Chapter 878
Soon, these guys all came out of the sweltering room. At this time, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the strong wind was extremely raging. Coupled with the power outage of the hotel and the continuous shaking of the wind chimes at the door, the whole The hotel created a rather scary atmosphere.

Cautiously came to the first floor, and saw that under the reflection of the red light of the gas stove, the boss who was busy making dinner was also dripping with sweat.

Yang Tianlong and the others didn't bother the boss, but found a corner in the restaurant on the first floor and sat down quietly. Although the windows were completely closed, there was still a slight gap at the door. This gap, which has not been completely closed, makes the first floor of the hotel not so hot.

"The weather looks really scary." Dapeng, who has been drilling around the Golden Triangle area all year round, couldn't help frowning.

"Indeed, I have never seen such bad weather in Africa." Lion Head frowned involuntarily.

As soon as he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky again, instantly reflecting the scenery in front of them clearly.

I saw the dense trees shaking constantly in the rain, as if bewitched by something, countless raindrops hit the ground like bullets, splashing small pits one after another on the ground.

"I don't know when the rain will stop." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Da Peng couldn't help but looked at the sky outside again. The sky outside was still covered with dark clouds, and the thick dark clouds didn't know when they would be blown away by the wind.

"It's not easy to say." Da Peng shook his head and said.

"Gentlemen, the noodles are ready." The boss walked over slowly with a large bowl of noodles.

The noodles were steaming hot.

"Thank you." Yang Tianlong smiled at the boss with a grateful face.

"The workmanship may not be very good, so you just have to live with it." The boss smiled and said.

"It smells good." Da Peng also smiled like a kind person.

"I'll go over and fry some steak for you." After putting down the noodles, the boss walked slowly towards the kitchen.

Although Lion Head is not Asian, but after smelling the rather fragrant noodles, his appetite suddenly increased.

He is even relatively proficient in using chopsticks, thanks to the foundation he laid while staying in the Burmese shop.

Everyone quickly put the noodles on their respective plates.

"The taste is a bit bland." Da Peng couldn't help saying after taking two bites.

"I'll get you some chili." One of his boys said hastily.

Da Pong nodded, motioning for that guy to go quickly.

"Hua Xialong, do you like chili?" Da Peng asked suddenly.

"It's okay." Yang Tianlong also took two bites just now and found that the taste of the noodles was indeed a bit bland.

"Oh my god, ghost..." However, just as Yang Tianlong's words fell to the ground, a terrifying cry came from the kitchen.

"What's the situation?" Yang Tianlong and the others couldn't help being startled after hearing the terrifying cry.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crackling sound in the kitchen.

Yang Tianlong and the others rushed towards the kitchen in a swarm.

"Brother, this guy seems to be possessed by a demon." Dapeng's boy was holding a shining kitchen knife in his hand, and his arm was cut by the shop owner just now.

At this time, everyone noticed that the store owner had a different expression on his face, his eyes seemed to be full of dullness, and he was different from normal people at a glance.

"What's wrong with him?" Da Peng hurriedly shouted at the head-down masters he brought.

"Oops, he's been poisoned by Gu." A head-down master couldn't help but hasten to say.

"Gu poison?" Da Peng and the others were taken aback.

"This is a time-delay Gu, there must be other head-down masters who have come here." The head-down master explained.

"Then what should we do?" Da Peng asked quickly.

"Let's cast spells and set up the formation quickly, and we can't let him escape." After hearing what their leader said, the head-down masters couldn't help but nodded quickly.

But the shop owner doesn't seem to be able to control that much. Right now, he has become extraordinarily manic, the veins on his neck have become bulging, and he even lifted up the hundred-pound stone pier. He looked at Yang Tianlong and the others fiercely, then yelled, and threw the stone block in his hand towards Yang Tianlong and the others viciously.

For this move of the shop owner, everyone has been prepared for a long time, and they are scattered, so it does not pose any threat to them.

Seeing that Shi Dunzi didn't seem to pose any threat to the other party, the shop owner roared again, then picked up a kitchen knife, and quickly walked towards Yang Tianlong and the others.

If it was on their territory, the shop owner would have been shot to death long ago, but now Yang Tianlong and Da Peng can't attack the shop owner, after all, they are in another country.

"Go..." Seeing that the shop owner was about to threaten people, the lower-headed masters quickly used the magic tools and normal lines in their hands. There were a lot of them, so after a few efforts, they were able to use the shop boss's normal lines. tied up.

The shop owner who was tied up by the normal thread could only lay down on the ground and wailed miserably. The more he moved, the deeper the normal thread was pierced, and the shop owner's face became more and more ferocious.

But he could only lie on the ground and struggle miserably.

A little tranquility returned to the house.

"It seems that someone came this afternoon and poisoned the shop owner." Da Peng looked at the guy and couldn't help but said, "Is there a way to undo the poison?"

The heads-down masters shook their heads, "Our mana is far from enough. This is a time-delay Gu. The Gu has already penetrated into the internal organs of the human body. It depends on whether Master Su Ren can undo this powerful poison."

"Having tied him up like this, he shouldn't be able to run away, right?" Lion Head asked involuntarily as he looked at the shop owner with a scary face at his feet.

"As long as no one else comes in, it shouldn't be possible." The lowering master said, "But we still have one thing to worry about."

"Where is it?" Yang Tianlong sized up the head master with piercing eyes.

"I'm worried that he is not the only person on the island who has been affected by the delay Gu." The lowering master expressed his concern solemnly.

"Pa..." At this moment, Yang Tianlong and the others only heard a crisp sound from the glass door, followed by the sound of large pieces of glass falling to the ground.

"Oops...they're here." The lowering master said with a trembling heart.

(End of this chapter)

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