Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 879 Zombie Siege

Chapter 879 Zombie Siege
As soon as the voice of the lowering master fell, I saw a guy with a ferocious face, even with a few pieces of glass shards stuck in his face, staggering into the door. The guy looked as terrifying as a zombie in a movie .

"Normal line..." The head-down master in the front couldn't help shouting, and then the guy next to him with the normal line in his hand came to him with a big stride.

The two pulled the normal line, and then quickly entangled the person who came.

The normal line was entwined around the guy who had been poisoned, and white smoke started to rise from the guy who was hit hard, and the expression on his face was extremely uncomfortable. Except for two, that guy was tightly entangled together.

"No, we don't have enough normal lines." At this moment, the head-down master seemed to have discovered that there were more guys who had been infected with the delay Gu, and walked towards the hotel staggeringly.

Yang Tianlong and the others took advantage of the powerful light that disappeared in an instant to take a closer look, and they saw a lot of staggering, dazed people walking towards the hotel regardless of the thunder and rain outside.

"Let's close the doors and windows quickly." Lion Head said loudly.

"No, let's flee to the second floor." The leader of the head-down master said firmly, "They have been affected by the time-delay Gu, and they are all extremely powerful. Even if we close the doors and windows, they will still break through the door and escape. enter."

"Ah..." As soon as he finished speaking, a guy also broke out from the door.

"No, hurry up and wrap him with the lawn."

The two head-down masters who were already waiting at the door moved very quickly. In less than 20 seconds, they also entangled this guy.

However, the guys behind were getting closer and closer to the hotel, and the normal lines in the hands of the head-down masters were completely insufficient, so they had to quickly run up to the second floor.

The entire hotel can only be reached by a staircase made of welded steel frames.

At the stairs on the second floor, everyone started to think of a way to saw off the stairs.

However, they looked around, but they didn't seem to find any usable tools.

In desperation, they had no choice but to stand on the stairs on the second floor to stop the attack of these crazy guys.

Yang Tianlong also searched the entire room on the second floor just now, and he couldn't seem to find anything other than the cabinet and the bed.

In desperation, everyone had to throw several beds in the stairwell to prevent the crazy guys from attacking.

However, their thinking was too simple. Those guys took advantage of attacking in groups, and each of them became extremely powerful. It didn't take long for them to use various tools on the bed they threw It broke open.

"Ah..." The guy in the lead had blue eyes, and was less than five meters away from them.

"Fake..." Lion Head yelled, and then threw a pot of flowers at the stairway towards the guy's belly.

The guy took a big step forward without fear, and the flowerpot hit him hard on the waist.

He was all right, but the flowerpot was broken in pieces.

"What should I do?" Everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Use an electric baton." Yang Tianlong quickly took out the electric baton and handed it to the guys in front.

Those guys didn't care about 21, and pressed the switch hard. In an instant, Yang Tianlong's surroundings were filled with the sound of crackling electricity.

However, a miraculous scene appeared again, those guys were actually fine.

"Broken?" Da Peng's boy was surprised, he subconsciously pressed himself lightly, and his whole body twitched.

Fortunately, Lion's Head reacted quickly, and with a flying kick, the electric baton in the horse boy's hand was kicked away.

"What should I do?" Everyone was completely dumbfounded, more and more guys appeared at the corner of the stairs, and they began to press forward step by step.

If they can't think of a useful way, then the only thing waiting for them is to jump out of the window and escape. After all, you can't kill these guys at all, they are just bewitched.

"Come on, here is oil." Yang Tianlong suddenly handed out several barrels of oil to Da Peng and the others.

When they saw the cooking oil, they couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and they quickly poured the cooking oil down the stairs.

Needless to say, this cooking oil is really effective. The guys who were caught off guard fell to the ground one after another. They struggled hard to get up from the ground. Unexpectedly, there was more and more cooking oil, and they couldn't get off at all.

"Hua Xialong, your method is great." Lion Head laughed.

Dapeng was a little surprised, "Huaxialong, where did you find this cooking oil? Why didn't we find it just now?"

"It's in the corner of the second floor. I also found it by accident." Yang Tianlong said.

In fact, these edible oils are all stored in his plane warehouse.

"Oh..." Da Peng no longer doubted.

However, the gap in the stairwell was not completely sealed. After less than 5 minutes, as the cooking oil passed, the guys who had been infected with the Gu began to stand up again, and some were even smarter. He took off his clothes and threw them in the stairwell.

Now everyone was dumbfounded again, they didn't expect those guys who had been infected by the Gu to have such a trick.

"What should I do?" They thought about this question again.

There are not many normal lines, and it is estimated that 3-4 guys can be restrained at most; the hotel does not seem to have a third floor.

Dapeng also found out helplessly that even Master Su Ren's cell phone couldn't get through.

In fact, it's not that Master Su Ren's mobile phone signal is not good, but that their mobile phone signal here is really bad.

"Hurry up and jump out of the window." Da Peng said helplessly.

"Hey, there are stairs here, we can go up to the third floor." Suddenly, Lion's Head's cry startled them all.

Everyone took a closer look, and there was indeed a staircase erected in the utility room on the second floor. This staircase was specially set up for checking the situation on the roof.

At this moment, it was still raining heavily outside.

There are still many tents in Yang Tianlong's plane warehouse. After thinking about it, he was the first to climb up the shaft stairs.

The top of the stairs was sealed with a steel plate, and Yang Tianlong pushed the steel plate away only after he used all his might.

As soon as the steel plate was lifted, a storm poured in.

Caught off guard, he couldn't help shivering.

(End of this chapter)

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