Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 877 The Thunderstorm Is Coming

Chapter 877 The Thunderstorm Is Coming
This film, which was filmed at an unknown location, is full of primitive horror. After watching it, even though the sunset outside is still at that time, everyone can't help but get goosebumps all over the place.

Some guys even ran into the bathroom.

"Isn't the film about the master of the lower head too mysterious?" Lion Head said involuntarily.

"Actually, it is often more cruel than this now, and many phenomena cannot be explained by science." Da Peng couldn't help frowning, "You may not believe it, but in the Golden Triangle village where I stayed, there is a person who can hold his breath in the water A good man for hours."

"Hold your breath for hours?" Yang Tianlong and Lion Head couldn't help being surprised.

"Yes, I held my breath for several hours." Dapeng said seriously, "There is a pond next to the village, and a woman died in it one year. The pond should be connected to an underground cave or something like that. Therefore, the terrain in the center of the pond is quite complicated, and no one dared to go down to fish for people. In desperation, I could only turn to that expert. I didn't believe it at the time, but after I saw it, I completely believed it. In the pond until the water completely submerged our body. At first, we thought he was dead if he couldn’t come out for such a long time. Later, we heard from the villagers next to him that he had special functions, so we waited patiently until At night, when it was getting dark, the figure of that guy appeared on the surface of the water, and I saw him dragging the corpse towards the shore step by step with a calm face."

"That guy is indeed a god-man." Yang Tianlong observed Da Peng's face from time to time when he was telling the story vividly just now, and after seeing that his face was quite calm, he no longer felt that He is bragging.

"So many phenomena cannot be explained from a scientific point of view." Dapon said.

After Dapon finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

All eyes seemed to be fixed on the TV with the final subtitles on the screen.

Suddenly at this moment, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky. The light of this bolt of lightning was so dazzling that everyone who saw it couldn't help squinting their eyes.

After the lightning, there was rumbling thunder. At this time, everyone was surprised to find that the sky that was still clear just now began to have large swathes of dark clouds floating over.

The strong wind also blew up with the change of weather.

Seeing this, the hotel owner quickly unplugged the TV series.

"Everyone, hurry up and see if any electrical plugs are still plugged in." The boss continued to unplug the sockets of other electrical appliances while talking.

"The thunderstorm here is so severe?" Yang Tianlong asked with a look of surprise.

The boss nodded straightly, "Yes, the thunderstorms here are indeed very severe, and the frequency is very high, so you should quickly check if any electrical appliances are still plugged into the socket, otherwise it will be easily damaged."

As soon as the boss finished speaking, there was another gust of wind mixed with lightning.

The sky was completely dark this time, and the outside became almost invisible.

The boss shook his head helplessly, then found the remaining candles from the cupboard, and handed them to the lion head who was closest to him.

"Guys, take this with you when the power goes out."

"Isn't it common for small islands to have power outages?" Dapeng asked involuntarily.

The boss nodded, "Of course it's a common thing. The electricity here is provided by the generator on the island. In this bad weather, the generator dare not work. Otherwise, it will be struck by lightning all of a sudden. Well, there will be no electricity on the island for ten days and half a month, and the real sufferers will be us island residents."

Yang Tianlong nodded involuntarily, thinking in his heart, no wonder the prices here are so expensive, and life in all aspects is really hard-won.

"What's for dinner? Gentlemen." The boss asked again at this time.

"Eat whatever you want, how can it be as simple as possible?" Seeing that the weather outside is really bad, everyone naturally has no desire to eat. For them, it is enough to fill their stomachs right now.

"Okay, then I'll get you some noodles and fried beef." The boss said.

"Okay, thank you." Yang Tianlong nodded gratefully towards him.

"You guys go up and rest first, and you'll probably be fine in half an hour." The boss also said with a smile on his face.

After a day of playing outside, everyone's physical strength has been exhausted, and after thinking about it, they all find a place to lie down.

But in the room on the second floor, as soon as they entered the room, all the lights in the corridor went out with a snap.

"The power went out?" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

Some guys didn't believe in evil, they flicked the switch, but there was no response at all.

Only then did they realize how stuffy the room was.

Fortunately, the windows on the second floor are all sliding windows, so there will be no crackling noise from the windows being hit.

Yang Tianlong opened the window of the room, and the storm suddenly poured in all at once, and he was caught off guard by the rain that blew all over his face.

He had no choice but to quickly close the half-opened sliding window, leaving only a tiny gap of space.

However, it is enough to have this little gap, and he can fully enjoy the cool and humid wind outside.

Naturally, the candles in the house didn't work at this time, Yang Tianlong didn't bother to light the candles, but once again locked his eyes on the low hillside behind the window.

This is his habitual action.

The hill in the dark night looked like a monster, with its bloody mouth wide open, and lightning flashed across the hill from time to time, making the hill even more ferocious against the backdrop.

Taking out the mobile phone, the signal of the mobile phone is also extremely weak.

This ghost weather.

Yang Tianlong cursed secretly in his heart.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon, it's me." The lion's head's voice came over.

As soon as he heard the voice of the lion's head, Yang Tianlong hurried up to meet him and opened the door for him.

"It's too hot in the house, let's go sit on the first floor." The lion's head was sweating profusely, and even his beautiful blond hair was drooping on his forehead wetly.

"Where are the others?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"They're probably still in the room."

"Okay, let's go." Yang Tianlong nodded.

But when he reached the stairs, he stopped suddenly.

"Old buddy, call them all up. You can't see your fingers here now. In case someone has a problem, everyone can help in time."

Stepping on the iron-framed welded stairs suspended under his feet, Lion Head nodded without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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