.

The well-behaved parrot nodded subconsciously.

After finishing all this work, Yang Tianlong took his consciousness back from the parrot.

It's already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

After regaining consciousness, he lay paralyzed on the sofa for a while, and then regained some energy.


Early the next morning, Yang Tianlong got up early, and he injected his consciousness into the parrot again, so that the parrot flew around the cabin. At this time, Yang Tianlong realized that, Apart from a door, there are no other accessories in the cabin.

It seems that Apusa is really practicing in seclusion, otherwise, how could he not even install a window?

After regaining consciousness, Yang Tianlong hurriedly washed up and came to the restaurant of the hotel.

Da Pong had already gotten up, and he took his little brother to eat in the restaurant, but he didn't seem to see the lion's head.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon." Seeing Yang Tianlong, Dapeng hurriedly greeted him.

"Hey, Dapeng." Yang Tianlong walked over with a smile and said, "Where is the lion's head?"

"I guess I'm still sleeping late." Da Peng smiled and said, "We just came down."

Reminiscent of Lion Head's habit of sleeping late, Yang Tianlong couldn't help smiling after hearing this, and then sat down.

"Master Su Ren came to Mingdulu at noon today." Dapeng said while picking up the phone and handing it to Yang Tianlong.

"Then it is estimated that he will arrive here tomorrow at the soonest." Yang Tianlong said.

Dapeng nodded, "Almost, rest at the port tonight, and then take the ferry over early tomorrow morning, probably around noon tomorrow."

"I've found Apsa's retreat." Yang Tianlong took out his cell phone while talking.

On his mobile phone is the Google Earth downloaded last night, and the effect is not one or two times better than the paper version of the map.

Soon, he located Apsa's cabin, but under the cover of layers of trees, he couldn't see the situation in the cabin very clearly.

"Are you sure?" Dapon frowned.

"Sure." Yang Tianlong nodded, and said with a face full of promises.

In fact, they had initially locked on that small island last night, and Yang Tianlong just proved that Apsa was on that small island.

"That's good, let's take a good rest today." Da Peng said seriously.

"Hey, why did you just get up?" Just as Da Peng's voice fell to the ground, a familiar voice suddenly came in from outside.

Yang Tianlong and Da Peng took a closer look, only to know that it was a lion's head.

Isn't this guy sleeping late?Why does it look like he just came back from morning exercise.

"Aren't you sleeping late?" Yang Tianlong asked in surprise.

The lion head was stunned, then shook his head, "How can I sleep late, why sleep late at this time, I will recover my body functions now, let alone, the air here is really good in the morning."

Waiting for the lion's head to approach, at this moment, Yang Tianlong and the others realized that this guy was actually sweating profusely.

"How is it? Let's go to that small island in the morning to see." Lion Head picked up a bottle of drink and began to drink wildly.

"You don't need to look, old man." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Why?" Lion Head was a little surprised.

"There are not so many reasons, Huaxialong said that he has confirmed that Apusa is on that island." Dapeng laughed at this time.

"I'm rough, so powerful." Lion Head blurted out, but soon he laughed again. This ability doesn't seem to be any difficulty for the omnipotent Huaxia Dragon.

"So you can have a good rest in the morning." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"We can go to the beach and have fun." Lion Head said with a smile.

"Yes, I heard that there are quite a few bikini girls there." Yang Tianlong said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"That's not going." Lion Head shook his head seriously, "I only have one woman in my heart, Mana, and I don't even want to look at those women."

"So dedicated and infatuated?" Yang Tianlong said.

Lion Head nodded, and then said with a serious face, "Perhaps, this is the real me."

"I'll go..." Yang Tianlong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


Since Master Su Ren will arrive at Sera Island at noon tomorrow, Yang Tianlong and the others can have a good time playing on the small island surrounded by the blue sea this day.

However, there are not many tourists here, which makes them more relaxed when they are playing.

After spending a whole day playing outside, when I returned to the hotel, a horror movie about the head-down master happened to be playing on the TV in the hotel.

The picture of this movie looks very bloody, but it immediately caught Yang Tianlong's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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