Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 880 Nowhere to Run

Chapter 880 Nowhere to Run

Although it was still stormy and lightning outside, but now Yang Tianlong didn't care so much at all. He gritted his teeth, and with a movement of supporting the wall with his hands, he jumped to the top of the building.

Those guys who have been tricked have gradually walked to the corridor on the second floor. Da Peng and the others tried their best to close the door of the utility room, but those guys seemed to have gone crazy. Push and pull the wooden door with your hands or feet.

Lionhead and the others climbed up the stairs of the shaft one by one, and finally, after those crazy guys broke through the barrier of the door, they all came to the top of the building.

All the people are here.

"Cover the cover." Da Peng commanded his horses to quickly lift the steel cover to the shaft. This steel plate is indeed very heavy. Da Peng's two horses spent a lot of time With the power of the tiger, he lifted the cover to the shaft.

"There are tents here." At this time, Yang Tianlong took out several tents trembling all over.

"Is there a tent here?" Da Peng and Lion Head couldn't help being surprised.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, I found it here."

"My God, it seems that God is blessing us." Seeing the tent, everyone couldn't help being overjoyed, and the lion head couldn't help but draw a cross on his chest.

Braving the pouring rain, everyone worked in a hurry for a while, and finally set up the tent.

They even set up a tent in the shaft, and the sound of knocking was heard from the steel plate of the shaft from time to time. It seemed that the guys also climbed up, but the thick steel plate completely isolated them under the steel plate.

"Is it possible that those guys have always been like this?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but looked at a head-down master beside him and asked.

The head-subduing master shook his head, "No, they haven't always been like this."

"Then when will it become normal?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"Generally speaking, when the golden rooster crows at dawn, they will return to normal." The lowering master said.

"Can they hear the rooster crowing in this damn weather?" Lion Head couldn't help but smile wryly.

The head-down master shook his head, "This kind of storm is definitely not heard now. If the storm keeps going like this, they will automatically return to normal at dawn."

"We didn't wound or kill them just now, did we?" Yang Tianlong looked at everyone and couldn't help asking.

"No." Everyone nodded in affirmation.

"That's good. Now these guys all look extremely crazy, but they are also victims, so don't get involved in lawsuits here." Yang Tianlong said with a light breath.

"Yeah, if there is something wrong with them, we might have to face a lawsuit. Both Lion's Head and Da Peng have experienced the feeling of being in prison. The feeling is beyond words.

"I don't know when the storm will stop." Yang Tianlong sighed softly. To be honest, although the three islands of Sera are still basically in summer, but the storm has been falling for almost an hour, and they are all tired. They were basically soaked through, so everyone hugged their bodies and couldn't help shivering.

"There must be a head-removing master on this small island." A head-reducing master couldn't help but frowned and said.

"Can this be done?" Yang Tianlong said in surprise.

Master Jiang nodded, "Actually, it's very simple to do this method, just like you Chinese people pray for rain."

"Could it be that Apusa is doing it?" Lionhead asked quickly.

The head-down master shook his head, "No, Apsa is currently practicing in seclusion. As long as he has a heartbeat or action, his meridians will be disordered, and he will go crazy. He will come out in a few days, so it must be done right now. It's not him doing it, but someone like his apprentice is doing it, and I'm sure that guy is on the small island of Serasan right now."

"Can you find the specific location?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help becoming a little furious when he heard that Apusa's apprentice dared to practice on the small island of Serasan.


"Why?" Lion Head was very puzzled. You must know that these abductors are not vegetarians, so he seemed very dissatisfied with their answers.

"We didn't bring a magic weapon." The lowering master said with a rather helpless expression.

The magic weapon is equivalent to the weapon of the descendants. In the chaos just now, they all forgot to bring the magic weapon.

"If this head-down master practices the technique on a small island, are there any characteristics to be found?" Yang Tianlong asked curiously.

"Yes." A head-down master said swearingly.

"Say it quickly." Yang Tianlong said quickly.

"There will be a green light around him, this is the biggest feature."

"It's all green light?"


"Okay, I understand." Yang Tianlong nodded involuntarily, and then he began to close his eyes slightly as if he was sleepy.

This made everyone a little confused, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in this Huaxia dragon gourd.

Yang Tianlong didn't fall asleep, but injected his consciousness into Mengdiao's consciousness.

Meng Diao was still on that small island at this time, to Yang Tianlong's surprise, there was no rain on that small island, and even the moon could be seen.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he was even more determined that there was a head-down master on the island.

Directing Meng Diao to fly quickly towards the small island of Serasan with his thoughts.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Tianlong opened his eyes again, and said to the heads-down masters, "If there are head-down masters, is it raining only here?"

"That's right." The head-down master nodded.

"We must find that guy." Yang Tianlong couldn't help saying with a face of swearing.

Seeing the extremely swearing expression on the backbone's face, everyone couldn't help but nodded along with them.


After waiting for Meng Diao to fly over the small island of Sera, Yang Tianlong closed his eyes slightly again, and he began to use his mind to control Meng Diao to fly at low altitude on the small island full of storms.

Under the invasion of the storm, the entire small island looked at the past in the air, and the entire small island had no light at all, as if it had completely become a lifeless deserted island.

The fierce eagle flew quickly in the storm, but after it flew around, it didn't find anything suspicious.

Yang Tianlong was also taken aback, for this reason, he couldn't help but lowered the flying height of Meng Diao again.

The lower the flight, the greater the consumption of Mengdiao's physical strength, but it could not resist the powerful instructions of the host, so it had to overcome the extreme exhaustion of its body and fly at a low altitude...

However, after this lap, it seemed that the target was still not found.

Yang Tianlong was a little discouraged all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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